Beachway Parking - still a problem ; the stiff fines don't seem to be making a difference

News 100 blueBy Staff

July 24th, 2020



Parking - took his chances

That sign says the fine for parking could be $250.

What the city calls “ an abundance of illegal parking” near Beachway Park, has resulted in the parking lots s being reconfigured with one entrance and one exit to maximize legal parking spots.

A drop off area has been created as well

Parking ambassadors are available on weekends to help direct drivers and will close parking lot entrances when they are full.

We encourage drivers to continue to abide by all signed parking regulations such as no stopping and no parking in loading zones.

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3 comments to Beachway Parking – still a problem ; the stiff fines don’t seem to be making a difference

  • Sharon

    Do a shuttle service from Mapleview Mall

  • Eve St Clair

    Yet Mayor and Council have adopted a reservation system for Lowville Park instead . I am a regular daily visitor/hiker to Lowville and no issue with crowds except Church picnickers. Would love someone to investigate the hypocrisy . Is someone up in Lowville area a big contributor to council that they immediately get restricted access to a nature park yet let’s cram the beach with people

  • Ed Cairns

    Tow them