By Pepper Parr
May 3rd, 2020
Just how much Netflix can you take?
You get to the point where you’re bushed – enough. The Crown was great – good history but I’ve had enough. It was becoming predictable.
One gets tired of the American need to shoot everyone.

Margaret Lindsay Holton,
Margaret Lindsay Holton, an area artist has treated all of us to something we’ve heard about; may have even listened to – but don’t really remember.
Should I tell you what she has shared or ask you to trust me and click on the link below.
I’m going to go for the trust angle.
You won’t regret it – this is more Canadian than the Calgary Stampede or that beer commercial.
This isn’t Holton’s work – it is something she is sharing
Try it – the quality is superb – you will want to share it.
Click here

Well done Margaret and Pepper! Robert Service was a pal of my maternal grandfather, Albert Anson Lynn of the NWMP, when they were both in the Yukon…..
Great stuff. Thanks