Award winning artist will perform at both the Performing Centre and the Art Gallery of Burlington in May.

News 100 blueBy Pepper Parr

April 23, 2016


This is different – an artist – an award winning artist, coming to town and doing performances at both the Art Gallery Burlington and the Performing Arts Centre and then offering to give lesson to aspiring flute players.

Eyes with evening in parisHaley Marie is a woman from Winnipeg who is a flautist; a Governor General Award Winner, was awarded a full scholarship to McGill and Yale, performed with Yale orchestra has performed twice at Carnegie Hall and then when she graduated she had her own show, tours Europe, teaches in California.

Haley Marie _Portrait_0421

Hailey Marie – flautist.

She then opened her own production company which presents classical music using film and live music. She found that audiences loved finding out the “dirt” on the composers she played so she made her performance both historical (film) and live music.

Her show “An Evening in Paris” covers a period from 1870 – 1910. Paris was not supposed to recover from the war. It is a comeback story, and everyone loves a comeback story.

It is a show that covers art, music, history.

The story of Haley Marie on itself is amazing. Paris is another story of itself.

Haley Marie will be performing at BPAC on May 12

She will b doing a private performance for AGB on the 13th and giving the Master flute class Saturday May 14, 10 – 12

There is more to tell about this event.

Click on the link to get a taste of what is coming to town.

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