By Pepper Parr
June 3rd, 2021
BurlingtonGreen was not going to totally lose the chance to have an impact even if the province put a kibosh on their annual CleanUp/GreenUp event.
They had to announce on April 8th that the Community Clean Up has been temporarily postponed due to the stay-at-home order issued by the Province.
They did what everyone did – the pivoted and put together a program that helped people do things at home.
THE GREEN UP & TREE LOVING CARE (TLC)Ways that you can GREEN UP at home:
- Plant a native shrub, tree or pollinator perennial on your property.
Request a packet of FREE native plant seeds to support your Green Up activities at home, while quantities last.
You can find out more about native trees and which ones are best for Burlington using the Ontario Tree Atlas.
Consult the Tree Planting Guide to set your new tree up for success.
2. Remove invasive plant species from your property.
Learn more about Halton Invasive Species and Biodiversity from Conservation Halton.
Find out how you can tackle invasive species at home from the Ontario Invasive Plant Council.
3. Give some Tree Loving Care (TLC) to your trees
Maintaining and caring for them is important for their overall health and longevity.
4. Learn about the importance of trees, pollinators, native species and biodiversity

The annual clean up event is seen by some as something for the younger crowd. While these woman are certainly young at heart – and they are doing their bit.
Perks of Registering:
We have a limited supply of FREE NATIVE PLANT SEEDS available when you register for Green Up, while quantities last.

Thousands of trees have been planted by BurlingtonGreen volunteers.
When you register your Green Up participation, you will be entered into a draw for a chance to win a $50 gift card to the Burlington Centre. We are giving away 2 gift cards for those that register between now and October 31st.
We’ve got extra prizes for those that share their photos with us – so take photos of your Green Up and tag us on social media or e-mail them to us for EXTRA chances to win!
Note: Submission of photos provides permission to BurlingtonGreen to use your photos in print, or in digital materials including social media platforms with permission to edit, alter, copy, or distribute the photos for media advertising and marketing.
To take part in the program REGISTER

People are more discusting than pigs.
Good ideas–I can’t believe how prevalent invasive species are becoming. I’m pleased to report that I’ve cleaned up the garbage that accumulates along Tuck Creek behind my house–I can’t believe what pigs some people are in disposing of their garbage.