An update from Lowville - skatepark plans; movie night, the Festival and the volume dial on your ghetto blaster

News 100 greenBy Walt Rickli

May 15th, 2017

Lowville, ON


Let’s start with something very important. The City of Burlington is proposing a Skatepark in North Burlington. The two options are Lowville Park and Kilbride Park. There will be a public information meeting Thursday May 18th at Kilbride Public School from 6:30 to 8:30. Historically this is the time to have your opinion heard, the City does listen however we need to be present to have input into this decision.

Lowville Rickli with torch

Lowville natives celebrating the Winter Solstice; life is different in the Hamlet.

For those of you who cannot make the meeting and wish to have me pass on your thoughts please send them to me in an email. Please put “Burlington Skate” park as the subject.

So, now let’s talk about the Lowville Movie Night…every time it happens there is a bigger turn out! The conversations that happen afterward are awesome…its such a great experience to share a movie with your community. This Wednesday May 17th , at the Lowville schoolhouse is the next movie night. It will feature the documentary “Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things”. The show starts at 8:00…pizza and cider at 7:31

I can’t send out an email without mentioning… you know what I’m talking about… Ya, you got it… “The Lowville Festival”. Hard to believe however there are still some tickets available. This will be the largest festival to happen in Lowville in a long time…if ever… Hope to see you there.


Liona Boyd, featured at the Lowville Festival

Lowville Festival is May 26th -28th, we are reaching for the stars with Liona Boyd, Second City: Canada The Thinking Man’s America and Motus O’s ‘Alice in Wonderland’. And don’t miss ‘Beautiful Sights and Sounds in the Escarpment’ a free event we are presenting with the Art Gallery of Burlington at Lowville United Church.

For Tickets and additional information go to, A Different Drummer Books, or call Bob 289-260-1109.

Here is a quick update on the River Ruin Property. We had a great first meeting with a unanimous decision that we will do what we can to preserve the land. A core group was formed to pursue this adventure. I’ll keep you posted…

Picture this…you are up north…early morning , afternoon, late evening…you pick the time. You,re sitting outside enjoying nature at its best… awe…quiet. The all of a sudden its BOOM BOOM BOOM THUMP THUMP THUMP…someone down the lake has their stereo cranked. Sound travels not only up north but in towns and villages. We all love music however not all the time. A great exercise when you want to enjoy music in the outdoors is to walk over to the edge of your property and see how loud it might be…then adjust accordingly. Music…enjoy it responsibly.


Lowville Festival program and background.

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1 comment to An update from Lowville – skatepark plans; movie night, the Festival and the volume dial on your ghetto blaster

  • Robert Missen

    Many thanks, Walt for your continuing support of our efforts at the Lowville Festival. We are very grateful.