By Staff
April 18th, 2020
On a Saturday afternoon when the news world is usually quiet the Region of Halton advised that the Mountainview Retirement Residence had:
63 residents and 18 staff confirmed as COVID-19 cases, with some lab results still pending.
8 deaths
The Public Health unit became aware of problems at Mountainview on March 31st – 16 days ago.

The Mountainview Retirement residence in Georgetown – 8 Covid19 related deaths.

Data made public on the 15th did not indicate what was behind the Halton Hills number.

How many more long term care facilities are swamped with infection? It seems the authorities are coving this up until their hand is forced. I’m starting to get that 3rd world feeling about our local authorities.
I am also disappointed that Halton Region was extremely slow to release the info on the Halton Hills outbreak. They are no different than China in withholding information from the sheeple. Shame!
dsasdff it gets worse. Independent Free Press Bryan Myers “A false sense of security…” on April 17, 2020 quotes Mayor Rick Bonnette at April 16, 2020 Halton Hills Virtual Town Hall meeting:
“While outbreaks at Mountainview Residence and Amica Georgetown have been confirmed, Bonnette said the majority of cases were not in senior residences or long-term care facilities.
Halton Region is experiencing community transmission of COVID-19 Bonette said relaying a message from the Minister of Health, Christine Elliott: “Providing a map could bring a false sense of security.”
We don’t know what your math is like dsasdff but when we went to school 81 positive and 8 deaths at Moungtainview Seniors Residence is not a minority of 110 positive quoted by Halton Region for Halton HIlls on April 18th.
Was Bonnette ignorant, mislead or confused it is up to our Councillors to demand transparency with regard to all Halton outbreaks and especially those for Burlington. Figures like the Halton Hills seniors residence show gross incompetence around infection control as the homes were closed to anyone other than those taking care of them. We need to know if Halton Councillors like Bonnette are contributing to the incompetence. They are after all members of the Halton Health Board a requirement of The Health Protection and Promotion Act …. oh we forgot it has never met since Carr became Chair – shame on those who allow our elderly to be sacrificed to incompetence and do not take a stand.
As an FYI. If you live in a Condo the various chapters of the Canadian Condominium Institute CCI have been running a series of Webinars to deal with matters such as communicating in the world of Covid19. For example see
Agree with Lynn; this update from the Region is a little late. Here is the article Lynn mentioned, published on April 15th:
Did the thought of firing these people, ever cross anyones mind. Unless of course they had a very good reason for not disclosing such minor details. The devil is in the details.
Editor’s note: Which people would be fired? The ones who didn’t take the precautions and ended up becoming infected? Someone brought the virus into the building and infected both staff and patients.
The public has been given instructions – hand washing – distance. Someone didn’t do that – now everyone suffers.
Just follow the instructions.
Halton did not release this until they got pressured by a stern Spectator article yesterday highlighting how wrong it was they they would not release the details and then people started piling on via social media yesterday and last night and this morning. Not impressed with Halton Region and their lack of transparency. They put out this announcement today touting the importance of being transparent! The point is, you weren’t!! You said first you wouldn’t release the info!
They also refused as at April 15, 2020 to inform the public on which Halton care homes/hospitals six deaths occurred in. Halton for the fourth time has failed to be transparent on public health issues that everyone from Doug Ford down states they must be. A Region is only as good as its Councillors (also members of the Halton Health Board) and their willingness to be transparent. Gazette should insist that this be added to Monday’s Council; meeting agenda in terms of a town hall meeting for registered delegates to raise transparency issues with the COVID-19 Burington/Halton councillors process.
Mayor Eisenberger says that a state of emergency has now officially been declared in Hamilton to allow for the redeployment of staff, if necessary. Eisenberger stresses that the city has redeployed staff with the cooperation of its unions during the pandemic.
He describes the emergency order as a “technical matter” should the city run into difficulties, that would give it “the overriding authority to make the changes as required.”
Hamilton has been very up front with their outbreaks and obviously did not need a state of emergency to ensure the city did what it needed to do to protect its citizens and financial integrity. Burlington on the other hand immediately called the “state of emergency” and cut the public and our elected councillors out of the decision making process that the Municipal Act requires to be transparent and accountable.
There must be a motion before Council on Monday from Councillors to terminate the state of emergency and get back to having the city run as it is supposed to be in Section 5 of the Municipal Act which clearly states the elected council is the decision maker not the mayor and the city manager. We need to hear if this is the only elder care home or hospital that has COVID-19 positive clients, staff results and deaths and if any of the Burlington Halton Region councillors knew about this shameful deceit of the Halton community by those they trusted with their well-being and financial integrity. .
I would like to know how many Covid 19 patients are in Joseph Brant Hospital, and how many residents/staff are dealing with this virus at Park Avenue Manor? These 2 Burlington locations have been made public in the daily Region of Halton Statics.
I have also been told that there is a case of Covid 19 in the rental building on Martha Street.
Residents need to know this information to keep safe.