The gavel is passed at Community Development Halton

By Staff

September 30th, 2021



Another virtual Annual General Meeting.

The type of thing you attend because you have to – the Community Development Halton AGM was a little more relevant because it brought to a close the term of office for President and Chair Jan Mowbray who served for more than ten years starting out as Secretary and serving as President for the past four years.

It was a bumpy ride that included the retirement of an Executive Director after more than 20 years of service; dealing with a couple of rogue board members who didn’t understand what it was to be a Director of a not for profit organization.

And like everyone else – adapting to Covid19 and the restrictions it brought to everyone.

Community Development Halton President presiding over her last meeting as Chair – working from her kitchen counter – just like everyone else weathering our way through the pandemic.  It was one of the few occasions when the pearls came out of the jewelry box.

Community Development Halton (CDH) has served the community for a long time.  It was an incubator for agencies that now provide needed service to the Region.

The three pillars of CDH are:

  • Volunteerism – a hub for those wanting volunteer opportunities or needing volunteers.
  • Age-Friendly initiatives that encourage and promote active aging by optimizing opportunities for health, participation, and security in order to enhance quality of life as people age.
  • Social Planning – data driven using many different resources to focus on economic and social conditions that influence individual and group differences in health status.

CDH is a source of useful data on changes that are taking place in how the wider community works.  They publish Dispatches on a regular basis as well as Community Lens, a publication that digs down deep and takes a tighter look at what the data tells us.

In her last set of comments to her Board, President Mowbray said that ” If you can’t let go of certain particulars, you can’t divine larger patterns.  If you can’t shake off the pains of yesterday, you can’t be open to the possible joys of tomorrow.”

Adding that “This has been a tumultuous year – actually, it’s been a difficult three years with the pandemic taking its toll through the last 18 months. However, my comments today reflect on the past year not the least of which is the pandemic effect.

” That physical hug, the act of holding someone as hard as you can and being held onto in return is the physical reminder that we are together in whatever life threw at us.’

” ‘But it’s not just for the hard times. Most days, it’s a simple, physical reminder that we’ve still got each other, and we’re grateful.’

“I’m not saying staff and board members should all break into hugs – although I would willingly give everyone a hug if I could.

“As a society, we must find some way to safely return to physical, face-to-face meetings. Board and staff need it, we all need it.

“Interaction and discussion is far better, more meaningful, in person than on Zoom. Being in person provides a more supportive, more instinctive, more spontaneous interaction. It energizes and refreshes each of us – we play off each other in a way that doesn’t work on Zoom.

“Zoom is a stop gap meeting space at best –those radio lags really don’t contribute to good discourse.

“American Sign Language is dependent on facial expressions, so you can imagine the deaf community is impacted by the wearing of masks. However, let’s go farther – body language also speaks volumes – and you don’t get that on Zoom. (That we can’t see below the shoulders may well be a good thing from what I’ve heard about the way some people have been dressing at home during this pandemic.)

“Bottom line is we need to find a way to meet in person. Safely. Emotionally, mentally, and intellectually – we all need it.  My one vote of thanks for zoom is that every meeting eliminated a two-hour drive.

“About the CDH board?  I am proud to say that CDH has the best board ever. It has grown, matured and diversified.

Consultations with the overall community told us the changes the wanted to see at CDH, for example –

  • That the board have representation in all four municipalities. Check.
  • That we increase board membership – Check – we have a full complement of 12
  • That we increase diversity on the board – check! But diversity wasn’t the focus during recruitment, it came about as a result of good qualified people applying for board membership. It bears mentioning that diversity isn’t always visible. But this board is diverse in its talent, professions, backgrounds, and interests.
  • That we rotate meetings throughout Halton. Sort of Check We started that process with a meeting in Milton, but the pandemic brought that to a halt.

As Chair Mowbray challenged her colleagues to ask: : Where are we? Where is CDH really?

The Pandemic forced the cancellation of workshops and fee-for-service projects.  Sustainability for CDH is through those avenues and staff is working hard to regain lost ground but the threat of burnout is ever-present.  More financial resources are needed.  She urged the Board to take ownership of this task, a task mandated for all NFP boards – to support the work of the organization.

“To substantially increase our output – workshops, fees-for-service events, we need more staff, to get more staff we need more money.

“What I am saying is that it’s a matter of outreach. We each need to utilize our contacts, reach out, make sure they understand exactly what it is that CDH does; create opportunities for engagement, opportunities where our Executive Director might be of help, perhaps to close a deal.

“To that end, the single biggest issue is trying to explain what CDH is, what it does, what we do.

The volunteer side of things is easier – though I wouldn’t want Heather Thompson or Heather Johnson to think that I think their jobs are easy – far from it.

We need new ideas for increasing our resources. We don’t have the sob story that pulls at the heart strings and makes people empty their wallets. CDH is unique. Can we turn that uniqueness into an asset?

On that note, if you haven’t already, I would remind everyone, to be sure to pay your 2021/2022 membership fees before the end of December.  (CDH Board members are expected to join the organization and pay a membership fee)

They are financially supported by the Hamilton-Halton United Way  and the Region of Halton.

And with that Jan Mowbray said thank you and then almost burst into tears.

The 2021-2022 Board consists of:

Ann Lawlor, president
Joanne McKiernan, Vice President
Ancilla Ho-Young, Secretary
Juan Barangote, Treasurer
Andrew Falls, Nominations & Governance
Nilo Yousof
Fawzia Patel
Steph Nguyen
Gay Loveland
Marg Connor
Bolu Babatope
Jan Mowbray, past president


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Burlington Bulls took it all at the Back to School Blast in Kitchener

By Staff

September 30th, 2021



This past weekend, the 2011 AAA Burlington Bulls won the 10U/11U Back to School Blast in Kitchener.

The Burlington Bulls 2011 AAA is made up of kids from Burlington born in 2011 or after. The team plays in the COBA loop (Central Ontario Baseball Association). The loop contains Rep teams throughout Central Ontario.

The tournament last weekend (Sept 24-26) was The Back to School Blast hosted by Kitchener Panthers. The Bulls went undefeated over two days besting 10U/11U teams from Kitchener, Guelph and Waterloo. They faced Waterloo in the Championship game, winning a tightly contested affair 2-1.

  • Boys played lights out on both sides of the ball. They outscored their opponents 36-5 in round robin play, securing a birth in the championship.
  • Team combined for 58 hits and 15 stolen bases over 4 games.
  • Owen Simpson belted a Home Run securing our place in the championship.
  • Christian Moscato pitched lights out in the championship game going five innings allowing 1 hit, 1 earned run and striking out 14 on zero walks.
  • Nate Ogiltree came in as relief in the championship game going two innings allowing 2 hits , no runs and striking out 3.

From Left to Right:: Back row: Bronson Kung, Coltin Hamor, Brayden McPetrie, Christian Moscato, Owen Simpson. Front row: Henry Hooper, Colton McEntee, Nate Ogiltree, Ryan Wallace, Tripp Mihalik. Missing: Carter Boyko, Jordan Colameco, Owen Petrie Coaches: Bob Hooper, John Ogiltree, Kyle Mihalik. Coaches: Bob Hooper, John Ogiltree, Kyle Mihalik

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One Burlington celebrates the faith and culture of our Indigenous peoples.

By Staff

September 26th, 2021



One Burlington celebrates the diversity of faith and cultural groups in Burlington, Halton and area by hosting engaging multifaith, multicultural events.

In honour of Canada’s first National Truth and Reconciliation Day: September. 30th,  you are invited to an online Zoom event highlighting the faith and culture of our Indigenous peoples.

This is a free event funded in part by the City of Burlington and the Government of Canada.

Please register by Sept. 29th at:

Celebrating an Indigenous Harvest on 30th September starting at 7:30 pm with
– Indigenous Elder of the Mississaugas of the Credit, Carolyn King CM.

– Semiah Smith will performing singing and dancing of the Mohawk Nation at Crawford Lake
– Sherry Saevil of “Grandmothers’ Voice” of the Haudenosaunee at an Indigenous Healing Garden

To attend, please register by 29 September at:

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Advocates for climate change gather in Spencer Smith Park

By Max Bowder: Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

September 26th, 2021




The Burlington/Oakville Climate event was held in Spencer Smith Park yesterday to raise awareness of Climate Change with the mission of raising awareness and educating people on how to make a difference with the environment.

“We want to have people come, learn something about climate and have hope,” said event organizer, Aki Tanaka.

The event had a line up of two children’s choirs, a singing performance by Hayley Verrall, and powerful speeches. One such speech by Liana De Sousa was captivating and called for politicians to take immediate action against climate change.

Environmental groups such as Grand(m)others Act to Save the Planet, Burlington Green, Fridays for Future, and others came to the park hoping to convince people that climate change needs to be taken seriously and what they can do to limit their effects on the planet.

Grand(m)others Act to Save the Planet is a community group started by grandmothers but open to everyone with the purpose of making the planet livable for their grandchildren and everyone else. They have been operating since 2019, advocating to all levels of government and organizing community petitions and rallies.

Sign board at the climate change event held in Spencer Smith Park

Local and federal environmental organizations at the park explained the dangers of climate change and several ways they can make a difference in very large and impactful ways and small things regular people can do everyday.

Large things people can do is get involved in any of the organizations at the event such as Burlington Green and the Halton Environment Network.

These organizations work at raising awareness, particularly amongst  young people with the hope of “teach our children the wonders of the natural world.”

Other things people can do include calling on their local Member of Parliament (MP) and making sure they are aware of their concerns. The other thing is to get involved in any environmental group that does good and effective work in protecting the environment.

Small things people can do include recycling and limiting their consumption of meat and dairy products, together they contribute a total of 50% of all foods contributing to climate change. Planting trees also makes a difference.

Liana De Sousa was captivating – calling for politicians to take immediate action against climate change.

Several youth speakers raised awareness at the event with powerful words calling for immediate action against Global Warming saying we only have six years before we reach a point that can’t be undone making it a climate emergency.

“Dear Politicians, Everyday you continue to refuse to take action, you’re actively stealing the futures of your children, your grandchildren and every generation to come.” – Liana DeSousa

De Sousa is 17 years old and has been involved in public speaking for a few years including giving speeches at other events and at Hamilton city council meetings. DeSousa says there is much more to be done to bring carbon emissions down to zero and she will continue to advocate for the environment.

“We are continuing to do the fracking and old brick logging that needs to be stopped,” DeSousa said.

Event organizers had trouble getting stared with the event – delays due to high winds at the beginning and rainfall nearing the end. Despite the weather event organizers are happy with the way the event turned out.

Many people left the event feeling strongly about environmental action. Many also felt that not enough is being done on the federal level saying they are trying to please everyone, subsidizing fossil fuel extraction that contributes to carbon emissions and not raising the carbon emission taxes high or fast enough.

Environmental organizations to join:

Fridays for future –

Burlington Green –

Halton Environmental network –

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Fleet of model boats to take to the water on Centennial pond

By Alan Harrington

September 24th, 2021



Spencer Smith Park is a wondrous place that offers a little something for everyone.

Beneath the balcony at Spencer’s Restaurant lies the 10,000 sq ft Centennial Pond.

A model of the Canadian Coat Guard tub Spencer

Not just a reflecting pool, but space that over the past 15 summers has been where model boat displays take place.
Once that pond is filled in June, many RF modellers bring their creations down to get wet.

Some boats are hand-made out of wood, while others are kits with specially designed motors, propellers and electronics.

Everything from tiny pleasure craft to a huge Canadian Coast Guard ship.

There are sailboats, tugboats, fishing boats, navy ships – including a 3 foot black submarine.

Even an old wooden Alligator boat once used for logging in Northern Ontario

Referred to as “Alligator” boats these were used for logging in Northern Ontario

These boats can run from $200 to $1000+ depending on what’s in them and how long they took to build.

Batteries last about 30 minutes to an hour and they are controlled remotely with an RF handset.

The modellers are from Burlington and Hamilton and as far away as Mississauga.

The little boats are quite amusing and many people enjoy sitting by the pond to watch their interplay among the waves.

As the pleasant summer fades away and it gets darker earlier, there is one last show where the boats are lit up.

Last night was the night when about 18 model boats got dressed up with all-lights-a blazing to ply the waters.

The model boat fleet on the Centennial Pond water – drop by – the kids will love it.

One was a rowboat complete with a tiny yellow rower in a raincoat pulling on the oars.

Tug boat with the city flag

Spencer Smith Park is the ONLY place around this area with a suitable outdoor pond.

The boaters still come out until the day the pond is drained (ready to become an ice rink) so you may still be able to drop by and watch.

Anyone can bring their own boats down but be cautious of speedboats.

The boaters respect each other’s space and sometimes the boats do get close together.

Drop by this weekend.

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Climate event - Spencer Smith Park, Saturday - the job now is to continue telling the story

By Staff

September 23rd, 2021




Hayley Verall,

There will be musical performances including Burlington singer Hayley Verall, two  children’s singing groups, various speakers which include some youth in the community, a couple of storytellers, a local drumming group, and others.

They will also have a community art activity and some information boards on climate change facts and solutions to educate the public.

This is an opportunity for people to come together to support the need for climate change action!

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City of Burlington will observe the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on Sept. 30 as a holiday

By Staff

September 22nd, 2021



The City of Burlington will observe the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on Thursday, Sept. 30 as a holiday. To mark the importance of the day, City of Burlington administration buildings will be closed.

Residential school survivor Lorna Standingready (left) is comforted during the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada closing ceremony at Rideau Hall in Ottawa, June 3, 2015.

Beginning Sept. 27, and leading up to Sept. 30, City employees will observe the holiday by focusing on educational events and opportunities that reflect on the nation’s past and recommit to understanding the truth of our shared history and advancing reconciliation.

We encourage residents to visit the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation website for educational materials and event opportunities.

City Services open and closed on Thursday, Sept. 30, 2021:
City Service Holiday Closure Information

Animal Services The Animal Shelter at 2424 Industrial St. remains closed to the public due to COVID-19. To report an animal control-related emergency, call 905-335-3030 or visit

Burlington Transit Burlington Transit will operate a regular weekday schedule on Sept. 30. For real-time bus information and schedules visit

The downtown terminal at 430 John St. and Specialized Dispatch will be open.
City Hall The Service Burlington counter at City Hall (426 Brant St.), will be closed to all appointments and walk-in service on Sept. 30.

Many service payments are available online at

Halton Court Services – Provincial Offences Office All court proceedings will be closed on Sept. 30 and all matters that were scheduled for that day will be rescheduled.

Court administration counter services at 4085 Palladium Way will be open and operating with skeleton staff on Sept. 30, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Telephone and email services will be available from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at: 905-637-1274 and

With the exception of the skeleton staff operations on Sept. 30, telephone payments are available at 905-637-1274, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. All in-person services are available from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday to Friday. Many services are also available by email at or online at Halton Court Services.

Parking Paid parking will be in effect on Sept. 30.

In Downtown Burlington, receive 90 minutes of free parking when you pay for parking at the pay station or using the HonkMobile app.

Parking in Downtown is Burlington is free after 6 p.m. and on weekends.

Recreation Programs and Facilities Drop-in recreation programs and rentals will run as scheduled on Sept. 30. Visit or follow @BurlingtonParksRec on Facebook and @Burl_ParksRec on Twitter for the latest updates.

Registered recreation programs will be closed on Sept. 30. Participants impacted will be contacted with additional details.

Please note: In keeping with the provincial regulations and Ministry of Health guidance, effective Sept. 22, 2021, individuals entering indoor City facilities used for sports, recreational fitness activities, meetings, and events, will be required to be fully vaccinated (as defined in the provincial guidance) and provide proof of vaccination, along with identification (unless otherwise exempt). To learn more, visit

Roads, Parks and Forestry The administrative office will be closed on Sept. 30. Essential services will be provided as required.
Burlington is a City where people, nature and businesses thrive. As residents continue to rediscover many of their favourite spaces and activities in the city, City services may look different as we work to stop the spread of COVID-19. The City’s commitment to providing the community with essential services remains a priority. Sign up to learn more about Burlington at and follow @CityBurlington on social media.

Quick Facts
• Sept. 30, 2021 will mark Canada’s inaugural National Day for Truth and Reconciliation also known as Orange Shirt Day.

• In June 2021, the federal government passed legislation proclaiming Sept. 30 as a public holiday. The holiday is one of 94 calls to action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and is intended to honour and commemorate Indian Residential School survivors and those children that did not make it home.

• Before it was a public holiday, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation was started in 2013 as “Orange Shirt Day” where Canadians would wear the bright colour as a sign of their allyship and support toward Indigenous communities.

Links and Resources
• Learn more about Orange Shirt Day and how you can contribute:
• Hear Survivor stories and read the Calls to Action at National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation.


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Lowville residents enjoy sneak previews at Thinkspot


By Max Bowder: Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

September 22, 2021




Some 40 residents gathered in Lowville  at Walt Rickli’s Interactive Sculpture Garden last night; something they do each year to celebrate the fall Equinox.

The treat this year was two sneak previews from Lowville Festival.

The first was from dancer – Trevor Copp’s mime interpretation of Camille Saint-Saens’ Carnival of the Animals. The second was a 10-minute excerpt of the 2021 Lowville Festival video – A love letter… from Lowville to Burlington.

Attendees walked away from both previews pleased – both were seen as heartfelt and beautiful.

“I really enjoyed the motions and expressions, lots of talent, very beautiful,” said Claudia, a local attendant.

Carnival of the Animals

Trevor Copp

Copp provided quality entertainment with his Mime theater of animals such as chickens and elephants. Copp’s physical theater was incorporated with seductive dances and impressive animal mannerisms as well as the aid of classical music and rhyming poetry.

“Trevor is one of those gems in the community that is incredibly talented,” foundation president Deb Pickfield said.

Copp enjoyed the performance saying he had “Such a generous crowd.”

Copp has been put on the long list for the child’s writing award for the Canadian Society of Children’s Authors.

A love letter… from Lowville to Burlington

Walt Rickli in the studio he once had at the Nelson Quarry

The 10 minute excerpt of “A love letter… from Lowville to Burlington” was loved with particular praise for the video’s humour and beautiful photos.

The excerpt contained voice-over audio from Walt Rickli as well as unique videos and photos from its shooting location at the Mt Nemo Quarry.

“It’s my favourite joy, watching people enjoy art,” Walt Rickli said.

Collaborators of the film, including executive director Garner Beckett said it was a pleasure watching the crew work.

ThinkSpot’s Debra Pickfield

Conservation Halton Foundation is still deciding when to release the full film,  Pickfield says the foundation is considering October – December as a window for the projected release date. Pickfield also said she might consider releasing the film in stages throughout the rest of the year.



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It was Casey's evening - friends gathered at Cosgrove field to celebrate # 19

By Max Bowder: Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

September 20th, 2021



It is said that having empathy for others is a very common trait in most people, but very often the virtue of true selflessness is something that most of us lose as we get older. There are very few who throughout adulthood can maintain the purity of heart until the very end. Two people come to mind:  Terry Fox and Casey Cosgrove.

Dozens of people went to Nelson Park baseball diamond in order to play rounds of soft ball, enjoy burgers, hotdogs and drinks and remember Casey.

Bryna Cosgrove

“Genuine, he was known for being genuine, he was known for a special gift for people and making anybody he was talking to feel special and the only person in the room,” said widow Bryna Cosgrove.

Family, friends, students, and many more came out to the diamond wearing commemorative team Casey T-shirts with the saying: “This disease will not take away my disability and wish to inspire,” Casey, 2017.

When I asked about who Casey was, everyone said almost the exact same thing: that he was a man who wanted to be involved, that he could connect with ANYONE in a way that no one else could and was unapologetically funny and would be the first person to make fun of himself.

The undisputed biggest trait being said about Casey was he was a man who wanted to be involved. Being involved can mean so many things but in Casey’s view there wasn’t any kind of involvement that was in bad taste. It means doing the girly things with his young daughter such as trying on nail polish or taking her to a Justin Bieber concert, both wearing pink sweaters.

The name says it all.

He way so caring, he just wanted to be involved,” said friend, Amy.

The Terry Fox Run was a mission for Casey Cosgrove.  The Fox Foundation pumped millions into cancer research that paid for the many drug trials Casey took part in.  When he was first given the diagnosis, his doctors thought he had 18 months: he had a full seven years and accomplished a lot.

Casey was a person who only wanted positive energy around him – he would always manage to turn any negative situation into a positive outcome. A man who was so self-deprecating that during a treatment he would post a blog while playing “Knockin’ on heaven’s door.”

Casey was a driving force behind getting this Marker Monument to Terry Fox in place.

One of the main events that made Casey who he was occurred when at thirteen he ran down the street with his hero Terry Fox.

Years after Terry had passed, he was instrumental in getting Terry’s Marker Monument put up in Spencer Smith Park.  Casey raised more money than anyone else.

It’s hard to imagine one man being able to accomplish so much from being a husband and father while coaching several baseball teams at once, with the ability to plunk down on the couch or the Lazy Boy and watch endless Seinfeld episodes in order to create more self-deprecating jokes and drinking everlasting amounts of coffee that always seemed to end up on his shirt.

A man who went to Starbucks so many many times – when he passed away Starbucks sent a floral bouquet. It’s hard to imagine one person having that much of an effect on you, let alone a business.

More people at the BBQ stand than at the T-shirt stand.

Among Casey’s many interests was politics. He ran as an independent for several Burlington positions: both as a Councillor and gave a lot of thought about running for Mayor.

An interest in politics was passed on to his son Jack who believes it is time to see changes in politics as well as not keeping it a quiet conversation; he sees the election taking place to day as a good place to start but had no comment on what the outcome might be – just hoping change will come soon.

When Casey passed away in 2017 the whole community came together to help his family. According to his son Jack they did it by “being involved” just like Casey used to be and to communicate with one another.

Hanging around the bullpen with a pickup game in progress.

Everyone at the park on Sunday, whether you were close to him or not, can say that when you walked away from him you felt like he had made a real connection.

“His parents always had an open door policy (for anyone who wanted help),” said childhood friend, Lisa Rodwin.

The family continues to be honored by Casey’s memory not only with last night’s event but with the baseball diamond being named after him as well as the Casey Cosgrove Memorial golf tournament held at Hidden Lake in 2018.


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41st annual Terry Fox Run kicked off on Sunday - dozens of teams running and walking to meet targets

By Max Bowder: Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

September 19th, 2021



Terry Fox passing through Burlington 41 years ago on his Marathon of Hope

It all began that April day in 1980 – when Terry Fox was on his Marathon Of Hope.

That event continues to inspire the people of Canada as hundreds of organizers participants and humble observers came to the 41st Terry Fox Run at Spencer Smith Park.

Thanks to Terry’s efforts and sacrifices the Terry Fox Run has raised over $851 million making it the worlds largest one day fundraiser for cancer research.

The Run has always had teams of people out for the Run Day. The pandemic has limited what can be done – but the event takes place nevertheless. Last year – the 40th anniversary was one of the Best Burlington had in terms of raising funds.

The Cedar Springs, Kick some ASSphalt and many more came out to participate in the run by setting high goals with some as high as 3K – 5K runs.

There is a lot of history in this picture: The Terry Fox monument in the middle; the plaque commemorating the Brant in that was once on the edge of the lake where people danced under the stars and the Brant house in the background.

During the day those out for the Kick Off gathered around the Terry Fox monument in Spencer Smith Park to cheers and applause with mineral water drinks being served in exchange for requests to donate to the Terry Fox foundation.

“I’m so impressed with our community, I think it has led to a tremendous impact,” said organizer Shannon Calsey.

“It’s great – our group goal is to raise $1500: we’ve already raised $1300,” Calsey continued.

The Terry Fox marker monument – none like it anywhere in the country – it was paid for by citizen donations.

Several participants felt connected in the run with many telling similar stories of having a loved one diagnosed with cancer or having lost someone to cancer and are willing to come out and support the cause to make sure the funds needed to pay for the research are there.

Although the crowd of onlookers was not as big as organizers hoped, they feel it has been more than made up in donations received with a goal set of raising $150,000 and getting $110,000 raised before the event even started.

Among the volunteers at Spencer Park was retired Canadian football great Tony Gabriel telling great stories to anyone who would listen.

Gabriel has had many run-ins with cancer. His father dying from lung cancer at the age of 57 and his brother being diagnosed with cancer and passing away within weeks.

Gabriel also shared how his son, Shane Gabriel was diagnosed with Leukemia and credits the Terry Fox Foundation for helping save his son’s life because of the advancements made in cancer research.

Coincidentally, Gabriel’s son today is exactly the same age as the Terry Run at 41 years old.

Gabriel told stories about him meeting Terry Fox and finding out after several years that Gabriel, the football player was an early role model for Terry along with Bobby Orr and Darryl Sittler.

“I was very fortunate to meet Terry Fox… 40 years later I found out I was one of Terry’s heroes!” said Gabriel.

Every year a large Dedication board is set up – people who are running or walking to commemorate someone special write a note. Tony Gabriel is explaining how much the Board means to so many people.

Gabriel has also pushed hard in petitions to put Terry Fox on the $5 bill feeling it would be appropriate not only as a national hero but also with the issues of Indigenous people being brought to light because Terry Fox does have indigenous ancestry through his Maternal Grandmother.

The chair of the Burlington Terry Fox committee, Craig Gardener, spoke of how unique the Terry Fox run is compared to other causes and how this was all started by just one man leading to people surviving much longer than expected given their diagnosis.

“It’s had great impact, I mean I know several people who have survived,” said Gardener

In Burlington Terry Fox usually gets the last word.

“I know one fellow who was given 18 months, survived 7 years on Terry Fox research money,” Gardener added.
Gardener’s father died of colon cancer in 2007.

Craig Gardner has been a volunteer for 15 years; when his father passed he found that he wanted to do more and eventually become the chair of the committee. In four of the last six years as Chair of the Terry Fox Run in Burlington they have raised over $100,000.

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There is now a Terry Fox donut - exclusive at Sunshine

By Max Bowder: Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

September 19th, 2021



Perched on the top of the building – for donut lovers it is a local beacon.

Sunshine Doughnuts – a shop at the south end of the Art Gallery parking lot – can’t miss it – the dripping donut on the roof tells you  – you’ve arrived.

The business model for this company is to make the batch of donuts early in the morning and when they are all sold – close for the day.

They’ve been doing this since 2016 – fresh handmade doughnuts every day.

The Terry Fox donut – a nice local touch.

This year the company decided to bring some sunshine into the Terry Fox Run, which kicked off today by creating an honorary Terry Fox doughnut.

People were lined up – sales were brisk

The special donut drove up business today, customers lined up waiting to buy from the bakery.

The doughnut is their traditional birthday cake flavour covered in a light blue icing and sprinkles.

All proceeds go to the Terry Fox cancer research work being done across the country.

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The Holiday Market looks like a done deal - with nothing in the way of public input

By Ryan O’Dowd: Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
Pepper Parr, Publisher
September 17, 2021


Local business owners are divided over the potential benefits of an expanded Burlington Holiday Market patterned after the very successful Christmas Market held in Germany.

The Grey Cup takes place in Hamilton on the 12th

Members of the Burlington Downtown Business Association generally seemed on board with the expansion but felt very much out of the loop – they just didn’t know all that much about an event that could significantly change the holiday season that brings in 20% of their annual revenue. The result has been some notable push-back.

The Agora Marketplace owner shared his enthusiasm with the Gazette, saying he has been asked to take part and while the details are yet to be finalized he isn’t under the impression any additional fees will be required for his wares to feature in the market.

“It’s great and I want to be a part of it, it should last even longer, all through December,” he said.

The Odd Spot manager and business partner replied similarly but noted no one has been in touch with them about the market expansion.

“No one has reached out to us personally but it’ll be great, it’s always a good time,” he said.

Garden area of Centro market on Brant Street

A number of owners were hearing about the market expansion for the first time and didn’t have anything to say positively or negatively, including Centro Market, Bush’s Men’s Wear, Book Nook, and Mirella’s Lady Boutique (which will close permanently before the holiday season due to COVID-19). Unfortunately the Gazette was unable to reach Joelle Cooling, one of the city’s smartest marketers, for comment prior to going to print.

Jason Pepetone, owner of Centro Market, is usually plugged-in to the city happenings but was blindsided by the holiday market when the Gazette reached out to him for comment.

“No ,the [Burlington Downtown Business Association] haven’t contacted me, I know nothing about it,” said Pepetone.

Other business owners had negative views of the proposed expansion.

Bocana Boutique owner, Carol, said she heard about the Christmas market but had to send an email to find out more. Carol didn’t see the appeal for local businesses and raised COVID-19 concerns.

“I don’t think we need to bring lots of people down here in the middle of the pandemic. We don’t need to open this up to other cities, we should be supporting our own right now. We didn’t have Sound of Music, we didn’t have the Rib Fest, because of the pandemic so why are we doing this? It also takes up parking a week before Christmas,” said Carol.

The proposed Burlington Holiday Market would take place between December 9th-12th. The downtown Burlington business association (DBBA) had little to say during a standing committee earlier this week other than to say they would play a supportive role to ensure that BDBA member interests were protected.. A potentially hands-off approach by the DBBA was reflected by the lack of awareness amongst local business owners.

While some mentioned the DBBA and touching base with Brian Dean, Executive Director, there was no awareness of the Zoom meeting where the DBBA had some fifteen local businesses take part.

The folks at the Poacher love the idea – takes place close to their doorstep.

Management at the Poacher is fully on board, they are in constant communication with Dean. This is little surprise as they will be participating in the Holiday Market in some capacity, restaurants out of the loop will surely view plans less favourably.

Council earlier in the week approved a motion to:

  • Moved by Councillor Kearns

    Approve an event called the Burlington Holiday Market as outlined in Recreation, Community, and Culture Department report RCC-12-21 for 2021 and 2022, and report back in Q2 2022 on the economic impact of local businesses, cultural impact, and parking/active transportation impact of the new event; and

    Authorize the Director to Recreation, Community and Culture to implement the specific details required to support the various components of the event that are to be hosted on city property.

    Moved byCouncillor Stolte

    Refer recreation, community and culture department report to the Council meeting on September 21, 2021.



    Moved by Councillor Nisan

    Amend the motion as amended to remove the words ‘two year pilot’, replace the words ‘for 2021 and report back in Q2 2022’ with the word ‘annually’ and add the words ‘to be reviewed in 2024’ at the end.



    Moved by Councillor Nisan

    Amend the amendment to remove the words ‘two year pilot’.


That recommendation will be heard by Council on Tuesday September 21st and passed unless one of the four people who voted for the recommendation chooses to put forward an amendment that would require a two thirds majority to pass which is unlikely.

Councillors Lisa Kearns, Angelo Bentivegna, Shawna Stolte voted against the recommendation. Mayor Meed Ward, Councillors Galbraith, Nisan and Sharman voted for.  One of these four would have to move for a reconsideration.

In order to reverse this two (Sharman and Galbraith) would have to change their vote.

Nisan is too tightly tied to the Mayor to change and Galbraith is very much onside with the Mayor.  He wondered why the matter was even pulled from the Consent agenda.

Councillor Sharman is said to have taken the position that he will support the merchants but he has to hear from them before he can do anything.

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Councillor assures her constituents that her September ward meeting will be very safe - and a happy place as well

By Pepper Parr

September 17th, 2021



Ward 2 Councillor Lisa Kearns is showing some leadership, along with a lot of caution on meeting with her constituents.

She has decided that she will hold a live ward meeting at the Art Gallery September 22nd.

Ward 2 Councillor Lisa Kearns wants to be able to see real people and talk to them, listen to them and address their concerns, Virtual meetings are something she appears to want to get away from – providing people are safe.

The time 7:30 pm, does conflict with the Town Hall Call-In on Covid19 matters – Kearns points out that the Town Hall is recorded – so people can listen to it later.

She does have one concern – while she wants people to show up she does have to limit the number of people in the room.

And be certain that Kearns is going to insist on a strict interpretation of the rules – six feet and a mask – and ensure her that you have done the self-screening that is necessary.

Other than that – show up – Kearns doesn’t do the traditional dry as old bones meeting – she has in the past let a couple of real zingers fly.

Kearns asked that: “Before people start freaking out that I am hosting a super spreader event, can you please advise people that registration is limited and pre-registration is required at”?

Kearns is breaking ranks with the Mayor on a number of issues.  The position she appears to be taking on the Holiday Market that is being promoted as something that could take place this year in her ward is something about which she has a lot of questions that have yet to be answered.

She also doesn’t appear to agree with the approach the Mayor is taking to opening up council meeting for real public participation and getting away from the virtual approach that has limited how people can gather.

The Mayor appears to like going virtual – claims that citizens get more work out of her when things are virtual.

Related news stories:


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Gun rights organization will be electioneering on the streets of Burlington

By Ryan O’Dowd: Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

September 17th, 2021



In the dying days of a tight election you bring in every boot you can find and get them on the ground.

Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights (CCFR) has organized an election tour: they will be in the streets of Burlington starting at 2:00 in the afternoon today.

Pamphlet the gun rights organization will be handing out in Burlington on Friday.

In a note to their members they say: “Here we are!!! Once again the CCFR and our members and supporters are hitting the road, boots to the ground to do our part in influencing this election.

“We must do everything possible to ensure the Liberals are finally defeated. We’ve got 260,000 election brochures to get out into the hands of voters so they can learn the truth about the Liberal party.

“The mainstream media will never give voters an honest overview of a future under more Liberal government.

“2:00pm EST – Canvassing in Burlington, Karina Gould’s riding. Meet Tracey at Maple Park, 750 Maple Ave, Burlington. Let’s help her constituents make the right decision on election day.

“Dress casual, comfy shoes.”

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Terry Fox Run Day is a gathering this year with teams on hand to talk about their plans - and a time to think about when the Run can take place again.

By Staff

September 16th, 2021



This is what the city always turned out for – in droves.

The Terry Fox  Run Day is Sunday September 19th from 8 am till noon

It will take place in Spencer Smith Park because we are limited to 199 people at a time.

They will not be running – instead, they’re having an open house/drop in from 8 am to noon. It will be primarily on the east lawn by the waterfront hotel; with three live bands playing at various points along the promenade from 9 to 12. We will be selling shirts and masks, have some free food approved by Halton Public Health.

The Remembering Board tells a large part of what the Terry Fox Run is all about.

The Dedication board for signing, team pics and safe kids activities will be up .More than thirty teams have registered and over $60K raised. Team activities planned go from runs, rides, hikes, raffles, baseball game.

There is another event taking place in the evening behind Nelson High School.  A ball game – but that’s a separate story.

Play Ball – Team Casey takes to the field

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Is there a parking train wreck coming our way?

By Pepper Parr

September 16th, 2021



Expect to hear a lot about the planned Holiday Christmas Market that is scheduled for December 9th to December 12th.

It looks a bit like a mad dash to make something happen – a final decision will be made at council on September 21st.

Mayor Marianne Meed Ward once said the only thing that gets more attention than parking is fireworks.
Parking is an issue for some people concerned about how people will move around in the downtown core during one of the busiest times of the year – the Christmas holidays.

For the merchants along Brant and John and Lakeshore it is said that 20% of their business comes through the doors during that season.

For a sector of the economy that has been slapped around by the pandemic every opportunity to get a customer on the streets and through their doors is treasured. Don’t mess with the parking.

During the Standing Committee debate there were a lot of parking related questions. Staff provided some data that Councillor Lisa Kearns didn’t like the look of and she asked for a closer look at the numbers.

Executive Director Heather MacDonald said to the Councillor “a response to your request made at ECIS Committee on Monday for validation of parking utilization data for downtown parking lots during the month of December.

Executive Director and City Planner Heather MacDonald

To provide some context, Transportation staff had been asked by Brian Dean to provide parking utilization data for Lots #1 and #4. Staff provided a response on September 9th which included utilization data for Lot #1. In this response, it was indicated that we did not have access to reliable data for Lot #4 due to technology issues that were being worked on.

A closer look has now been taken and it has been found that BI Dashboard we rely on for this data is reporting “inaccurate data/unable to pull data”. Transportation staff is working with IT and the BI vendor to get this reporting issue resolved as soon as possible; however, in the meantime Transportation staff was able to look into the back-end of the dashboard to the source data and performed a more detailed analysis on parking utilization in lots that would be impacted by the proposed Holiday Market.

We have determined that the metrics conveyed to Brian Dean on September 9th were an underestimate of actual parking lot utilization. Our analysis of the raw data for the month of December (weekday and weekend combined) is summarized below:

Parking Lot                                          2018      2019      2020
Lot 1 – Elizabeth Street                      99%      72%        75%
Lot 5 North – 391 Brant Street         89%       85%        57%
Lot 5 South – 391 Brant Street         80%       86%        65%

**2020 data has not been factored into our commentary below due to pandemic impacts on parking operations

For the purposes of determining effective parking capacity, industry standard is 85% utilization. Once a lot reaches 85% utilization we deem it at capacity. Based on our combined knowledge of parking operations and our “boots on the ground” experience within the lots, our observations would confirm that Lots #1 and #5 are at effective capacity during the month of December. There is no reserve capacity at either of these lots.

The Elizabeth Street Parking Lot

Unfortunately, we cannot report on parking utilization of Lot #4 as the sensors in the lot do not provide reliable data. We are currently working on a deployment strategy to equip each off-street stall with a sensor to rectify this issue. Anecdotally, we know that Lot #4 is at capacity as it is our most heavily utilized surface lot in the Downtown. If parking supply were to be reduced in order to accommodate a Holiday Market, we would need to have those discussions with the Downtown Parking Committee and consider impacts to the businesses Lot #4 serves, as well as the overall parking system.
Councillor Kearns did the necessaries and got back to MacDonald saying: “The response is appreciated and deeply valued in the way in which we use data to inform decisions of Council.

“The purpose of the question was to recognize that the approval of one stakeholder priority would impact another. In this case we know it is a trade-off between parking and an event during what has been proven as a critical economic time for local retailers.

Ward 2 Councillor Lisa Kearns

“I believe that accurate data and transparency are critical in decision making and likely much of my pressing of this was to reconcile what ‘boots on the ground’ know to be true with a transparent discussion of the request. Even more granular, I had requested weekend capacity and see that the capacity number offered is smoothed with the inclusion of weekdays.

“As you can now infer from the updated data, my strong request for a pilot/termed event was anchored in this critical balance and its implications on local business. In the absence of a complete understanding of withdrawing use of a full capacity lot how might we continue to communicate this updated information?

“Please expect that I will be asking this question in Council and will exercise the response as further confidence in a termed/phased program. This also guides the importance of completing the Parking Needs Assessment study given that I expect Lot 4 would have 100% capacity and the pressure will continue to mount on the east side municipal parking needs.

Can you see the train wreck coming our way?

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City council will decide on the 21st if there is to be a Holiday market in the downtown core in December

By Pepper Parr

September 16th, 2021



It looks as if there will be a Christmas market in the downtown core from December 9th to December 12th.

It was a hotly debated issue at a Standing Committee meeting earlier this week.

Planned schedule for the first Burlington Holiday Market.

What was rather stunning was the item being placed on the Consent Agenda – this is where items that are not very significant and don’t call for that much debate get placed.

Any member of Council can ask for an item on the Consent Agenda to be pulled and set down for debate – which then takes place at the end of the meeting.

That something as vital as what takes place downtown in terms of commercial interests at a time when a number of commercial operations have had to give the keys back to the landlord startled this reporter.

We were advised by a person who asked not to be identified that the decision to have the item on the consent agenda came from the Mayor.

Brian Dean, top toff at the Downtown Business Association was out drumming up business for his members.

The Burlington Downtown Business Association –lobbyist for the interest of the business sector, had surprising little to say.  It began to sound as if the BDBA had lost control of their agenda – and that Sound of Music had eaten it.

One would expect any event that was all about merchants and their interest would have BDBA fingerprints all over it.

A call the Gazette made to the BDBA offices when the event first came to our attention got a “we don’t know who is behind the event” which turned out to be somewhat disingenuous.

Turns out that the people behind the event are folks from the Sound of Music – they – not the BDBA, will be running the show.  SoM will be involved – the event planner will handle the actual organizing.

The event

During the debate all kinds of information floated to the surface.

Getting permission to hold an event on public property is handled by the city’s Festivals and Events department.

One makes an application and that department has the delegated authority to approve or not approve the event.

Once approved the event can run forever or until the Events people decide that it has served its purpose.

There was a time when every event came to council – they delegated that authority to the Festivals and Events people who do a debriefing every time an event takes place.  If everything is in order and all the commitments have been met the event usually gets approved for the next year.

Described in the report to council as:

This first of an annual Burlington Holiday Market will bring a blend of different foods, music, experiences and shopping moments to the city core. Inspired by the Christmas markets of Germany, the first annual holiday event will delight all five senses and inspire the community to come together, in a way that will create lasting memories for all that attend.

The Staff report went on to say:

Using parking lot # 1 which abuts this easterly section of the Promenade as ground 0 – the event will sprawl over a street they hope to close (parts of Martha) and a parking lot.

The event is anchored at Parking Lot 1 (431 Elizabeth Street) which includes temporary vendor stalls and entertainers and envisions a sprawling market across multiple locations and footprints (public and private). Working closely with the Burlington Downtown Business Association (BDBA) to engage business owners and showcase to them how they can be a part of this inaugural event. The Burlington Holiday Market will be made available for all ages, with certain aspects of the event targeting specific age groups, with targeted attractions for different customer segments.

Pending sponsorship, event components may include a full-size stage highlighting high profile entertainment if revenues are secured in 2021, if not, plans would be to grow the event to include these event elements in 2022.

In 2022, the event may wish to include alcohol sales and would secure a Special Occasions Permit from the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, and follow all necessary rules and regulations surrounding the permit and the City’s Municipal Alcohol Policy.

In addition to Lot 1, the event wishes to utilize the Elgin Promenade, the new Promenade expansion area that will connect Lot 1 to the Centennial Trail and a one-day, single block road closure adjacent to Lot 1 along Pearl Street between Pine and James Streets.

Parking lots are not typical event spaces, but the City has previously allowed events to use parking spaces and lots as locations. Due to the time of year and potential for snow, a hard surface lot provides the opportunity for snow and ice clearing without damage and a safe surface for accessibility and pedestrian needs. Parking Services has noted that Lot 4 is highly used by consumers of the downtown area.

Staff recognize that the organizing committee is still in the planning phase of the proposal and many details for the overall event area remain to be solidified. It is anticipated that the event will use a combination of parking spaces/lots and promenade space along with a one block street closure as the core event footprint, with participation sprawling to downtown merchants and restaurants. To move forward with the planning, the organizing committee requests Council’s approval of the event in their desired location. Staff would then work with the organizing committee through the Special Event Process managed by the multi-functional Special Events Team made up of staff from the region and various departments will work together to ensure a safe event for all attendees.

We learned from ward 2 Councillor Lisa Kearns that should council approve the event at the September 21st meeting it will become an “in perpetuity event”.

We learned from Ward 3 Councillor Rory Nisan, who is seen by many as a “stalking horse” for the Mayor has been a non voting member of the committee set up by people who are heavily involved in the Sound of Music for the past two years.

Peter VanDyck, an insurance executive and a major player at SoM – has been working on this Holiday Market idea for several years.

Peter VanDyck, a senior member of PV&V, an insurance company and a driving force at SoM did all the talking and answered most of the questions during the delegation.

He, along with Meagan Madill, owner of an Event Planning and Production agency, operating under the name of Curated by M, will be handling the actual running of the event.

Meagan Madill – an event planner with an impressive client list was described by the Mayor as a Rock Star

Madill was called a Rock Star by the Mayor who couldn’t say enough about the woman who handled an event for the Conservation Authority that was described as a huge success.

Councillor Kearns had been approached to sit on the committee but declined explaining that her responsibility to her constituents and that she wanted to be unencumbered by any allegiance to the group that would be at odds with what her constituents would wish.

More on the specifics of that debate in part 2

Related news story.
A new special event market coming to the downtown core.

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Oakville North Burlington Conservative candidate avoids the media - takes part on Chamber of Commerce event

By Ryan O’Dowd, Local Journalism Initiative reporter

September 14th, 2021



Oakville/North Burlington Conservative candidate, Hanan Rizkalla, has become the second candidate to opt-out of media availability.

Hanan Rizkalla – Conservative candidate for Oakville North Burlington

Rizkalla joins fellow Conservative candidate Emily Brown in not being available for interviews.

Both candidates failed to appear for climate change debates sponsored by the Halton Environmental Network.

The only public event that the Conservative candidates took part in was Chamber of Commerce events.

After some communication with Rizkalla’s campaign, they requested questions in advance and that they would relay some answers through email. Fulfilling such a request would not meet the standard the Burlington Gazette operates on, nor does it afford the opportunity to provide the information voters need. The Rizkalla campaign’s proposal would amount to little more than a press release.

Like Brown, Rizkalla’s sole interview takes place with a high school conservative program by and for conservatives. A tradition in Canadian elections is for media to interview candidates and set their different views.  The men and woman running for public office have a responsibility to let the public they want to represent know where they stand.  Almost hiding from media is a dangerous first step from becoming unresponsive to the wishes of the people who elected them.

Needless to say, these candidates have not been part of the media process – we are all the poorer for it.

Every other candidate the Gazette has reached out to in Burlington, Oakville/North Burlington, and Milton has been willing to be interviewed.

Rizkalla took part in a Chamber of Commerce debate with the other candidates in her riding and when climate change came up the Conservative candidates’ had little to say.  Oakville/North Burlington Green Party candidate, Bruno Sousa, was kind enough to point this out to those listening to the debate.

“I’ve participated in quite a few debates on the environment and climate change and I’ve failed to see the Conservatives show up for these meetings so I don’t even know how they have a proper climate action plan,” said Sousa.

Hanan Rizkalla – Conservative candidate for Oakville North Burlington who has chosen to avoid the media

Rizkalla noted the Liberals had failed to reach their target and touted the Conservatives’ ability to hit their target, which was criticized as unambitious. Rizkalla focused on the low carbon savings account which she describes as the Conservatives “incentivizing rather than punishing you,” and lauded the choices it would provide Canadians.

“Mr. Trudeau and the Liberals attempted to reduce emissions by taxing hard-working Canadians, families, and businesses. Mr. Trudeau and his team haven’t set a target to deliver. The Conservative plan will allow us to meet our target in 2030 by reducing the burden on Canadians while reducing emissions by using a low carbon saving account, the Conservative government will work with provinces to incentivize Canadians to adopt a greener lifestyle while giving Canadians a choice of how to best use that credit for their families,” said Rizkalla.

Rizkalla got into a dispute with Liberal incumbent, Pam Damoff, over a question regarding government regulatory systems. Rizkalla pushed for the need to appoint a minister of red tape reduction to assist businesses and to redress credential red tape facing immigrants (where Rizkalla proposes working with a task force to acknowledge immigrant credentials more quickly). Damoff implicitly suggested there were dangers with Rizkalla’s position when she referenced the Walkerton E. coli outbreak that killed 6 in May of 2000.

“We need to be smart when we’re bringing in place things to make it easier to deal with the government. When I hear about a minister of red tape reduction my mind goes to Walkerton and the people that died there,” said Damoff.

“What we have in hand right now is six years of the current Liberal government saying they are supporting people for red-tapping and immigrant credentials,” said Rizkalla. “What we are seeing is lack of physicians, lack of nurses, lack of resources. Proposing the right credentials for immigrants is one of the main areas we are targeting, this will secure the jobs back in Canada.”

Elsewhere Rizkalla reiterated the Conservative’s plans to secure Canada’s future and spark innovation.

“We are planning to overhaul the tax system to enhance the experience of all Canadians and small businesses. We’re going to unleash Canadian innovation by cutting all the income taxes in half of any new patented technologies in Canada.

“We will establish advanced research adjacency cutting edge with carbon capture, storage, electric vehicle development, pharmaceutical research and production, all that will support small businesses and enhance the taxation system,” said Rizkalla.

In Rizkalla’s closing statement she stuck to the party script as she had for most of the event.

Hanan Rizkalla – new to politics, forgets that media is very much a part of the political process in Canada

“It is clear the Canadian’s are looking for a government that has a recovery plan and as long as they have the will and desire to implement it, the Conservative plan, to secure Canada’s future, will deliver a stronger economy, more jobs, and the health of Canadians. It is not the time to divide Canadians with campaigns based on fear, we bring in with Canada’s recovery plan the positive hope Canadian’s are looking forward to,” said Rizkalla.

Rizkalla began her career as a physician focusing on public health, research, and cancer therapies.

Rizkalla lives in her Oakville/North Burlington riding with her husband and three children.

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The winter equinox will be celebrated in Lowville the day after the federal election - there is a message of some sort in there

By Staff

September 12th, 2021



On the 20th o September the country will choose the leader it hopes will steer us through the pandemic we are experiencing.

The the sun crosses the celestial equator and Lowville takes to the country roads.

On the 21st, the sun crosses the celestial equator and day and night are of approximately equal length and the people of Lowville will once again celebrate.

The Lowville Festival, north Burlington’s “festival of all the arts for the artist in all of us”, is excited to share a Fall Equinox interlude on Tuesday September 21st from 6:15pm to 7:15pm.

We are inviting guests to two Sneak Previews…  First, a  ten-minute excerpt from our 2021 virtual festival video  “A Love Letter… from Lowville to Burlington”, to be launched in the very near future.

Trevor Copp will be doing an inspired interpretation of Camille Saint-Saens’ Carnival of the Animals .

And second,   celebrated Hamilton mime artist ’s “Carnival!”, a thirty-minute family and child-focused entertainment inspired by Camille Saint-Saens’ Carnival of the Animals .

The “sneak preview” is short – a very talented mime will strut his stuff.  Waiting to learn when the full performance will be available.

You are invited join the assembly of Special People at ThinkSpot, located in the Walt Rickli Sculpture Garden across from Lowville Park.

Register at Eventbrite through links below, as reservations are required for the event and for parking.  Guests are welcome to bring chairs and blankets to sit on the grass: parking is available at Lowville Park (Parking reservations are mandatory).

The RSVP is complimentary and guests will be notified by 4:00 pm on September 21st if the weather is not cooperating and the event is cancelled.

Lowville Festival is supporting Conservation Halton Foundation and would appreciate donations (cheque or cash) at the event.  We will have pre-printed donor envelopes available at the event and donations $20 or more will receive a charitable donation receipt from Conservation Halton Foundation.  COVID guidelines will be strictly observed.

Special thanks to the City of Burlington for its generous support for our 2021 virtual Festival video.

Please click on links below

EventBrite Reservation CLICK HERE

VideoDescription of Carnival CLICK HERE

Parking Reservations CLICK HERE





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Food Truck Festival at Spencer Smith Park this weekend.

By Staff

September 10th, 2021



Those with patios won’t like it – but thousands of people are expected to spend some time at the Burlington Food Truck Festival taking place for the next three days at Spencer Smith Park.

More than 30 food trucks will be in the park.

FREE ADMISSION, cold beer, delicious food, and local performers geared to entertain the masses!

Sep 10:    5pm – 10pm
Sep 11:    12pm – 10pm
Sep 12:    12 pm to 8 pm

Covid Policy
Contact tracking & a COVID wellness questionnaire must be submitted upon arrival to the festival. Signage will be posted at the entrance (located off of the Promenade) with a QR code for guests to scan with the camera on their phone.

Social distancing is required at all times. If social distancing is not possible, masks must be worn.
Spencer Smith Park

*Responsible pet owners may bring their well-behaved leashed pets to the festival.

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