By Pepper Parr
March 16th, 2021
Who can get vaccinated now – how do they register?
It is a little on the confusing side when you try to register for a vaccination.
The province opened up its web site yesterday – it didn’t work all that well – but they appear to have solved the problems.
So – if you live in Burlington, or anywhere in the Region, and you are using the provincial web site to make a vaccination appointment that web site will push you over to the Regional site which has worked very well from the day they opened it up.
Biggest concern is – who can register.
Those over 80.
Those working in the medical field – and they all go to the Oakville Trafalgar Hospital.
Those in long term care housing have been taken care of. The Region went to extraordinary effort to ensure those people were vaccinated. They had mobile units that went to each location.
The rest of us have to wait until the medical people know that they have vaccines in stock and that they can meet the demand. Then, and only then will things open up for vaccination registrations.
There is a lot of data on the Regional web site. The link to that web site is HERE
We are going to have to learn to be patient and we must continue to follow the rules.
Six feet apart – wear the mask. If you have to get out of the house and have dinner with people – make sure you are dining with people that you live with. Yes that does limit things – the objective is to prevent the spread of a virus that is proving to be quite a bit smarter than anyone expected.