By Staff
July 6. 2016
The Fire Department has issued a fire ban, effective immediately, prohibiting all outside fires in Burlington, including open air burning, controlled brush burning and recreational burning.

Brush fires start with a single spark – and in this hot, dry weather they spread very quickly. Wild fire means just that – a fire that has gone wild.
“Brush fires tend to occur during hot, dry weather especially when there is a lack of rainfall as we have been experiencing during the past few weeks,” said Chief Fire Prevention Officer Joe Wintar.
According to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, the fire danger rating is high for the Burlington area and the forecast of hot weather with limited rainfall is expected to continue in the upcoming days.

Open fire pits are banned uni the Fire Chief lifts the ban.
“Open air burning, including fire pits and chimineas, poses a risk to nearby combustible materials such as sheds, decks and landscape materials, which can increase the risk of brush fires,” said Wintar.

Chimeneas are banned until the Fire Chief lifts the ban.
Residents are being reminded to be cautious when using outdoor candles and other backyard items that may produce heat or flame.
People failing to comply with open air burning regulations in the Ontario Fire Code and Burlington’s open air burning bylaw may be fined. The City of Burlington has set a cost-recovery charge of more than $450 per responding vehicle for the fire department to respond to a location where open air burning is not approved.
All burning permits are suspended until further notice to protect public safety. No burning can take place during smog alert days and open air burning bans.
If you are unsure if a ban is in effect, contact the Burlington Fire Department at 905-637-8253 or visit for more information about open air burning and safety tips.

What about smokers?
How many brush fires and forest fires are started by careless smokers?
Every day I pick up cigarette butts from my front lawn and sidewalk that people have left for me.