Your opportunity to ask questions and let council members and city staff know what you think about spending levels. Use it or lose it.

 By Pepper Parr

BURLINGTON, ON March 3, 2011  –  Time for all those who want to belly ache about the tax burden to get in front of both city hall staff and council members and get your two cents worth in before they skin you for several thousand dollars.

The city is going to the community for input, comment and reaction to the proposed budget that will determine what the tax levy for 2011 is going to be.

Officially, council is talking about a 2.5% increase for 2011 but that could slip down to 1.5% or down to 0% if Ward 5 council member Paul Sharman sticks to his guns

The draft outline of the budget is in print – now each council member gets to make amendments and argue for changes and convince their fellow council members to go along with cuts or additions they would like to see.

Ward 1 council member Paul Craven will want more for Aldershot,  that’s how he continually gets re-elected.  Marianne Meed Ward will cherry pick issues that she sees as socially beneficial and in the interests of the city at large, but we don’t hear much about the Pier and the waterfront from Meed Ward, which were issues that got her elected.  John Taylor, sage of Ward 3, back form a deserved break will argue that the rural areas deserve a better break and has advised his fellow council members that they can expect to hear much from him on this issue.   Jack Dennison of Ward 4 will have the longest list of desired changes and if he can find a way to float the Joseph Brant Museum across Lake Ontario to some other community he will push for that action.

Will the rookie council member with the financial smarts stick to his guns and argue for a 0%` tax increase for 2011?
Will the rookie council member with the financial smarts stick to his guns and argue for a 0%` tax increase for 2011?

Ward 5 council member Paul Sharman stunned both city hall staff and his fellow council members by saying at a committee meeting, that a 0% increase is what the council was elected to produce and he wants to see no pay increase – that is no automatic cost of living allowance, but merit pay to be handed out by the city manager as part of a different approach to rewarding city hall staff.

Ward 6 rookie Blair Lancaster let out a spirited Yippee! when staff completed several days of grueling Budget Orientation sessions and at a later committee session commented that staff should be left to manage while council set policy.  Lancaster is still working through what her policy initiatives would be. 

The schedule for the remainder of the public, committee and council session are:

[box type=”shadow”]March 5 –  Capital Budget – Community Meeting/Workshop, Burlington Arts Centre, 1333 Lakeshore Road. 9:00 –11:30 am

March 8 – Review Capital Budget  at Corporate Services Committee; 9:30 am Council Chambers.

March 21 – Council to Approve Capital Budget; 7 pm Council Chambers

March 29 – Review and Approve Current Budget at Budget and Corporate Services Committee, 9:30 am Council Chambers.

March 31 –  (If required) More review of Current Budget: 9:30 am, Council Chambers.

April 11 – Council to Approve Current Budget [/box]

The budgeting process will approve a ten year capital spending program that doesn’t have any new major spending initiatives.  The Pier and the Performing Arts Centre are either  being litigated or nearing completion; the new fire station on Ironstone in the Appleby Line and Upper Middle Road areas is nearing completion.  It’s basically a hold and complete budget on the capital side.  The current operating budget is where the cuts are going to have to be made if the line on spending is to be held or made shoter.  And given that staff is one of the largest, if not the largest expense item it doesn’t take much to determine where the cuts are going to come from.

A sometimes reliable source tells us that there are at least two medium to high level positions being looked at quite closely and the question “do we really need this position” is being seriously asked.  Roman Martiuk, city Manger is under significant pressure from this council to do something to at least show that the “will of the people” Councilor Paul Sharman speaks of is being heard.


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Burlington developer takes energy conservation seriously – goes thermal with a 16 storey project in ‘upper core’.


Partner Graham Chalmers points out detail on an architect’s model of the project due to begin construction at Appleby Line and Upper Middle Road in the Spring.
Partner Graham Chalmers points out detail on an architect’s model of the project due to begin construction at Appleby Line and Upper Middle Road in the Spring.

By Pepper Parr

BURLINGTON, ON  March 3, 2011  –  Have you noticed how we have all become “environmentalists”?  We put our garbage in the different coloured bins.  We buy into the idea of not purchasing water in plastic bottles and we at least try to walk rather than drive some of the errands we have to run – but the price of gas drives that decision more than our newly found environmental concerns.

There aren’t all that many opportunities to reduce the size of our carbon footprint on this planet but a developer new to the Burlington market is about to begin the “big dig” for a 16 storey condominium project at the corner of Appleby Line and Upper Middle Road, which they describe as “north Burlington”

The cost of heating and cooling units is being borne by Mother Earth for this “first in the province” use of geo thermal in a condominium project.
The cost of heating and cooling units is being borne by Mother Earth for this “first in the province” use of geo thermal in a condominium project.

What makes this development unique and environmentally sound is the decision to go geo thermal for their energy.   The contractors will be putting pipes down fifteen metres into the ground and tapping into the earth’s energy that will be used to heat and cool the condominium units.

Geo thermal as a process is not cheap.  “It usually adds about $5000.00, often more than that to the price of a unit and that put condominiums into a price bracket that isn’t very competitive” explains Graham Chalmers.  However, Davies Smith Development has come up with a really interesting twist to paying for that very expensive geo thermal piping and its attendant monitoring devices.  The company that is doing the geo thermal work will own the system and lease it to the condominium, thus spreading the cost of the construction over a long period of time and making the units as affordable as anything else in its market segment.

Each resident will be able to set the level of heating or air conditioning they want in their unit.  They will never know that the energy they are burning (if we can use that phrase)  will come from the earth beneath them but, they will see something in the order of a 10% reduction in their energy costs at today’s prices, and be protected from future increases in the price of natural gas.  There isn’t much of a down side to this.  Geo thermal is a proven technology, used by Wal-Mart at their Fairview Road location in Burlington.   The only tough part with geo thermal has been the capital cost and with the lease back solution Davies Smith has come up with, the condo owners get the best of several worlds.  Price protection and a secure energy source and knowing that they’ve  helped save the planet.

The building has solar panels on the roof but Graham Chalmers points out that “solar really isn’t as cost effective as many people think it is”.  It does work and the hope is that they will generate enough energy to cover the cost of heating the water used in the building.  “We will have some natural gas coming into the building to heat water but the building itself will be heated and cooled with geo thermal energy”, said Chalmers.

He believes this development is the first condominium, in Ontario at least, to use geo thermal on this scale.  Construction will begin late in March.  And how is business?  Are the units selling?  According the Davies Smith sales people 85% of the units are sold – not bad when they have yet to put a shovel into the ground.

Davies Smith developments is a partnership between two guys that worked together for some time for different companies and decided they had a bit of money and wanted to strike out on their own.  They aren’t a ‘runty little development company’ selling condo units in one of the hottest markets in North America but rather have earned a better than average share of awards and have decided that they will develop a reputation and let that sell the housing they develop.

The project at Appleby Line and Upper Middle Road is in an area undergoing significant change.  All four corners of this intersection as well as properties south along Appleby are slated for development.  The city has its newest fire station under construction half a block away.  The units range from 645 sq ft to 1140 sq feet in size.   85% of the units have been sold.


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Kicking up a stink. Should we feed the critters?

By Staff

City wants you to think about feeding “nuisance” animals.
City wants you to think about feeding “nuisance” animals.

BURLINGTON, ON  March 4, 2011  –  This came in from the very able Georgi Gartside, chief factotum for Ward 2 Councillor Marianne Meed Ward.  They want to invite you to a public meeting and give you an opportunity to tell city staff if you think they should create a new policy or by-law to prohibit residents from feeding nuisance animals (skunks, raccoons, etc.).  Staff will provide the background on this issue and ask for your feedback.

Is this a must attend meeting?  Depends on your take on feeding the critters that roam our backyards and ravines.  If the TV offering is dismal on Tuesday, March 8, 2011, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. take a wander to the Burlington Senior’s Centre, Freeman Room, 2285 New Street.  Kick up a stink.

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Speed bumps that slow things down or hurdles that can’t be overcome? Public input to be added to the mix.

By Pepper Parr

BURLINGTON, ON  March 3, 2011  –  That business of bicycle races in the downtown core on Canada Day seems to have the bureaucrats a little on the antsy side – they’ve decided to hold a public meeting for community input.  Attribute this to either some nervousness on what the natives are saying or an example of better and more open communication between tax payer and tax collector.

This event, several days of competitive cycling in Burlington over two weekends has been hitting speed bump after speed bump – not a pleasant experience if you’re sitting on a skinny bicycle seat, if you know what I mean.  The group organizing the event Mid Week Cycling Club has run into a number of difficulties and have had some problems convincing city hall staff that they can actually pull this off.

The problems started from the get-go when the proposal came to a Council meeting and got approved by one of those 4-3 votes.  The Mayor at the time, Cam Jackson, voted against the idea, not because he didn’t like it, but because there was no solid Bid Book that the city could work from.  Peter Thoem, then Ward 2 Council member and Rick Craven of Ward 1 liked the idea and the motion was passed on a recorded vote.

It hasn’t exactly been smooth sailing for the sponsors but they keep at it.  They held an open night at the Waterfront Hotel for the public to drop by, see the race courses for this multi day event but very few people showed up. There were a couple of those – “we don’t want anything different people” but the turn out was less than a dozen folks.  So the people who write cheques made out to the city, tax payers, weren’t up in arms over the event – which does have the potential to put Burlington on the cycling map and could become an annual event.

One of the people on hand that Friday evening at the Waterfront Hotel was Brian Deane,  General Manager of the Burlington Downtown Business Association (BDBA) who was  delighted with the idea and the opportunity it created for his members, “particularly those whose are in the hospitality business”.  Dean felt it was going to be difficult to get a seat at any one of the Brant Street locations that had side walk café type seating.  Watching the race as the cyclists roared by in small packs can be very exciting – Burlington hasn’t seen anything like this before.

There is some potential conflict with the Canada Day celebrations at the waterfront and the evening fire works but the Midweek Cycling people explain that they hold races during the Toronto CHIN radio event at the Exhibition grounds where thousands of people swarm onto the streets and everything gets managed very well.

The proposal the city is dealing with is for a two year schedule with up to five different races both in the downtown core and up a number of the roads leading out of the city and into Escarpment land.  If you’ve driven those roads you can imagine how grueling a “time test trial” would be up Walkers Line.  Great sport.

The proposed race routes are set out below.



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Dressing up for the first formal, critical look at the playbill.

 The Burlington Performing Arts Centre will appear before a Council committee next week and detail their budget projections for the next fiscal year and explain their business plan for the next few years as well.

The BPAC, a project that is the pride of many in the city or one of those “nice to have but not necessary” for others, depending on which side of the cultural divide you have chosen to sit on,  is getting close to Opening Day.  The staffing compliment is growing as they get ready to market and promote programs for the fall season and at the same time keep public anticipation as high as possible.

This is the look the Performing Arts Centre wants to take to the community in its branding, advertising and promotional material.
This is the look the Performing Arts Centre wants to take to the community in its branding, advertising and promotional material.

As part of the pre-launch process the centre released a new “brand” that will be used in all its marketing initiatives.  Graphics are thing you either like or don’t like – here is what the Centre is going forward with.

Past chair Keith Strong has explained that the Centre is going to go for what he calls a “soft opening’ which will have the community able to tour the building and get a sense of what has been built and showcase the opportunities and the potential.

Almost a little too much resemblance between the Mental Health Association logo and that chosen by the Performing Arts Centre.  Is there a hidden intention here?
Almost a little too much resemblance between the Mental Health Association logo and that chosen by the Performing Arts Centre. Is there a hidden intention here?

The decision was made not to open with a loud, expensive boffo event but to let the community warm up to the space with events that are low key and not all that expensive.

The 12 member Board for the Centre (with the Mayor as an Ex officio member) is in place and is made up of:

[box type=”shadow”]

Chairman Allan Pearson

Allan was born in Hamilton and has lived in Burlington for most of his life, having grown up in the downtown core. He has been in the automobile business since 1976 and is President of Discovery Ford Sales in Burlington.

Allan has served on the Ford of Canada Roundtable, is a former Board member and past Chair of the Board at Wellington Square United Church and currently sits on the Board of Trustees. Allan is a past Board member and Board Chair of the Burlington Community Foundation.  He is current Vice-Chair of the Canadian Ford Dealer Pension Board of Trustees, and sits on the Board of Directors for the Carpenter Hospice.  Allan has completed the DeGroote School of Business/United Way not-for-profit governance workshop.

Vice Chair Rick Burgess

Rick is a business lawyer based in downtown Burlington. He is an Instructor-Business and Labour Law, Niagara and Sheridan Colleges; Mediator & Group Facilitator; Instructor-Negotiation / Mediation / Dispute Resolution.  From 1980 to 1989 Rick was a business lawyer in Toronto. He has been a member of Ontario & California bar associations since 1980. 

Rick’s community involvement includes:

  • Past Chair, Burlington Community Foundation Board (2009-2010)
  • Past Vice-Chair and Member, Halton Regional Police Services Board (2005-2010)
  • Past Chair, Burlington Chamber of Commerce
  • Past President, Creative Burlington (2008-2009)
  • Past President, Burlington Art Centre (2002-2004)
  • Burlington Art Centre Foundation Board (2004-2005)

Rick has lived in Burlington since 1992 with his wife, Brenda Bowlby, who is also a lawyer, and their daughter Lindsay, who attends university.

Keith Strong

Keith has resided in Burlington for the last 42 years.  He moved to Burlington as an employee of Windsor Salt which later resulted in being employed by Metasurf Canada.  In 1970 Keith purchased a small mobile wash in Hamilton and has been self employed from that time.  In 1985 Keith designed and built the first totally enclosed hazardous waste transfer site and instituted the first permanent household hazardous waste location in Ontario.  In the late 80’s Keith sold his business to Laidlaw.  Over the last 15 years Keith has helped small business to grow and expand.  The remaining of his time has been spent giving back to the Burlington community.  Keith has a daughter Terra and a son Scott both married, living in Oakville raising their families.

Philippe Pango

Dr. Philippe Pango’s inventions and technologies have been successfully implemented in millions of wireless Bluetooth headsets, hearing-aids and ground penetrating radars throughout the world.  A long time resident of Burlington, Dr. Pango’s career started as a Senior Design Engineer for Gennum Corporation, where he was instrumental in the company’s transition to digital hearing aid technology.  In 2006 he launched his first start up, CAYCe, in partnership with McMaster University.   Dr. Pango is currently the Chief Technology Officer of Vitasound Audio Inc., where he oversees the research and development of advanced audio processing technologies, including hearing aids and hearing protection devices.  An avid musician, Dr. Pango understands the importance of arts in a perfectly balanced life, and its positive impact on a community.  He plays electric and acoustic guitar, five-string bass, piano, organ, djembé percussion, sings in a choir that promotes the African culture throughout the Halton region, has authored two novels, and claims to be unbeatable at tennis.

Mary-Ellen Heiman

Mary-Ellen’s professional background includes skills in building strong relationship amongst volunteers, staff, major donors and business partners.  She has held positions in the direction of the performing arts sector as Chair of the Board, and board member, for the St. Lawrence Performing Arts Centre in Toronto, with direct reporting to the City of Toronto.  She has also been a consultant to various music, drama and heritage organizations.  Mary-Ellen has also worked in the visual arts sector as Executive Director of a public non-profit art gallery.  Through these roles she has distinguished herself as a strategic planner and partnership builder with strong Board of Joseph Brant Hospital.

Presently, Mary-Ellen is the Director of Development and funding for the Canadian Centre of Emergency Preparedness.  In her previous consulting career, she was a consultant in needs analysis, strategic planning, promotional enhancement, program design and board development.  Mary-Ellen’s skills include partnership building, workflow analysis, communication methodology and organizational change, with direct experience in marketing, governance, sponsorship and grant funding, financial and event management.  Mary-Ellen has completed the DeGroote School of Business/United Way not-for-profit governance workshop.

Dominic Mercuri

Dominic is a leader in financial services marketing and is currently the Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer for TD Bank Financial Group.  In this capacity Dominic leads a global marketing team and is responsible for the bank’s overall market positioning, and oversees the development and execution of TD’s global marketing and brand strategy. Dominic, his wife Carol, and their children Jennifer and Frank have lived in Burlington since 1995.  He is also a member of the Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital Foundation Board.

Ed Hannah

Ed Hannah was born in Collingwood, raised in Hamilton and has lived for the past 18 years in Burlington.  Ed is a graduate of Yale University (B.A.); York University (M.B.A.); Osgoode Hall Law School (LL.B.); and Harvard Law School (LL. M.).

Ed has spent 22 years of his 27-year professional career as a lawyer at Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg, LLP (Toronto) where he currently practices law, specializing in Corporate/Commercial Law, Mergers and Acquisitions, Structured Finance and Corporate Governance.

Ed has also been a Senior Vice-President of Score Media Inc., a Toronto Stock Exchange-listed public company, and Executive Vice-President, Corporate Development and General Counsel for Magna Entertainment Corp. and its parent corporation, MI Developments Inc., both public companies cross-listed on U.S. and Canadian stock exchanges.  Ed has served on several public company and charitable boards of directors.

Ilene Elkaim

Ilene Elkaim, a Burlington resident since 1994, recognized for a distinguished career in Logistics and Information Systems for Retail Administration and Operations, founded Six Dynamix in 2005. Six Dynamix partners with small to mid-sized retail or wholesale organizations enabling them to improve efficiencies in their business processes. She has developed an effective process of working collaboratively with their clients to optimize administration and operations during all economic times, including software selection and implementation.

Ilene is also an active thespian within the Hamilton/Halton area since 1996.  Her involvement includes acting, back stage activities as well as having been an active participant on various Boards, including The Aldershot Players and Performing Arts Burlington (now known as Creative Burlington).

Ilene looks forward to joining forces with her fellow board members and management to make constructive, progressive contributions for the Burlington Theatre Board Inc.

Mayor Rick Goldring (Ex-officio)

On December 1, 2010 Rick Goldring was sworn into office as the City of Burlington’s 28th Mayor, after serving four years as Ward 5 City & Regional Councillor. A lifelong Burlington resident, Rick went to Nelson High School and earned his BA (Economics) from McMaster. He lives here with his wife, Cheryl, and they have a combined total of seven daughters.

Having been in business locally for 30 years, most recently as a senior financial advisor with Assante Financial Management Ltd., Rick has always been actively involved in community affairs. In addition to co-hosting Taking Care of Your Future on TV Cogeco, Rick is a member and past president of the Hamilton Chapter of Advocis – Canada’s largest association of financial advisors. Rick is a Rotarian, and has also been on the Board of the Ron Edwards (Burlington) Family YMCA and the Burlington Chamber of Commerce.   As City and Regional Councillor for Ward 5 in Burlington, he chaired both the Budget and Strategic Planning and the Community Services Committees.

Rick is passionate about his community and plans to address major concerns during his term including sustainable development, environmental issues and fiscal responsibility.

Peter Ashmore

Peter Ashmore has lived in Burlington for over 20 years with his wife Marla and their  two children both who are now attending university. He is a principal in MLA Enterprises Inc. an investment holding company. Peter is a member of the Burlington Theatre Board and Chair of its Finance Committee. He has been involved with the Fundraising Campaign Cabinet for The Burlington Performing Arts Centre and the Performing Arts Centre Board Development Task Force. Peter is currently President of the HoliMont Ski Club: a 1400 member not for profit club located in Ellicottville, New York. He has served on the Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital Foundation Board where he held the position of Treasurer. He was also active in the development of the Triathlon Club of Burlington were he remains as director.

Denise Walker

Denise Walker has been an entrepreneur for the past twenty-five years. She started High-Q Computer Education where she taught various software applications to small businesses. Her business has evolved into doing contract work, which includes event planning, client appreciation, business data analysis and marketing support.  She is currently working at Lakeshore Clinic and CIBC Wood Gundy in Burlington.  Denise started as a member of the Burlington Performing Arts Centre Fundraising Campaign Cabinet for more than 5 years, and is now a member of the Burlington Theatre Board Inc. Denise is also currently the Fundraising Chair.

Denise is passionate about the project and is currently working on completing the 11 million dollar Capital Campaign.  

Denise is a Wilfrid Laurier Graduate with a degree in Economics.

She was born in Montreal, but has been a Burlington resident for 41 years.  Denise and her husband Kevin have three children; one doing postgraduate studies and two in university.  Denise has completed the DeGroote School of Business/United Way not-for-profit governance workshop.

Steve Zorbas

Steve Zorbas is currently Acting General Manager of Development and Infrastructure for the City of Burlington, Ontario, Canada.  At the City of Burlington he has also held the positions of Acting Director of the Parks and Recreation Department and Executive Director of the Finance Department. He has over 27 years financial experience within local government, which have included the Town of Richmond Hill and the City of Mississauga. Prior to entering local government he also worked in the private sector in various financial positions in both the retail and manufacturing environments.

His academic accomplishments include holding a Bachelor of Commerce degree, diploma in public administration as well as being a professional accountant, Certified Management Accountant (CMA).  He currently is a board member (MPAC) at the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation and also Chair of the MPAC Audit Committee.

He has served as Chair/Past-Chair/Vice-Chair as well as board member for the Municipal Finance Officer’s Association of Ontario (MFOA).  In addition he has been a board member on the Government Finance Officer’s Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) subcommittee, Committee of Canadian Issues (CCI) as well as serving as a budget review officer and budget program advisor as part of GFOA’s distinguished budget award program.

Councillor Rick Craven

Rick Craven is a four term member of both Burlington City and Halton Regional Councils. He is a recipient of the Lyn Benson Memorial Award for outstanding contributions to the Community of Aldershot and the Halton Award of Excellence for promoting a safe and Healthy Community.

Councillor Craven currently serves on Halton’s Health and Social Services Committee, Halton Police Services Board and is President of the Halton Community Housing Corporation.[/box]

The Performing Arts Centre is getting to the point where it will soon actually look like the architects rendering we have seen for so many years.  Delightful.
The Performing Arts Centre is getting to the point where it will soon actually look like the architects rendering we have seen for so many years. Delightful.

These are the people you want to button hole and share your views on the Centre and its programming.  Most are volunteers and have gotten the Centre to the point where it will soon open and in the process have raised just under $11 million in public funding.  The Centre is owned by the city and run by the arms length Burlington Performing Arts Centre with the city picking up any deficits while the centre gets itself on its feet.

The creation of an audience and the development of a program that meets the interest of the community is part marketing science with a lot of creativity and sensitivity to the community added.  Executive Director Brenda Heatherington came to Burlington from St. Albert, a community just north of Edmonton. Alberta where she was hugely successful developing local theatre.


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Recognizing the very best in our community. An award that has led many to serving the community in some elected capacity.

By Pepper Parr

BURLINGTON, ON March 3, 2011  –  The deadline for nominations for the annual Burlington Civic Recognition Awards closed on Tuesday and now the task of sifting through the nomination papers gets started.  The following people are on the Committee that will determine who the recipient will be for each of the six awards.

Lisa Boyko, Linda Cupido, Bob Hilton, Jane McKenna, Ann Coburn and Keith Strong have accepted the call to choose the person to receive the community award for each category.  Each of the six were appointed to the Burlington Civic Recognition committee for a tem that expires at December 31, 2013.  Susan Zidaric Seymour is also on the committee and Adam Smith serves as chair of the eight member committee who meet by themselves with just a Clerk joining them to advise on protocol and procedure.

For those awards that are sponsored – the Arts award being an example, the sponsor of the Award has the right to have a person in the room for those deliberation but Deb Caughlin, Manager Council Services points out that there is seldom anyone from the sponsoring group taking part. This is the first year Caughlin has served as the Clerk to this committee.  She describes it as an “awesome event”.

The award categories and their sponsors are:

Citizen of the Year – Sponsored by Service Clubs of Burlington: Aldershot Lions, Central Lions, Optimists, Royal Canadian Naval Association, The Rotary Clubs of Burlington: Burlington, Burlington Central, Burlington Lakeshore, Burlington North

Junior Citizen of the Year – Sponsored by B’Nai Brith

Senior Person of the Year – Sponsored by the Heritage Place Retirement Community

Environmental Award – Sponsored by the Rotary Clubs of Burlington: Burlington, Burlington Central, Burlington Lakeshore, Burlington North

Community Service Award – Sponsored by Cogeco Cable Inc.

Arts Person of the Year The K. W. Irmisch Arts Award – sponsored by the Irmisch Family.

The Citizen of the Year recipient along with the nominees is announced in early May.   The recipients of the other five awards are announced at the event.  Each person nominated for an award is given a certificate

Awards night for Civic Recognition.  Tickets priced at $30. each.  Great deal.
Awards night for Civic Recognition. Tickets priced at $30. each. Great deal.

The event that celebrates the announcement of the awards and the presentation of the certificates takes place on May 26th at the Burlington Convention Centre.  Tickets will be available at City Hall in the next few days.   Tickets are $30. each and are available from the city 905-335-7600, ext. 7493 or visit

“This is not a fund raising event” explained Caughlin.  “All we do is cover the costs and have reserved 250 spaces at the convention Centre.”

The Awards have been given out since February of 1965.  Before that different groups gave awards and the city decided it would be more effective and meaningful for there to be a single event at which all the recipients were recognized.

Transit appointments:

The following citizens were also appointed to the Burlington Transit Advisory Committee for a term that expires December 31st, 2012

Christopher Cottingham (Resident-Youth) and Amy Collard (Alternate, Halton Public school Board Trustee.  Jennifer Hlusko was approved as an appointee to the Burlington Transit Advisory for a term that expires December 31, 2013.


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City recognizes the contribution made by co-chair of the Shape Burlington report.

By Pepper Parr

It was an emotional event. City Council decided to recognize the community contribution made by John Boich, co-chair of the Shape Burlington report.

Boich’s  1956 Shredded Wheat football card.

Boich’s 1956 Shredded Wheat football card.

John Boich, who spent most of his career in the field of education after a couple of years playing football for the Ottawa Rough Riders, also happens to have a football card that was sold recently on eBay.  John was immensely amused by that sale.

He covered a lot of ground in a life that has been filled with activity and citizen engagement.  The issue with perhaps the highest profile is of course the Shape Burlington report,  produced by a committee that was co-chaired by John and former Burlington mayor Walter Mulkewich.  That report is still reverberating around city hall where, later this month, staff will produce their response to the document that has the potential to re-shape the way citizens interact with their elected officials and the staff hired to look after the city on their behalf.

Boich at a political event – doing what he does so very well.
Boich at a political event –
doing what he does so very well.

John has always been an intervener.  On the football field, within educational organizations, at the community level and in his relationships with those who were not as fortunate as he has been, John has been generous.

He is a large man and a large personality and there is never any doubt that he is in the room.  His involvement with local politics is close to legendary and if there was a shift in the thinking of a political party John had no problem moving his political allegiance.

But he never shifted away from the interests of the community and this evening the city he loves and cherishes met in a formal city council session and recognized the contribution he has made to the city of Burlington.

John is not well.  He has pancreatic cancer and faces this extremely difficult stage in life with the courage and determination he has faced most of his challenges.

His indomitable spirit got him to City Hall where he sat in a front row with Arlene, his wife of 30 years and received from the Mayor on behalf of the City, a Medal of Merit. Long, sustained applause that no one wanted to hear end followed the prtesentation.  The Council chamber had almost as many people in it as there were at the Inaugural session.  After the presentation of the certificate every member of Council came forward to congratulate John Boich and wish him their very best.

The only ones not in attendance were John’s  three Shiatsu  dogs, Buster, Molly and Winston. The event was televised live on Cogeco Cable.  Arlene Miller said a few words about the many, many meetings that took place in her dining room and she closed with the comment that rang true for every one in the chamber:  “John was doing what he loved”.


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Civic Recognition Award nominations due no later than Tuesday, March 1st

By Pepper Parr

BURLINGTON, ON – The City of Burlington is now accepting nominations for its annual Civic Recognition Awards. The deadline for nominations is March 1, 2011. If you know a volunteer who has played a role in making the community a better place to live, work or play, then consider submitting their name for this honour.

“The annual Civic Recognition Awards give us the opportunity to recognize individuals who have left a significant mark on our city through their volunteerism and contributions to making Burlington a great place to live,” said Mayor Rick Goldring. “It’s so important that we show our gratitude to these remarkable people for going above and beyond to make a positive impact in our community.”

Nominations can be made in one of these six award categories:

  • Citizen of the Year
  • Junior Citizen of the Year
  • Senior Person of the Year
  • Arts Person of the Year
  • The Community Service Award
  • The Environmental Award

The awards program started in 1965 when different service groups in the city had awards they were giving and the thinking was that this event would be better run by the city. Alan Smith is the citizen member chair of the committee (the vice chair position is open). He is supported by Deb Coughlin, Manager of Council Services in the city Clerks department. The committee receives the nominations and passes on a set of recommendations to city council.

The winners will be honoured at a special awards evening on Thursday, May 26, 2011 at the Burlington Convention Centre. Tickets are $30. each and are available from the city 905-335-7600, ext. 7493 or visit

Each of the award levels has its own history which we have set out below.

Citizen of the Year – Sponsored by Service Clubs of Burlington: Aldershot Lions, Central Lions, Optimists, Royal Canadian Naval Association, The Rotary Clubs of Burlington: Burlington, Burlington Central, Burlington Lakeshore, Burlington North

Junior Citizen of the Year – Sponsored by B’Nai Brith

Senior Person of the Year – Sponsored by the Heritage Place Retirement Community

Environmental Award – Sponsored by the Rotary Clubs of Burlington: Burlington, Burlington Central, Burlington Lakeshore, Burlington North

Community Service Award – Sponsored by Cogeco Cable Inc.

Arts Person of the Year The K. W. Irmisch Arts Award – sponsored by the Irmisch Family.

Pause and think about someone you have read about or heard about who has served the community in an outstanding way and nominate them.


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Remember thalidomide? Pregnant women thought it was great. We think cell phones are great too. Is there a problem or is it a ‘no brainer’?

By Pepper Parr with content from CNET

In the late 1950s and early 1960s, more than 10,000 children in 46 countries were born with deformities as a consequence of thalidomide use.  Thalidomide was sold in a number of countries 1957 until 1961 when it was withdrawn from the market after being found to be a cause of birth defects in what has been called “one of the biggest medical tragedies of modern times”. 

Medical science has done a lot for us.. Penicillin, the polio vaccine, heart transplants – the list is endless but mistakes get made and we do need to be mindful and pay attention to the technology.  Ask questions now because in the past we rushed to get a new medicine and new products to market.  Have we done that with cell phones?

Thalidomide was introduced as a sedative drug and was found to act as an effective tranquilizer and painkiller and was proclaimed a “wonder drug” for insomnia, coughs, colds and headaches. It was also found to be an effective inhibitor on morning sickness, and so thousands of pregnant women took the drug to relieve their symptoms. 

In the United Kingdom the drug was licensed in 1958 and, of the approximately 2000 babies born with defects, 466 survived. The drug was withdrawn in 1961 and in 1968, after a long campaign by The Sunday Times newspaper, a compensation settlement for the UK victims was reached with Distillers Company Limited. 

1962: FDA inspector Frances Oldham Kelsey receives an award from President John F. Kennedy for blocking sale of thalidomide in the United States.
1962: FDA inspector Frances Oldham Kelsey receives an award from President John F. Kennedy for blocking sale of thalidomide in the United States.

The impact in the United States was minimized when pharmacologist and M.D. Frances Oldham Kelsey refused Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval.  Canada was the last country to stop the sales of the drug, in early 1962.

We tell you all this because there “might”, and that might needs to be stressed,  be a link between that terrible thalidomide experience and the ubiquitous use of cell phones.  This is not meant to be alarmist – but questions can and should be asked.

Research ‘suggests’ that cell phone use “excites” the brain.

We picked up the following from Kent German writing for CNET; l

Here are his comments and observations:

[box type=info]If you cover the wireless industry, you’re never far from the ongoing debate over whether cell phones are harmful. And the debate usually goes something like this: the scientific community produces a study that explores the issue, and then the wireless industry rushes to interpret that study to its advantage.

Cell phones are ubiquitous – most people use them and in some countries that’s all there is.
Cell phones are ubiquitous – most people use them and in some countries that’s all there is.

Such was the case with a report published yesterday in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Researchers at the National Institutes of Health found that in healthy volunteer participants, cell phone exposure was associated with increased metabolism of glucose in the region of the brain closest to the antenna. So as CNET blogger Lance Whitney put it, the study suggested that cell phone use “excites” the brain.

Whether that increased brain activity is harmful, however, remains to be seen. The study’s authors also concluded that their findings were of “unknown clinical significance” and that more research is needed. And, not surprisingly, the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA), the wireless industry’s lobbying arm in Washington, D.C., highlighted the former point in a statement.

“The authors acknowledge that the results provide no information as to potential health effects of cell phones,” the statement said. “As with any study, scientific organizations will review the results of this one in the context of the significant body of research and published literature on cell phone safety that has already been amassed.”

What’s really important
So, as I said, the scientific community reports a study and the wireless industry takes the study and highlights the points that it likes the best. Yes, that’s much how the debate between science and industry has largely progressed throughout history, but it bothers me that in the process, consumers get only the information that organizations like the CTIA want them to hear.

Is that data correct – if it is we certainly want to know more and have someone study this and not take the word of the telephone industry.
Is that data correct – if it is we certainly want to know more and have someone study this and not take the word of the telephone industry.

Absolutely, CTIA is correct to highlight that the study makes no conclusions as to whether cell phones are harmful. Yet, dwelling on that point misses the most significant aspect of the study, which is that cell phone use can affect how your brain functions, even temporarily. Proving that point alone–and I realize that this one study doesn’t “prove” anything, but it does demonstrate it–has been the focus of much of the previous research over whether cell phones were potentially harmful. Lots of other things also affect the brain–food, sex, alcohol, drugs, to name a few–but not everything pumps out electromagnetic radiation next to your brain.

Dr. Devra Davis–an epidemiologist, environmental health researcher, and founder of Environmental Health Trust–characterizes the finding as stunning. “This demonstrates that cell phone use affects brain activity,” she told CNET. “The study used real people and was as close as you can get to a biopsy on a living brain.”

Davis, who authored the 2010 book “Disconnect: The Truth about Cell Phone Radiation, What the Industry Has Done to Hide it and How to Protect Your Family,” also cautioned against making firm conclusions from the study, but she takes a forceful role in advocating for more research. “The notion that we have enough information is completely wrong,” she said.

More research
As other, and usually inconclusive, studies continue to be published, I would be skeptical of anyone arguing that the case should be closed. Even the CTIA has argued for more research, and a spokeswoman confirmed that point with me today. Yet, I see a gap between the industry group’s actions and its vow to take the issues seriously.

For example, when the San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed a law last year requiring cell phone manufacturers to display the specific absorption rate (SAR) for each handset sold, the CTIA effectively stopped playing, took its ball, and went home. Not only did it blast San Francisco in a statement, but it also decided to move its autumn trade show to San Diego to punish the city.

Some standards
I’m not a staunch defender of San Francisco’s law–indeed, there’s plenty about my city’s government that makes me roll my eyes–but the CTIA’s reaction suggested that the “are they harmful/not harmful?” debate wasn’t worth its time. Yes, there’s no proof that a lower-radiation cell phone is safer. And, yes, information about a phone’s specific absorption rate (SAR) is widely available. Yet, as long as San Francisco is not making scientific claims about cell phone use, I don’t see the problem in giving consumers information and making it available when they buy the phone.

The CTIA mainly argued that San Francisco didn’t have the authority for such legislation. That’s possible, but as with most things, it’s never about what it’s about. As it has done in response to almost every study (including the one above) the industry also fell back on the notion that all cell phones sold in the United States are safe because they conform to FCC standards for safety (a SAR of 1.6 watts per kilogram or lower is legally considered “safe”). This is unfortunate. What most consumers don’t know is that the FCC’s standards were developed in 1993 using a model of a human who was 6 feet 2 inches tall, weighed 200 pounds, and had an 11-pound head. That’s hardly a fair representation of the average adult, let alone a child (remember, also, that kids have thinner skulls and their brains are still developing). What’s more, the digital phones we use today weren’t around 18 years ago. So maybe I’m a pessimist, but perhaps we should take a look at developing new standards.

Is this what our heads look like?  Is that a good thing?  Can we know that  - please.
Is this what our heads look like? Is that a good thing? Can we know that – please.

I’m not a scientist, so I’m not about to interpret the findings of this or any study. But if cell phone use can really affect brain activity, then we are nowhere near laying this argument to rest. Though much of my job is devoted to helping CNET readers find the best phone, neither CNET nor I has any interest in putting our heads in the sand and guaranteeing you that cell phones are safe. To do so would be irresponsible.

Until we can determine if cell phone use can adversely affect your health through DNA mutation–and frankly, we may not be able to determine that for many years, if we ever can at all–the industry needs to take the issue seriously. Blowing off concerned parties, alarmist as they may be, doesn’t help the situation. Nor does it help to continually point to government reports and convenient studies that find that nothing is wrong.


The same thing happened with the thalidomide debate – but the terrible results could not be ignored.  Not to be alarmist – but could someone spend some time and money on this issue – it is not exactly a “no-brainer”.


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Protect your identity and be careful how you dispose of sensitive documents.

By Pepper Parr

Identity theft and acts of fraud that take place can be a nightmare for anyone trying to repair the damage to their credit rating and reputation after becoming a victim. Thieves prowl through your garbage or pick up a receipt you carelessly threw away – and suddenly your bank account is accessed, charges are made to your credit card – and worse still – your house gets a mortgage put on it that you know nothing about. These things happen but you can safeguard yourself by being careful and vigilant.

Crime Stoppers is teaming up with Shred-It to help protect people from identity theft by hosting Community Shred-It events to give residents of the region the opportunity to have any unwanted private papers or sensitive documents safely destroyed.

Identity theft has become one of the fastest growing crimes in the country and is now robbing the Canadian economy of more than $2.5 billion a year.

“One of the best ways to protect yourself from identity theft is to shred any paper that has your name and other personal information,” said Cal Millar, chair of Halton’s Crime Stoppers program.

“Criminals can use a few details collected from a discard utility bill or bank statement to fraudulently obtain credit cards, driver’s licenses, health cards or other forms of identification in your name,” he said. A Community Shred-It events will be held on March 26 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Burlington Mall.

Kelly Gorven, chair of the project, said this is a fundraising event and Crime Stoppers will be asking for a donation of $5 to shred a shopping bag of personal papers or $10 for the equivalent of a banker’s box.

“It’s a unique fundraising initiative,” she said. “We want people to shred personal information to prevent the crime of identity theft and we’re raising money to pay for tips that may help solve numerous crimes. Everyone wins when we work together to combat crime and keep our community safe.”

Gorven said while people are spring cleaning or going through financial records to prepare taxes they should set aside any documents with sensitive information and bring them to one of the Community Shred-It locations. “You risk becoming a victim of identity theft if you throw anything in the garbage that has your name, address or other pertinent information,” she said.

“Losses”, according to a senior Halton police official, “ can come from someone simply forging your name on a cheque or using your credit card. They get that information from documents you just put in the garbage. “You reduce the possibility of becoming a victim when you are aware of the various frauds that are being committed today, especially those involving identity theft” he said.

Halton Crime Stoppers is hoping its partnership with Shred-It will not only increase the awareness of identity theft and the crime that stems from it, but will directly protect residents in this area from becoming victims.


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Liberal candidate comes out of the gate, says what he wants to do as MPP – if elected.

By staff

BURLINGTON, ON, February 24, 2011 –  He isn’t the candidate yet but that isn’t stopping  Burlington lawyer and Chair of the city’s 2010-11 successful United Way campaign, Karmel Sakran from getting out the word that he wants his name on the ballot for the October 6, provincial election.  Sakran is seeking the Liberal nomination which becomes an interesting contest with the retirement announcement of MPP Joyce Savoline last week.  The Progressive conservatives have held the riding for more than 40 years

Burlington lawyer Karmel Sakran announces he will be a candidate for the Liberal Party nomination.
Burlington lawyer Karmel Sakran announces he will be a candidate for the Liberal Party nomination.

Sakran recently announced that he would seek the Burlington Provincial Liberal nomination. Alyssa Brierley, another lawyer has also announced she will seek the nomination.   The nomination meeting is expected to take place some time in April

Sakran grew up in Burlington and talks of us his experience. “Growing up in downtown Burlington on Ontario Street behind my late father’s little grocery store on Ontario Street  taught me the importance of community,” said 46-year-old Sakran, who arrived in Burlington at age 13. “From behind that counter, I saw how he treated people with friendship and respect and how they returned it in kind. It was a powerful message that will stay with me forever.”

Reflecting that early influence, Sakran has become well known in Burlington for his community involvement. A long-time Rotarian, former Regional Chair of the Halton Community Consultation Committees, he is a founding board member of The Carpenter Hospice.

Sakran is currently a member the Board of Governors at Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital since 2006 and member of its executive, chairing its Human Resource Policy and Compensation Committee. He is the board representative on the hospital’s Foundation Campaign Steering Committee whose target is to raise $60 million for much-needed capital re-development.

For Sakran, chairing Burlington’s United Way campaign, which raised a record $2.2 million this year, was an eye-opener.  “People don’t typically think of Burlington as having citizens in need, but we do,” he says. “Many youth, families, and seniors benefit from the 44 social programs and services funded by the United Way.”

Seeking the Liberal nomination in Burlington is Sakran’s way of continuing to work for his community. Originally from Nazareth, Israel, of Christian Arab parents, he arrived in Canada at the age of 3 and moved to Burlington when he was 13. Sakran attended Central High School and later Assumption Secondary School, because “I didn’t make the football team at Central and at Assumption, I made the team”. 

Sakran later attended the University of Windsor and, after graduating in law, articled for the Criminal Appeals Division of the Attorney General of Ontario in Toronto. He returned to Burlington after being called to the bar.  “I always wanted to live and work in Burlington – that is where my heart is,” he said. “Burlington has been my home and my community for the past 34 years, and my goal is to win the nomination and then represent Burlington in the Ontario Legislature.”

Boundaries for voters in Burlington.  Provincial Liberals in Burlington gear up for an election they think they can win – after 40+ in the wilderness.
Boundaries for voters in Burlington. Provincial Liberals in Burlington gear up for an election they think they can win – after 40+ in the wilderness.

For Sakran, “It’s time Burlington had a Liberal at Queen’s Park.” Conservatives have represented this riding for decades, he notes, adding that they have been less than effective in upholding Burlington’s unique heritage and its integral role as the hub between the GTA, Hamilton and Niagara Corridor.  “Burlington has a leadership role to play in what is happening around and inside its border and we can’t allow another four-year term to pass with us taking a spectator role. The Conservatives want to pave paradise with the mid-peninsula highway and, despite having a Conservative MPP for all this time, no provincial money has been secured for capital re-development of our hospital in the past 40 years.” 

A matrimonial lawyer in Burlington, Sakran recently founded Roseland Law Chambers, a group of seven sole-practitioner lawyers with wide experience across all aspects of the law. He is married and has 2 daughters; his youngest is 5 ½ years old.



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Activists were about to get into bed with Region & the City but the province stopped them.

By Pepper Parr

BURLINGTON,ON February 21, 2010 – It was one of those meetings where all the heavy weight activists were on hand. People from COPE, (Citizens Opposed to Paving the Escarpment) PERL, (Protecting the Escarpment and Rural Lands) Burlington Green, a city councillor, a senior rep from the Region along with Burlington Mayor Rick Goldring and his spear carrier Frank McKeown.

Early on the agenda was a name change – they met as BHCAG – Burlington Halton Community Action Group and left as STOP the Escarpment Highway Coalition. The word coalition is what it was all about because the activist didn’t want the show run by the politicians. But this group did much more than change their name – they showed that politicians and community groups could work together for a common cause even though at times their individual interests might go off in different directions.

This group was in for the long haul when they met early in February. The full range of community activists in the Halton Region gathered around a table in a room that was too small for the size of the attendees and set out how the politicians, the bureaucrats and the activist would each be able to do their thing and at the same time put forward a common front. This was citizen participation at its very best.

It all began in December of 2009, when the region approved Regional Official Plan Amendment 38 (ROPA 38) – which included protection for escarpment and rural lands – and submitted it to the province for approval. Regional chair Gary Carr took great pride in the three year effort to get all four municipalities in the Region on side.

By June 2010, with the Environmental Assessment incomplete, the province returned with a draft transportation development strategy that included optimizing existing road networks and planning for a new transportation corridor. In October 2010, the province modified ROPA 38, placing a proposed transportation corridor across escarpment lands in rural Burlington. The revised document was mailed to the Region and its municipalities a few days after the municipal election. Then “it” hit the fan

The objective was to STOP the highway. The city of Burlington does not want a highway anywhere near the Escarpment and they had decided to engage their citizens in that battle. Because it is a regional issue as well that brought in groups from all over the place. Close to a dozen groups, some small and ineffectual, some very experienced and battle scarred, some poor and some well funded – all with one objective – STOP the highway.

The offending document is referred to as ROPA 38 Decision-2 and was brought to the public’s attention at a December community meeting in Burlington. Burlington council members Taylor and Lancaster led that parade through a hall with more than 800 people that had every politician getting a pay cheque in the room.

That was when citizens learned that the province had asked the Region to amend their Official Plan to accommodate a new highway, which an Ontario ministry described as a concept. The province sent the request to all the municipalities and the Region a few days after the municipal election.

This was the Environmental Assessment map that gave first light to what got called a concept.
This was the Environmental Assessment map that gave first light to what got called a concept.

John Taylor, Burlington Ward 3 council member, wasn’t buying the province’s request and he organized a community meeting that had every politician you could name on hand to swear that this was never going to happen. Even the two Tory members were on hand to speak against the proposed road, while their leader was in nearby Flamborough saying “jobs trumped the environment and the road meant jobs”. Taylor made it very clear at the December meeting that the community had to organize now even though the highway “would probably not get built in my lifetime”. Well John Taylor is still with us and the committee with the new name is in place to fight the good fight and tell their story should the idea of a highway near the Escarpment come up again.

The main thrust at that December meeting was to get petitions signed but as a representative from Citizens Opposed to Paving the Escarpment – COPE – later put it – getting ROPA 38 reversed is “first dragon to be slayed” and petitions will be a part of that battle “but the second dragon will be the MTO Environmental Assessment and we will have a battle – GET BLANCE IN HERE.

With names on petitions the meeting ended and the phone calls between everyone began and out of it came a decision to find a way to join forces and have the activists, the city and the Region work together. But the activists didn’t want the politicians leading the parade and the politicians weren’t about to give up the exposure one gets from leading a hugely popular xxx in the community.

There were some pretty smart marketing people in the room and they pushed for the word coalition in the name because that is how they see themselves – citizens in a coalition with two levels of government. It is quite a coalition and may be the first occasion when a Regional government, a municipal government and more than half a dozen active community groups joined forces for a common cause, which in this case was the stopping the idea of constructing a highway that would cut right through the villages of Lowville and be very, very close to Kilbride.

If the first part of the battle was to get petitions signed this group did a great job and in the process learned that not everyone is one same page of the hymn book and they came face to face with “corporate interests” that got put before the welfare of the community.

Angela Scrannage, John Timmis and Janie Moorse with sign the Stop the Escarpment Highway Coalition.
Angela Scrannage, John Timmis and Janie Moorse with sign the Stop the Escarpment Highway Coalition were going to plaster the Region with.

Janie Moorse, the person heading up the petition campaign, reported that she had well over 1000 petitions signed and that her team was out every weekend with a kiosk telling the story. Angela Scrannage told of the success at Lowville during the Winter Fair and of the problems with the YMCA and Mountain Co-op – they were unable to get inside those locations – are you ready for this – they didn’t want their clients to be harassed and asked to sign a petition.

The supermarkets have no problem in asking you for a loonie for some charity but the YMCA – the YMCA – doesn’t want their client base harassed over an environmental issue. Don’t think the Y or Mountain equipment Co-op really understand their clients. Tumblehome on Brant Street, however is one of the most successful petition gathering locations. Scrannage reported that Tumblehome staff ask their clients if they will sign the petition. They clearly know which side their bread is buttered on.

The Burlington Library apparently won’t allow a kiosk where people are asked if they would like to sign the petition. Makes you wonder why the library is there if it isn’t to serve as a source of information. The goal was to have 10,000 signatures on petitions and Moorse, who is not shy about asking people for their signature, reported that she had close to 2000 in hand before the campaign was closed down when the province backed off with their plan..

This is he map that told the story best – we could see the communities it was going to rip right through.  It had to be stopped – it was stopped.
This is he map that told the story best – we could see the communities it was going to rip right through. It had to be stopped
– it was stopped.

One of the problems the Coalition had was that the people north of Dundas get the problem – if you live in Lowville you care – but the urban people south of Upper Middle Road apparently don’t see the issue of a road ripping through the escarpment as all that serious. The Coalition had plans to set up guided tours through the escarpment in the Spring and hold a “Rural Fest” event at a later date

The approach that was to be taken to this hugely important objective is unique and quite frankly, kind of gutsy for Burlington. We have a Region, which has an agenda of its own. We have Burlington which has a very vocal population in the north end of the city who will lay down across the roads before a bulldozer can even start working at shaping a highway and then there are more than half a dozen citizen activist groups that have years and years of experience at this game of voicing the concerns of the taxpayer. Herding cats might be easier.

No one knows if the sounds coming from the growing community opposition made any difference or if the impending provincial election made the Ministry re-think the plan or if someone on the Transportation Ministry realized it was just a dumb idea – the fact is at this point that the highway is not on any Official Plans.

So – no highway. Big win but the win for the community was much bigger than just stopping a highway. The activists learned that they could organize themselves into a coalition and have as much clout as the City or the Region and could be treated as equals around the table.

The activist knew they could not do this by themselves and the politicians knew that they needed the boots on the ground that the activist had.

The was really a new approach to community engagement and there was no rule book yet – so the Coalition began to write the rule book while they are playing the game. Interesting and pretty brave on the part of the City and the Region. It looks as if the Coalition was going to strive to create several groups: A Community Working Group that would work independently of city hall; a City Working Group and a Regional Working Group that would be joined together as a Coalition, constantly communicating with each other to ensure that the actions of one Working Group did not limit the actions of another.

The province has been playing around with all kinds of ideas – they just want to move traffic and if it means encroaching on the Escarpment – they seem prepared to do just that.
The province has been playing around with all kinds of ideas – they just want to move traffic and if it means encroaching on the Escarpment – they seem prepared to do just that.

The activists wanted to ensure that they were not seen as an appendage to what the city and the Region was creating. They wanted to ensure they could speak for themselves and at the same time allow the politicians could play their role. Tricky stuff and would never work if anyone with a large ego got let loose.

The city’s working group is accountable to city council and adheres to city policy. The advocacy groups have to remain independent with their own structure and governance. So far, so good. But this was going to be a long, long, LONG term project.

It was all going to cost money. Where would the money come from?. The Community Group certainly doesn’t want to appear to be a “kept woman” and have the city pay all the bills but some of the costs might be beyond what can be done through local fund raising.

One of the ideas that came up during the organizational meeting was that bus tours could be arranged. The city has a fleet of busses – but how do they justify letting them be used to transport people to the Escarpment for tours to educate people on the highway issue and not make those same busses available to a group of Seniors who want to take in a tour of the RBG to smell the roses?

Cash donations from the city would be inappropriate but in-kind support could perhaps work. What about tax receipts ? Most groups don’t have charitable status – they couldn’t get such status because they are advocating and that is against donation tax receipt rules. The city does have a legal department that can be very helpful.

These people are basically taking a cat skinning course. They are venturing into uncharted waters but Burlington is Joseph Brant country and they know how to make canoes. And it looks as if there is a whole tribe of restless natives prepared to take up paddles and stroke their way through those waters.

But it all came to a halt when the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Rick Bartolucci, met with Regional Chair Carr and Burlington Mayor Rick Goldring to say the province wasn’t going to plan on building a road through the Escarpment area after all. And so what are we left with? Does the Coalition just fold up their tents and try to sell the several hundred plastic signs they had made up on eBay?

[box type=”warning”]Province caved in and said: “We are not going to require you to put the highway in your Official Plans.”[/box]

There was some exceptional work done by this Coalition and that experience has probably taught not only the community activist but the politicians as well, that they can work together and they can bring about change.

However, the idea of a highway cutting through the Escarpment has been kicking around for a long time. Tim Hudak, leader of the opposition at Queen’s Park said publicly that jobs trumped the environment and much of what we make rolls along highways into the United States.

Kelly Baker, a spokesperson for the office of Transportation Minister Kathleen Wynne, said it was the province’s understanding that the arrows indicating a corridor in the Halton Official Plan were only conceptual. “Until a new transportation corridor is identified as needed, it is premature to assume that any corridor location has been selected,” Baker said. The idea for the highway was originally proposed by the provincial Conservative government in 2001 and then fell off the agenda for a while. Baker contends that the past government’s plans for building a mega-highway through the Niagara Escarpment is not what the current government is doing.
“We want to get it right,” Baker said. “That’s why we used a research- and an evidence-based approach. We are not going to just assume we need to pave a mega highway through the escarpment.” And if you believe that my friends – let me tell you about the tooth fairy.

Our geography looks pretty attractive to people who play fast and loose with environmental concerns and jerk the public interest around when they are running for office. The Coalition would be well advised to adopt the Burlington motto – Stand By – and keep a watch on what those rascals at Queen’s Park are up to.


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The leading edge has tuned into a bleeding edge. Presto is expensive.

By Staff

BURLINGTON, ON February 22, 2011 – The province had a great idea to use technology to make it easier for transit riders to move from system to system.  Get a Presto card, swipe it at Aldershot and swipe it again at Union station and your trip is a seamless one.

The technology can do all that – BUT as we all know, it seldom works out quite the way it was supposed to the first time.  Burlington and Oakville were early adopters of the system – early adopters is a name for the guys who ride in front and have to handle all the mistakes and the cost over runs.  And there have been cost over runs.

Don’t leave home without it – and don’t lose it.
Don’t leave home without it – and don’t lose it.

It was billed as the latest in smart card technology, it’s the size of a debit card, made of durable plastic and fits easily into your wallet, purse or pocket. No need to dig around searching for tickets or tokens. You just have to dig around to find the Presto card amongst the dozen or so you already have.  No need to buy whole new fares when transferring transit systems. Just Tap your card on the reader on the bus or at the station. See the system instantly deduct the fare from your card balance. PRESTO! You’re on your way!  And when you lose the card – you lose everything – anyone who finds it can use it until it’s empty.  This was SMART?

The system didn’t come with a magician and Burlington, not exactly Silicon Valley North, found itself with a system that worked – but it wasn’t flawless in the early days.

Promoted as an added bonus for users, the card can be set up to automatically reload when your balance runs low.   Advantages to that – you never have to line up to buy tickets.

To get started, all you need to do is register your card, and then follow the steps online. It’s that easy!


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Community grants – they are lining up again; staff suggests we stick with the plan to end them.

By Staff

BURLINGTON, ON February 22, 2011  –  Requests for a total of $108,000 in grants landed on the City Manager’s desk but he has suggested to council that although each has merit the city should stick to its decision to not give grants to community groups.

Grants to community organizations were phased out in 1994 but staff have found that requests are still coming from external agencies.  The requests range from fee waivers to help with annual operating costs.  Some of the more recent grant requests are a result of an end to funding support from the Province, with the provincial Trillium Foundation being one of the organizations that ends funding at some point and the group has to look elsewhere.

Group needs funding – looks to the city for help.
Group needs funding – looks to the city for help.

Creative Burlington is in just that kind of a bind.  They have benefited from Trillium Funding for a number of years but that ends this October.  The non-profit organization that was a prime mover for a Performing Arts Centre now finds itself watching the BPAC get more than half a million dollars in start up money and have more than $10 million  raised within the community to work with, while it, Creative Burlington, may soon find itself struggling to meet the payroll.

Tough one to handle but if the City Manager’s advice is to not provide the $65,000. Creative Burlington has asked for – some hard decisions have to made at the little house on Old Lakeshore Road.

The City Manger asks council for some direction and a policy that can be applied to funding requests  “Should the City begin providing community grants, further requests will undoubtedly flow.  In order to determine which groups should be funded and to what level, a policy should be developed” is the view of staff as set out in their report

Council may not want to belly up to that idea.  Should there be a policy every group that wants funding will lobby council members seeking a vote at council.  The Soccer Mom’s did that and they prevailed.  The cycling group convinced the city to kick in $30,000. with the argument that it would be good for business.

Deb Tymstra, Executive Director of Creative Burlington could give an equally strong argument about the arts being good for business.  If Ms Tymstra were to ride a bicycle in the Canada Day race – would that help her application.

Brant was always pretty good at getting grants from the British, but this Council probably isn’t going to hear his argument.
Brant was always pretty good at getting grants from the British, but this Council probably isn’t going to hear his argument.

It’s dicey one and there has to be a policy for city staff to dole out funds.  Is this Council ready to think about giving funds to community groups?  Jack Dennison would float the Joseph Brant Museum away on Lake Ontario – so his vote can’t be counted on.

Burlington Green is asking for $10,000; the Burlington Sport Alliance is looking for an annual grant of $5000. while Civic Rose and Joseph Brant Day want stage and facility fee waivers.  The Halton District School Board wants $25,000. for an Active and Safe Routes to School program.

As Roman Martiuk stated in his report – they all have merit but he needs a Direction from Council and a policy to work within.


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Creative arts are part of the economic structure. Need to be funded like parks and fire fighters.

By Pepper Parr

This will be the year the Burlington celebrates the opening of the Burlington Performing Arts Center – on time and within budget.  So that means we have a healthy thriving arts community?  Well, yes, but make that a qualified yes.

Deb Tymstra, Executive Director of Creative Burlington, the organization that was really the womb within which the idea of a performing arts centre for Burlington was conceived, will tell you that there is an arts community in Burlington but it needs  nurturing and care to bring the talent in the community to the surface.

One of the prime driving forces in making the performing arts centre real was the work done by Mike Wallace when he was a member of city council.  Mike was the man who brought Deb Tymstra into the organization that spent ten long years doing the essential ground work that resulted in the Burlington Performing Arts Center which will open this fall.  In the days when Mike Wallace was a city council member, he got tired of doing the books for what was then Performing Arts Burlington and asked Tymstra to take on the task and that became the first step of a new passion for her.

Fun, colourful, and inviting, with blocks symbolizing the foundation on which they can build.
Fun, colourful, and inviting, with blocks symbolizing
the foundation on which they can build.

Creative Burling has completed the re-think it had to do when its name, Performing Arts Burlington, went somewhere else.  Today Tymstra says: “we are a ‘community business’.  We are a resource for arts information,  everything from where to find a photographer or dance class, to who’s playing at Boston Manor.  We collaborate on initiatives with artists, arts organizations and others to provide events and develop programs and partnerships.  We are looking to the future of Burlington as a recognized arts destination and believe that there is a role for us to play in the artistic and cultural development of Burlington, both in planning and integration.”

Tymstra believes that the city needs a number of things for it to become a thriving arts community.  First, a champion at city hall. “We have a parks and recreation department to take care of and develop the skating rinks, the swimming pools and the programs that go with the buildings.  We have a fire department that is equipped and manned.  Those are things that every city has – the really great cities have a vibrant arts community and a champion within city hall.

Tymstra will fill your ears with her passion and dedication to the arts in the community and convince you in no time at all that the arts are not an extra but that they are vital to the very core and well being of a healthy community.  Oakville has a three person staff in what they call a cultural office – Burlington isn’t there yet and with this council focusing on better value for the money spent, staff increases aren’t on the radar set.

The opening of the Performing Arts Center in the fall will put Burlington in a different league in terms of its performing arts capacity and that will open up all kinds of opportunities and Tymstra is delighted that this is happening.  But she adds, the arts is not just the performing arts.  There is a large community of arts people that supported the creation of a building and Tymstra would like to see better funding for that underbelly.

Newest promotional product.  A steal at $15.
Newest promotional product.
A steal at $15.

Tymstra will tell you again and again – that the arts is not about bricks and mortar – it is about people who perform and who do the critical backstage work like set design, carpentry and the multitude of trades and skills that exist in the community to say nothing of the marketing and promotional work that has to be done.

Deb Tymstra was born in Toronto moved to Burlington more than 25 years ago and fell in love with the place.  Her background was accounting and she has an accounting services company that she operates when she isn’t going flat out with the arts.  If you’re in the arts – you have a part time job somewhere else or you don’t eat regular meals.

There are a few changes Tymstra would like to see in the way the city is both promoted and positioned in the minds of those who decide to visit the city.  “We are more than a restaurant destination” Tymstra will tell you and “every event we hold does not have to be at Spencer Smith Park” she adds.

Art and culture have to be seen at the street level and Tymstra applauds both the art work on the bicycle stands the city recently installed (you will see more of these when the snow disappears) and has nothing but great appreciation for the work done being done by the Public Art Committee and heaps of praise for the leadership Pam Mulholland has shown with that program.

“I am so passionate about the value of arts in our daily lives, and the positive effects arts have on our health, our welfare, our economy and our personal and community growth: says Tymstra.  She goes on to say: “I have spent the last 10 years advocating for why and how arts matter. Our Creative Burlington logo signifies Inclusivity of all the arts, the building of a community and the brilliance of what the arts contribute to our lives and lifestyles.  It’s fun, colourful, and inviting, with blocks symbolizing the foundation on which we can build.  Creative Burlington is my passion as well as my profession.”  Whew, this woman was steaming!

Tymstra is passionate about the work she does.
Tymstra is passionate about
the work she does.

Burlington, Tymstra will tell you is past its bedroom community phase.  “We are a city now and we need to grow into this new role. “The public doesn’t fully understand the role the arts play, not only in the economic health of the community but its over all well being” claims Tymstra.  She will tell you that a really successful concert in a park will leave people feeling better about themselves and  with a little more spring in their step even though they have left a couple of hundred dollars in restaurants and with local merchants.

The arts is more than buying a ticket to a performance – it is a state of mind and the sign of a sophisticated city.  Burlington is bound by its boundaries and there are a number of arts oriented silos that do great work – but they could do even more if they worked within an arts community mind frame.  Royal Botanical Gardens is a great asset and anchors the western end of the city; the Burlington Arts Centre sits in the very core of the city and

will soon be joined by the Burlington Performing Arts Center.  Each though is currently working in a silo and not getting the benefit of the synergies that are available.

Tymstra swings from great excitement for the potential and some despair over the lack of any buy in at city hall.  The arts matter she will tell you as she leans forward with intensity and you kind of expect her to say “damn it – the arts do matter – they make a difference” and while she doesn’t say the words – you certainly feel them.

All business when it’s about business – and the arts is a business.
All business when it’s about business
– and the arts is a business.

So then, why isn’t this woman on the Board of the Burlington Performing Arts Center?  She could serve as a bridge between the people who do the “arts” locally and the productions the Burlington Performance Arts Centre is going to need to stay alive financially.  That plus, she was there in the trenches when it was hard, hard work, to convince people to support a performing arts centre. Tymstra doesn’t have an answer and takes the view that “we worked for ten years to make it happen – and now that is has happened we can focus our attention on other issues in the community.

When the struggle to get a performing arts centre in Burlington was just getting off the ground the group that Tymstra led came up with $64,000 as their donation.  “That money was a collection of $10, $20 and sometimes a $50 donations plus some large amounts from people who had more, which we passed along to the fund raising cabinet that Keith strong and Walter Mulkewich headed up.

The BPAC accepted the donation and took the name Burlington Performing Arts with it.  Tymstra had to find a new name and then go through a significant branding exercise to develop and then launch what is now Creative Burlington, an organization that is part advocate for the arts, caters to the people that are the under pinning of the arts community in this town and promotes events as well as organizes events on behalf of the “entertainment” community.

With the re-banding done the next step is a re-working of the Board which will be announced at the organizations Annual Meeting February 7th.  There will be a smaller board and the confirmation of the new strategic plan and probably a tighter budget. “at this point in time we cannot seek additional funding and don’t have immediate plans to make another application in the immediate future.

The organization had Trillium Funding in 2004 and 2008 but that source has run out and “at this point in time we cannot seek additional funding and don’t have immediate plans to make another application in the immediate future”, said Tymstra.  But she has new initiatives that can produce revenue.  The cubby hole of a building they occupy on Lakeshore Road is courtesy of  Carriage House and they are probably safe for at least a couple of years.  They will work through the problems – remember – Tymstra is an accountant.


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Two candidates seeking Burlington Provincial Liberal nomination

It’s a horse race!

Lawyer and community leader Karmel Sakran and Alyssa Brierley, also a lawyer who works in the regulatory regime for refugees while completing a PhD in international politics, officially threw their hats into the ring at a Burlington Provincial Liberal Association (BPLA) Board meeting, Feb. 19th.


And while the pair promises a spirited race for the nomination in April, they agreed on one thing: the Burlington provincial riding is winnable for the Liberal government of Dalton McGuinty.

“No matter who the Tories put forward in the October election, we can win Burlington for the Liberal Party,” said Brierley.

All Burlington Liberals need to do is ensure voters here know that Liberal policies are far more humane than those of the Hudak Tories, who hearken back to the rigid neo-conservatism of the old Mike Harris governments, Sakran said.

Still in High School when the Harris government was in power, Brierley recalled she often brought coffee to her teachers who were on strike and picketing. “The McGuinty government not only made peace with teachers in Ontario, it established a clear, positive direction for education that will benefit our children for generations to come.”

Sakran, who just completed a stint heading up the Burlington United Way campaign, went to Burlington’s Central High School and took a law degree at the University of Windsor. He’s also currently serving his fifth year on the Board of Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital.

For him, the issues in Burlington will include the mid-Peninsula Highway, which Tory leader Tim Hudak says he will immediately launch – despite strong environmental opposition in Burlington to paving over more farmland.

“When you consider that Burlington is the hub of Hamilton, the Niagara Peninsula and the GTA, it’s peculiar that we always seem to be passed over – despite the fact Tory MPPs represented this riding for more than six decades,” said Sakran. “We must take our place in the provincial agenda and if I’m fortunate enough to win the nomination and get elected, I’ll be working for that.”

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Going into a very significant month.

Your taxes and how you get heard are on the Council agenda.

By Pepper Parr

BURLINGTON, ON February 22, 2011 – During the balance of February and all of March, city hall staff and your council will beaver away at the budgets, which will determine what you are going to be looking at when your tax bill arrives in the mail.  At approximately the same time staff will deliver its response to the Shape Burlington report, which if you recall had eight recommendations, the most important of which were an information deficit and citizens not being given a real opportunity to be part of the decision making process.  The Shape Burlington report can be founds in its entirety here.

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February 22Current Budget Overview at Budget and Corporate Services Committee; 9:30 am, Council Cambers

March 2Current Budget, Community Meeting/Workshop, Tansley Woods Community Centre, 1196 Itabashi Way, Rooms 1&2. 7-9:30 pm

March 5 –  Capital Budget – Community Meeting/Workshop, Burlington Arts Centre, 1333 Lakeshore Road. 9:00 –11:30 am

March 8 – Review Capital Budget at Corporate Services Committee; 9:30 am Council Chambers.

March 21 – Council to Approve Capital Budget; 7 pm Council Chambers

March 29 – Review and Approve Current Budget at Budget and Corporate Servce Committee, 9:30 am Council Chambers.

March 31 –  (If required) More review of Current Budget: 9:30 am, Council Chambers.

April 11 – Council to Approve Current Budget;


Let’s look at the two issues separately, even though they are very much joined at the hip.  The Budget.  Burlington has just come out of a four year period when the increases grew like topsy – on average more than 5% each year.  The citizens said ENOUGH and got themselves a significantly different Council in the process.  While Council members got used to working with each other, some differences of opinion on what the tax increase should be became evident.  Mayor Rick Goldring said he felt he could keep things at a 2.5% to 3.5% each year and not go above a total of 10% during his four year term.

That wasn’t quite the way Ward 5 Council member Paul Sharman saw it and at a Committee meeting that stunned several senior staff members, Sharman came out for a 0% increase in year 1 and said the Council represented the will of the people and that taxpayers wanted taxes kept low.  Zero percent is low.

At the time Councillors Taylor and Dennison seemed to side with Sharman but that support may have slipped a little. Blair Lancaster, Ward 6 tends to side with the more conservative side of the council.  Meed Ward , Ward 2, hasn’t found her sea legs quite yet and hasn’t let us know where she stands fiscally other then wanting to know what is being done with the money spent.  Craven, Ward 1, just wants to be sure that Aldershot gets its share and doesn’t lose any of what it has.

In the weeks ahead they get to do the line by line look at the numbers and each Council member will have to decide what they can live with in their Ward and what is best for the city.

One area that everyone is looking at is the cost of the bureaucracy.  Sharman wanted no increase in salaries but did want to see some form of merit pay.   The Mayor recently posted a piece on his Face Book page, in which another Mayor talked about some help from the province on reigning in costs at City Hall.  Was the Mayor giving us a hint as to where he is coming from?  Don’t think that link on his Face Book page was a coincidence.  And the province is in the process of pruning an additional 1000 senior people from its staff.  So, staff cuts are in the air and no one is going to complain all that much if City Hall staff take it in the neck for a couple of years.  There are a lot of households in the city that are still hurting from the recession and they feel that City Hall didn’t share much of the pain they went through.

And that gets us to – how the taxpayers get to make their point.  They get to vote every four years but society is now at a point where citizens wants input into decisions that are going to impact them directly and are no longer prepared to leave all that to the bureaucrats or the council members.

Meed Ward holds Community meetings and informs her fans with a Newsletter that is better than anything the city puts out.  The turn out for her events isn’t huge (25 – to 40 people) but she is clearly the most aware of what the voters want from their politicians.   She has senior staff coming out to her meetings to explain how things work and gives her constituents a chance to ask questions.  On that level – she can’t be beat.  Pity the politician that decides at some point to run against her.

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The Shape Report Recommendations

Engagement: Transform the City Hall culture to promote active citizen and civic engagement.

Vision: Shift City Hall processes to greater involvement of all citizens in a shared vision of our city.

Communication: Empower people by overcoming the communications deficit.

Trust: Improve the public’s trust and confidence in city government

Belonging: Build a caring and inclusive community.

Participation: Empower Committees and Community organizations that work for people

Youth: Reach out to the next generation

Governance: Define Roles and responsibilities


The Strategic Plan is a document in which Council sets out what it wants to get done in its four year term.  In the past that document has been worth less than the paper you printed it on.  This crowd isn’t going to produce that kind of a document.  The Strategic Plan is currently called Future Focus, and we are currently at the 7th version. The Mayor has plans for a much more ‘promotable’ name.  Staff and Council members have done their home work and taken part in several work shops that have helped them better understand how citizens can be more involved in the development of the Strategic Plan, which won’t be completed until sometime in September.   The Shape Burlington Report was the document that got this whole “more involvement” process started.  The recommendations were seen as so important to the people who were involved in the development of the report that they re-invented themselves as Shaping Burlington and have stuck around to make sure that both the bureaucrats and Council members deliver on the recommendations. Who are these people?

Not every Council member is all that fond of the Shape Report but two of those elected for the first time this term were members of the original group.  They are onside – to what degree only time will tell.   The mayor is onside intellectually.  Taylor and Dennison seem prepared to live with some of it.  Meed Ward doesn’t say much about it – she wasn’t invited to sit on the original group.  Craven isn’t the kind of Team player that was needed on the committee.

So you have a Council that has to respond to the public pressure and they have shown that they can listen and are capable of hearing.  Staff have learned a lot in the process and appear to be coming around.  They have met with citizens to discuss the document that will be made public on March 8th.  The document will certainly address many of the recommendations in the original report – will it give what is needed?  Do bureaucrats or politicians ever give away power?

The citizens of the city will have to decide if they have been well served by servants.  If the report is not adequate – will the citizens demand that it be sent back for a re-think?  Hmmm, this is Burlington, so let’s not get our hopes up too high.  That the report got written in the first place and that both Council and City Hall staff` have at least responded to the document is a big step forward.  Let us not falter at this point.

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Who are these people and why do they think they can pressure city Hall?

Basically it is a bunch of people who give a damn.  The logged in hundreds of hour producing a report they felt could not be left to gather dust on a shelf and so they organized and lobbied and delegated and now wait to see what the city is going to do.

The only complaint one ‘might’ have with the group is that they are ‘self’ appointed.  You can apply to be part of the group but the group decides who will become members.  This approach invites the description: A “self appointed interest group” that was used by one Council member at a recent meeting.

Shaping Burlington consists of former members of the Mayor’s Citizen Committee on Civic Engagement (Shape Burlington) working to encourage the implementation of the Shape Burlington Report recommendations by the City of Burlington.


David Auger

David Auger has lived in Burlington for twenty-five years. His career spanned banking, marketing, planning, and publishing at financial, technology, and non-profit organizations. In 2009, David founded Community Media Burlington on the notion that individuals and communities benefit from a broad-based and inclusive exchange of public dialogue, news, and information.

John Boich

John is a retired educator who has been active in local government through involvement in a number of advisory committees to City Council.



David Conrath

Dave is a retired academic (information systems) who, after 25 years at the University of Waterloo, moved into administration, most recently as the Dean of Business at McMaster and then at San Jose State (CA). He is a political neophyte who hopes to bring the perspective of an outsider to Shaping Burlington.



Ken Edwards

Ken has been active in municipal government affairs for 20 years, when he chaired a local residential committee in negotiating a large land development proposal.  Since then, Ken has participated in a number of city, community and regional committees, including the redevelopment of the Burlington Art Centre, the City of Burlington Smoking Committee, Waste Water Management Committee, an information gathering committee pertaining to Governance in Halton Region, among others.



Larissa Fenn

Larissa Fenn is a Burlington-based communications professional with a background in public policy. She has developed and implemented communications and government relations strategies on topics ranging from municipal infrastructure projects, to environmental and consumer financial issues. Larissa currently leads the Communications function at a GTA Conservation Authority.

Shannon Gillies

After more than a decade working in the publishing industry, Shannon is now a teacher with the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board. A lifelong resident of Burlington, she lives in the downtown core.



Mark Henderson

Mark has been an active Burlington citizen and educator for years. Currently a member of the Ward 2 Citizen’s Advisory Committee, Burlington High School Parent Council, worked on the Shape Burlington Mayor’s Advisory Committee, and helps train Chinese teachers of English in China in his spare time.


Paul Mitchell

Paul worked for more than 30 years in daily journalism, including 27 years at the Hamilton Spectator where he was Business Editor and Business Columnist. After leaving The Spectator, he joined Brickworks Communications in Burlington, where he worked with clients in both the public and private sectors, including the City of Burlington and Burlington Transit. Paul graduated from Princeton University with a bachelor’s degree in Politics and worked at the BBC in London before immigrating to Canada.

Walter Mulkewich

A Halton Regional and Burlington City Councillor from 1976 to 1991 and Mayor of Burlington from 1991 to 1997, Walter has had successful careers in education, business, and social services, and has been an active participant and leader in Burlington political and community life since 1962.


Liz Nield

For over 10 years, Liz has been involved in collaborative planning and community engagement throughout many different communities in Canada – on a wide range of topics and issues. Most of her work has been focused on public sector policy development and planning. Her passion is to better engage communities, committees, organizations, schools through all ranges of audiences. She is currently the CEO of Lura Consulting an organization focused on community-based planning and collaboration.


Peggy Russell

Peggy was a very active Halton District School Board Trustee for 10 years, including being elected Vice Chair, and continues to be involved in a wide variety of community activities regarding children, women’s and family issues. For example, she is currently a member of the Burlington Transit Advisory Committee and Poverty Free Halton as well as being involved in fund raising for the United Way via Burlington’s Amazing RACE. She has received numerous awards for her community work, including Halton Woman of the Year.



John Searles

John moved to Burlington 13 years ago from the United States where he practiced law for many years. Experience includes several years as a small business consultant in Canada and the USA. Married to a Burlington native in 1997; became Canadian citizen in 2007.

James Smith

A resident of Burlington for 23 years, James is a Designer, CAD Technologist & Instructor working with a wide range of clients across Canada and the United States and is part of Phillip H. Carter Architects Design Team that was recently given an Ontario Library Award of Excellence for Toronto’s S. Walter Stewart Branch. He is a founding member of the Burlington Conserver Society and was a member of Burlington’s Official Plan citizens advisory committee as well as serving on the board of the Burlington Arts Centre.



Roland Tanner

Roland Tanner is co-owner of Tanner Ritchie Publishing and Tanner Ritchie Web Applications, and has been based in Burlington since 2003. He manages development of websites and applications for a number of Burlington voluntary organizations and businesses, as well as publishing academic resources for leading universities and research institutions worldwide. Prior to coming to Canada, Roland worked as a historian, specializing in parliament.



Chris Walker (Chair)

Chris is a retired professional planner with wide community involvement experience e.g. the Burlington Sustainable Development Committee, the Rolling Meadows School Council, City of Burlington Council citizen representative on the Conservation Halton Board of Directors, and Shape Burlington. He is currently on the Niagara to GTA Corridor Study Community Advisory Group and the Stakeholder Advisory Group for the Dundas St. Improvement Study. He also serves on the Burlington Transit Advisory Committee and is Chair of Shaping Burlington.

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Sailing, sailing over the ocean blue…

Wait a minute that’s a skate board.

By Pepper Parr

It doesn’t have turn signals – approach with caution.
It doesn’t have turn signals – approach with caution.

BURLINGTON, ON February 19, 2011 – The wind was up.

And it would have been a great day for some serious sailing.  One just didn’t expect to see someone sailing down Apple Valley Ln  in the middle of the day.
The “sailor” didn’t look all that nautical, the helmet took away from that look, and he didn’t really have control over the tiller – basically because there was no tiller – but he was getting an A for effort and there was the sense that the perseverance he was showing was going to pay off and one could expect to see him flying up Walkers Line with a police cruiser in hot pursuit suggesting that he – well just what would the police officer have to say ?  The device doesn’t need a license and I’m pretty sure it didn’t come under the Highway Traffic Act.

If you’re driving in that part of town – you might want to keep an eye out for this one.

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Time to get the golden watch and spend time with the grandchildren.

By Staff

Guess this wasn’t to be campaign literature.
Guess this wasn’t to be campaign literature.

BURLINGTON, ON,  February 21, 2011  –  She isn’t going to run again.  Joyce Savoline, MPP announced on Monday that she would not run for the provincial seat of Burlington that she has held since 2007.  She is the third member of the Progressive Conservative Caucus to announce they will not run in the October provincial election.

Savoline has served Burlington for some time.  She was with Halton Region from 1994 to 2006.  In 2000 she was elected Chair of the Region.

She ran in the 2007 provincial by-election that was held when Cam Jackson gave up his Queen’s Park Seat.  Savoline beat Marianne Meed Ward, but not by all that much; 21,517 for Savoline and 19,693 for Meed Ward.

Savoline was born in Shanghai, China and moved to Canada with her parents and sister in 1953. She and her husband moved to Burlington in 1973.

The race for the Burlington seat is beginning to take shape.  The provincial Liberals have at least two candidates who are planning to seek the nomination. 

Alyssa Brierley seeking the Liberal nomination.
Alyssa Brierley seeking the Liberal nomination.

Meanwhile Alyssa Brierly, has announced that she will seek the Burlington Liberal a student during the Mike Harris years, and I experienced first-hand the impact that the devastating cuts had on our public education and health care systems. The Liberal government has worked hard to reinvest in these areas and we simply can’t allow ourselves to go backwards.

A second Liberal with plans to see the nomination has yet to publicly announce.

Cam Jackson, a former Burlington Mayor and MPP for Burlington as well said that he has been “getting lots of phone calls” and says there is a lot of time to “think about the shifting political ground”.

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