12 and up can now get vaccinated at more than 100 pharmacies in the Region

News 100 yellowBy Staff

June 16th, 2021



The push is on.

The new COVID19 infection rate is low but it is not low enough – and from time to time it spikes a bit.

And the Delta variant is out there and it is dangerous.

The scientists believe the answer is to get everyone vaccinated.

There are eight clinics and 100 pharmacies in the Region that will vaccinate you.

needle and vaccineResidents can get their first or second doses at:

  • one of eight Halton Vaccination Clinics in all Halton municipalities;
  • almost 100 pharmacy locations in Halton; or
  • select Primary Care Offices offering COVID-19 vaccines to community members
  • Starting Wednesday, June 16, residents 12 years of age and older can book appointments at a Provincial Pop-up Clinic in Oakville through Halton’s online booking system.

The Regional web site location for finding the pharmacy closest to you isn’t all that elegant but it works.

Click HERE for that site:

We are in the process of winning the fight to beat back the pandemic.  The scientists have done marvelous work and the people that invented the doses that are now being used did something modern medicine has never seen before.





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1 comment to 12 and up can now get vaccinated at more than 100 pharmacies in the Region

  • Tom Muir

    On June 13, in my comment published in the Gazette on the story of Stage 1 reopening, I made a mistake of personal confusion regarding vaccination rates determining the Ontario reopening policy.

    This was due in part to changes in how the data were being reported by population proportion – from total population, to adult only (18+) proportion, so the reported proportion data increased when looking at adult only, putting us closer to the reopening criteria for Stage 1.

    I wrongly stated that the reopening policy is based on the “total” population proportion single dose – stage 1 at 60% and stage 2 at 70% plus 20% fully vaccinated. I said that I’m sure lots of people will be confused by this change. This part was correct – as I was a victim.

    The correct proportion for reopening stages is actually the adult (18+) population, not the total. That means we have reached and passed the Stage 2 opening proportion of 70% one dose, and very close to the 20% fully vaccinated.

    So we are hearing a lot of calls pushing for reopening earlier than the 21 (from June11) days that were supposed to elapse before moving to the next stage.

    Now I’m wondering how the changing ages that can be vaccinated are going to effect our going forward. Children and under 18s are a significant part of the population and need to be vaccinated if we are to protect them too get to herd immunity for the total population, for everyone. This proportion is how herd immunity is stated in my reading – 80% fully vaccinated.

    Opening up further now, or earlier than the plan, is not good public health decision-making. We need to get the data right. We need to know the proportion of the total population that is getting vaccine protection. It needs to be the total population that drives the policy.

    The devil is in these kind of details. No shortcuts to bliss with misplaced optimism.

    In my opinion, charging ahead to Stage 2 based on questionable proportions data usage, and ignoring the 21 day lag in the policy for changes, which is in place to see how effective and correct the first step was, is frankly foolish, and based on a politically driven regression to business thinking that doesn’t appear to see the risks of being wrongly premature.

    Do they want to have to go back to closures again? We can wait 2 weeks to avoid that possibility at this stage of emergence.

    Who bears the responsibility for the consequences?

    We have seen many similar political errors around the world. The UK thought it had the virus beat but then came the Delta variant that side-swiped their reopening policy, and this is the same one that is taking over in Ontario and Canada. They have delayed openings for another 4 weeks. I might take longer, then what?

    We are making big strides in vaccinations so let’s not blow it with hubris.

    More expert health analysis and close scrutiny of what is the appropriate data is direly needed at this critical stage..