295,671.77 lbs of food raised through the Giving Back project; bit more to come.

News 100 yellowBy Staff

November 4, 2015


Not quite the number that was hoped for (305,000 LBS) but a fabulous number nevertheless.

Giving back - loaded bins

Some of the 295,000 lbs plus food collected in a two day period – ready for the trucks and the fork lifts

And there are bits and pieces that will arrive on Thursday that will take that total of 295,671.77 lbs up a notch or two.

The efforts of the various teams went like this:

In 1st Place: Minor Atom AA with 22,132.7 lbs!
2nd Place Team: Minor Atom A with 18,889.04 lbs!
3rd Place Team: Tyke 1 (AAA) with 17,127.88 lbs!
4th Place Team: Tyke 2 (AA) with 16,998.5 lbs!
5th Place Team: Novice A with 14,503 lbs!

295,671.77 lbs. of food to be distributed to organizations across the community.

Final numbers announced tomorrow.

Giving back - boys with cans

Citizens in the making – learning how to give back to the community.

One final step in what is truly a magnificent effort – and that is to instill in the minds of the thousands of young people who were on the floor of the gymnasium lugging bags and boxes of food from the weighing scale to the sorting tables and then to the bins that will be used to transport the food to warehouses from which it will be distributed – that this is what community is all about.

We are so very fortunate to live in a city that is safe, healthy, prosperous and when called upon exceptionally generous.
This is not something to be taken lightly. Those young people are tomorrow’s leaders – help them understand how big an event they were part of and why it is important for them to carry that tradition forward.

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