Art Gallery of Burlington offering courses to aid artists in marketing their work.

News 100 redBy Staff

December 22, 2014



Artists want to be artists – they aren’t bean counters – there is seldom enough money coming in to actually count.

For many – the art should speak for itself – so what’s to market.
Artists are seldom “business people” the really successful artists have managers who take care of that stuff.

Dewey plates

The art work sold at the Art Gallery earlier this month does well when it is displayed – the trick for artists is to get their work shown.

For those artists who are not at that rung on the success ladder the Art Gallery of Burlington is putting on a series of workshops to give artists a bit if a leg up.

If you are an artist looking to promote your work – Check out these AGB workshops to help increase your visibility to potential clients.

Your Digital Projects (4 weeks)
Tues Feb 3 – 24, 1-4 pm OR
Tues Apr 7-28, 1-4 pm

This four-week workshop will provide entrepreneurs a digital design skill set for creating practical documents using Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and maybe even some of your own images and fonts. After an introduction to our Adobe software’s essential design tools and panels we will begin to construct and customize layouts such as greeting cards, advertisements, posters. With the aid of an instructor, a Mac-lab and your creativity let’s digitally stitch your ideas and images together. For beginners or those with some experience. Instructor: Kevin Willson

Art in Action - blue chev

This work was shown during the Art in Action event last November.

Using Social Media (3 weeks)
Sun Feb 1-15, 1-4 pm OR
Wed Apr 1-15, 1-4 pm

This three week workshop provides a summary of the major developments in social media such as Facebook, YouTube, WordPress, and Twitter. We will examine how social media can be used to stay current about art trends and news, as well as how to self-promote and conduct business online. Participants will be introduced to a variety of social media environments and will gain hands-on experience with many of the leading social media applications. *This course requires active participation of students and a willingness to immerse in social media practices. Instructor: K. Jennifer Bedford

ArtinAction 2012 people

Burlington has a number of venues for the sale of art. Local artists are looking for ways to break out of this market.

Photographing Your Merchandise (4 weeks)
Tues Mar 3-31 (no class Mar 17), 1-4 pm

Students will learn and practice photography and lighting techniques of small objects
such as plants or pottery and larger subjects such as paintings or fashion. This is ideal
for crafts people and artisans who wish to expand the photographic portfolio of their
creations or collection for either print or web. Instructor: Jorj Takacs

We are advised by the AGB that there will be a fee for the courses – they were not able to advise us as to what the fee will actually be.

When we get the data we will pass it along to you.


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