Burlington to co-host Canadian Craft Biennial Conference with Toronto - Deadline for submission is May 15th

News 100 blueBy Staff

April 23, 2016


The Art Gallery of Burlington in collaboration with Craft Ontario, is organizing the first Canadian Craft Biennial to be held August 19 to October 29, 2017 in southern Ontario.
The deadline for submissions for this event is May 15th, 2016

The event which will take place in Toronto and Burlington on September 15 and 16, 2017

AGB logo with colour graphicThe biennial will include a two-day conference (one day in Toronto and one day in Burlington), as well as a national exhibition, and an Ontario emerging craft maker exhibition.

The conference will be presented with multiple partners in both cities. The AGB is inviting proposals for the Biennial Conference sessions. The theme of this inaugural biennial is Can Craft? Craft Can!

The AGB is looking for a broad range of sessions engaging with contemporary craft issues and approaches. These could deal with academic, technical, historical and creative research, and community or political engagements. Within the context of Canada’s 150th anniversary, we seek to explore topics such as, but not limited to:

• Identity of Canadian craft
• Pattern as methodology
• Craft narratives
• Sustainability and sustainment
• Creative performativity
• Craft and learning
• Craft and social engagement
• The place of the amateur
• Making knowledge through tacit discourse
• Labour re-imagined
• Practice-lead research in craft
• Craft and the digital
• Indigenous perspectives on craft
• Craft curation and criticism

The hope is these sessions will also reflect the interdisciplinary concerns of our diversified Canadian craft community. Proposals for session formats include, but are not limited to panel, round-table, Pecha Kucha, Ignite and interactive sessions.

Anton RexxxAs part of this inaugural Canadian craft biennial international ceramist, Anton Reijnders, has been invited to present recent work in a solo exhibition at the Art Gallery of Burlington, as well as to conduct a professional workshop and deliver the conference keynote address. Canadian makers and curators/writers will be given the opportunity to participate in a ten-day residency. The making residency will be centered at the Art Gallery of Burlington, while the writing residency will be under the direction of Studio Magazine.

Save the news feedProposals should include a 200 word description of your session theme, name(s) and contact information as well as a 3-page CV of the convener(s). If you already have in mind potential presenters for your session, please provide their names and professional affiliation.

Send your proposal to Denis Longchamps at denis@agb.life by May 15, 2016.

Selected session conveners will be notified by May 31, 2016. Proposals for papers for each session will then be circulated.

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