Your Waterfront - What's Happening? A lot more than you might realize.

eventspink 100x100By Pepper Parr

November 11th, 2016



Burlington tends to get defined by its relationship to the lake and the Escarpment. Try tinkering with either in a major way and the citizens descend on city hall.

Everyone have their own relationship to Spencer Smith Park and the Pier and most people tend to feel they are aware of what’s going on.

Burlington Waterfront, a small volunteer group of citizens dedicating their efforts to promote the protection of and enhance access to our waterfront have planned a meeting on Monday December 5th at 7pm. to share with you what’s happening

And just what is happening?

Bridgewater from the west - higher elevation

Bridgewater development on Lakeshore – rendering of the project from the lake.


One of many Windows on the Lake.

Windows to the Lake
Burlington Beach Park
LPMA wave break
Burloak Park
Martha St Adi tower
Water pollution at Brant St beach
Blue Water Place townhouses
Willow tree pieces
Bridgewater development
Waterfront Hotel master plan
Cootes to Escarpment Eco-Park System

The group has members from Wards 2, 4, and 6 currently – so not just downtown or along the waterfront. They are interested in expanding their membership but that is no the purpose of the meeting.

The Gazette has reported on all of these developments; what we haven’t done, and what the Waterfront group is doing is holding an event at which all the developments are talked about and reviewed at the same time.

Done properly – it would be the first time anyone has done something publicly that looks at the bigger picture.  Kudos to Dee Dee Davies and the Burlington Waterfront committee.


The bigger picture is something that has never really been explained to the public – a citizens group has taken up that challenge.

This group came about when the city shut down the Waterfront advisory Group established by former Mayor Cam Jackson when the pier was the hot topic.  The group wasn’t able to get much done – they do deserve credit for putting the Pump House to some use – many had hoped for something a little more imaginative.

When the city created Advisory group was shut down both Ward 2 Councillor Marianne Meed Ward and the Mayor said they were going to form a group to keep the public aware of what was taking place.

Meed Ward actually got an organization going – the Mayor either lost interest or gave up when Meed Ward filled the need.

This is a citizen’s event – we don’t know if city hall people are going to be at the meeting; they have been invited.

The meeting takes place at the Brant Hills Community Centre, Mountainside Room. 2255 Brant Street, between Upper Middle Rd and Dundas Street.

In addition to the group doing the presentation, there will be some community groups who will be present with a poster to advertise their relationship to the waterfront.getting new - yellow

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1 comment to Your Waterfront – What’s Happening? A lot more than you might realize.

  • Thank you Pepper for the plug. The evening is open to other groups and of course, the public.
    Remember Dec 5, 7 pm
    Brant Hill Community Centre
    2255 Brant St Mountainside room