Candidate for the office of Mayor comments on the election race so far.

opinionandcommentBy Peter Rusin

September 20, 2014


From time to time during the municipal election the Gazette will run items in which candidates put forward their thoughts and view on the election campaign.

We are not interested in running your platform but do want to hear from you if you have something to say on the way the city is run and how you would try and do things differently. This feature is limited to those people who are not currently on city council.

It has been a week now since I registered as candidate for mayor. In that time we have been receiving only positive support which is somewhat interesting; nobody has said anything negative or unjustifiably critical. We have received invitations to meet with people, groups, other political candidates, etc. There has been a refreshing tone of curiosity, and the process we hope is at least engaging the electorate and elevating issues. People are taking this seriously.

Rusin walking dog

Rusin walks his dog regularly in Spencer Smith Park.

I would like to share four notable and very distinct inquiries from a sampling of regular citizens, and some personal opinions:

The first was from a long time city employee concerned about being without a contract now since June and worried about the future. We discussed an assortment of issues important to him and his union brother and sisters. I think he felt better after our chat, because he had a chance to voice his opinions, and perhaps he felt that there was some hope in the future to be treated with a bit more respect than under the current regime at city hall.

The second was from a homeowner completely frustrated by the treatment from the mayor’s office; she felt like being treated with disrespect dealing with what she considered relatively minor issues resulting from the impacts of the flood; all this person wanted was a feeling of respect and not simply receiving template responses from junior mayoral staff.

“Try calling city hall and get a live voice on the other end of the phone” was another concern. According to this individual, a variety of staff attended the property to review the complaints, but, then asked her to come in person to pick up a blah-blah letter from the mayor’s office. It probably would have taken less city staff time and resources if she was treated with a bit of respect, instead of seventy unanswered emails.

Two different people, one from the inside and one from the outside; asking to be treated with a little bit of respect. So, is this city functioning in a caring and inviting way like the mayor proclaims, or, is that not quite how this city hall regime conducts its civil service duties?

Does city hall have a duty to provide service like a government or conduct itself in the style of some sort of exclusive private country club?

The third was a series of questions from a person asking: “are you for the gay community? I realize this is a divisive issue for some in the community but it is extremely important to me that our leaders are not afraid to be transparent about their loyalties and honest about what they will actually effectively stand for”. Answer: 100% in favour of the gay and LGBTQIA community; don’t really understand why this would be an issue.

I remember when I was a victim of discrimination as an immigrant child and the feeling of being a lesser person; but that actually helped shape who I am today. All people are equal. I have enjoyed some of the best dinner parties and conversation with my gay friends; definitely not boring, unlike some of my friends who are straight. I hope I am clear and transparent on this topic.

Rusin - direct into camera - hard look

Peter Rusin is very hard on crime – and particularly on drugs.

Another question from the same person: “is the city planning to promote any programs to help decrease the amount of drug activity apparent around our streets and parks? Answer: Part of the Rusin Quality of Life Enhancement platform is the prohibition of the sale of drug paraphernalia in retail and convenience stores across the city. This will help protect our children, police, justice system, and also keep our streets and neighbourhoods safer and free from drug related activity. The current council has ignored this topic for the past eight years under Goldring’s watch. I will be facing this head on and will see to fighting the drug problem; whatever it takes.


St. Paul Street resident wants to see Waterfront Trail extended through lakeshore property the city already owns.

St. Paul Street residents wants to see Waterfront Trail extended through lakeshore property the city already owns.  Rusin has yet to form a view on this situation.  City council voted to sell the land to private interests.

The fourth was a lengthy email I received from a former childhood neighbour of mine, and it made me pause a little bit more than usual: “how does your platform of preservation of green space relate to our food and preservation of farmlands or planning for affordable healthy food”; “ever since that house next door to your parents and my parents has been built, my dad and I have observed a few trees taken down, robins did not return this year, sparrows are gone”; “I have huge concerns about the waterfront and the access for all in Burlington”. “I felt that since you took a proactive stance in running for mayor I would be proactive in letting you know”.

I have not answered her yet, but, I will form my answer to her questions into the platform on these topics soon.

These people now have their voices heard and their right to vote restored. I am so proud and humbled to be a part of this process.


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Ward six debate may not have all the candidates on the stage. Stage fright perhaps?

saltlogo1By Pepper Parr

September 18, 2014



Politics is about power – even at the municipal level. Politicians have access to information the rest of us don’t have. They make decisions that determine how much of our money is paid in taxes; they decide when the swimming pools will be open and they decide when the snow gets cleared off your street.

There are thousands of municipal politicians who serve the public and there are some who serve themselves. They fight hard to become politicians and fight just as hard to stay there.

Politicians work at creating the image they believe their constituents want. Not all of them but the vast majority for sure. Some have agendas – others just want to make their community a good place to live in.
In Ontario municipal politicians have to go before the voters and seek re-election. They have to either spend their own money or raise money to pay for their campaigns.

Those who do the job well – work long hours, very long hours. We have one Councillor in Burlington who thinks being a city Councillor and a Regional Councillor is a part time job. It isn’t.

Burlington has had poor media this past eight to ten years. Poor media means an uninformed electorate. Uninformed voters cannot make informed choices. When voters don’t have enough information – they tend not to vote. Burlington has a poor voter turnout.


Ward 6 Councillor Blair Lancaster thinking through the answer to a question.  Tends to be cautious.

Blair Lancaster, first term member of council seeking re-election.

The Burlington Gazette has organized a debate for the people running in ward six – where nine people want to replace first term Councillor Blair Lancaster. That is a clear sign that a lot of people are unhappy and that a number of people think they can win the Ward six council seat.

We were able to get the use of the theatre at the Hayden High school and have had positive responses from all but two of the candidates.

Jennifer Hlusko has advised us that she has an important board of Education meeting on Wednesday September 24th. Ms Hlusko has served as a school board trustee for 11 years –however she ends that job in November. She is now a candidate for a municipal council seat and her obligation is to the people, who are voting for municipal representation.

Ms Hlusko appears to want to get permission from the Director of Education to miss the school board meeting. She advised us that she would “speak with the Chair, trustees and Director about the September 24th conflict.”

The director of Education reports to the trustees. Ms Hlusko is currently a trustee; quite why she feels she has to seek permission or approval from the Director of Education suggest she doesn’t fully understand the relationship between trustees and the Director of Education.

Blair Lancaster has not yet replied to our invitation to take part in the debate.

The Gazette got a call from a Brenda McKinley who said she was calling on behalf of a ward six candidate but would not identify who she was representing.

Hlusko H&S

Jennifer Hlusko, currently a school board trustee running as a candidate for the ward six seat on city council.

Ms McKinley wanted a moderator from the Chamber of Commerce and she wanted questions from the panelists to be asked of all ten candidates. We declined to change our format and we did not want the Chamber of Commerce moderating this event. They have in the past held their own debates.

Our format was to have the panelists ask a candidate a question, after which any other candidate could make a comment – with one minute to do so. The candidate the question was put to would have a minute to respond to the comments from the others.

Ward six is clearly a contested seat and there are some powerful interests who want to see the “right” person win. We hope that the wines of the debate are the people of ward six.

The event will start with each candidate being given two minutes to put their case before the audience and two minutes at the end of the debate. The order in which the candidates speak will be drawn by lot.

We learned later that Ms McKinley has been in touch with at least one other candidate to get allocated seating for their supporters. The debate is for the public and we will do what we can to ensure that the candidates do not flood the room with their supporters.

We are trying to work within the framework of a democracy and giving everyone an equal opportunity.
There will be questions from the audience when the debate concludes.

At this point we do not have a commitment from either Ms Hlusko or Ms Lancaster. There will be a seat for them with their name on it – it is up to them if they choose to speak to the voters

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Social media at its best: a community sharing information and a known information source carrying and distributing that information.

saltlogo1By Pepper Parr

September 13, 2014

Burlington, ON.


The phrase social media means different things to different people. And there are few really good examples of how social media works and the role it can play in the sharing of information.

While there are mountains of information out there – what exists may not be what you want. Perfect social media is when what you want is also what others have to share.

Flood Fairview plaza

A plaza on Fairview – stores flooded.

Last August 4th when rain fell on the city for close to eight hours and left 191mm of water looking for a place to go – the Weather Network was collecting data from anyone who had something to send in.

The link  here is a really good example of social media doing what it is supposed to do. The piece you have looked at was obtained by the city from the Weather Network and shown at a city Development and Infrastructure committee more than a month after the rains fell.

The Weather Network took video clips sent to them and just stitched them together into a strip of film and loaded it on their web site.

Flood weather network bridge

Individuals sent in clips taken from the cell cameras – which are stitched together by the Weather Network and aired.

Imagine if that piece of video had been shown to the public the day after the storm – Burlington would have had a much better idea as to what had happened and the response to the flood would have been much more engaged.

Had video like this been used at the Ribfest; had the story of the flood been told to the more than 100,000 people who came from places other than Burlington – the amount raised would have been much more than the $40,000 that was raised.

That $40,000 was $40,000 more than the Community Foundation had before Ribfest and the community is grateful – but when compared to the $20,000 that one man and 35 volunteers raised in four hours on Elwood Street – questions get asked.

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Why do we have troops in the Middle East? Didn't we say NO to this in 2003? What's changed since then? Did the government ask if we were on for this action?


Rivers 100x100By Ray Rivers

September 12, 2014



Didn’t we have the debate already? I mean about sending soldiers to Iraq?  Jean Chretien settled it in 2003, I thought. We weren’t going to participate in the illegal US invasion of Iraq – or its aftermath, something we’re seeing now. The Pottery Barn rule – if you break it you own it – applies.

NATO has lost its way. Of all of its interventions, only Kosovo and Bosnia were in Europe, and neither came even close to falling within NATO’s mandate of keeping the Russian Bear at bay. But Afghanistan, Libya, and now Iraq – really? And when it comes to actually standing up to the Russians, it’s all talk.


That Russian bear has to be fed – constantly.

Our Prime Minister has been outspoken on Ukraine and Russia. So perhaps that is why president Obama shut him out of the meeting with some European leaders and the Ukrainian president. As in so many things, the US leads NATO, but Obama has displayed incredible incompetence on this file. And old Europe is still in shock at the upheaval of the world order they thought would go on forever. So NATO is adrift In the midst of the biggest crisis since the cold war ended.

Obama has displayed incredible incompetence on this file.And our own Harper, forthright in characterizing this issue from the start, has only provided a financial package and a few plane loads of non-lethal aid. It will take more than night goggles and bullet-proof vests to halt the onslaught of Russia’s modern army. Don’t we still have surplus tanks from our Afghan adventure?

ISIS is a nasty organization but hardly a NATO problem, posing no credible threat to the security of Europe or North America. Still Obama has thrown us in it, ordering Harper to send our special operations forces to train the Iraqi Kurds how to kill – something they could probably teach us. What the Kurds really need , like the Ukrainians also under siege, is lethal arms to counter the invading horde. And unlike Ukraine, it appears the Kurds will be getting modern defensive weapons.

Harper should have said ‘NO’ to sending troops to clean up America’s mess in Iraq. Certainly not without a parliamentary vote, and maybe even another discussion among Canadians. And Harper should not have left the NATO meeting without ensuring there would be provision for defensive weapons for Ukraine. That is, if he wants us to believe that all those words he has been uttering on their behalf are not just empty rhetoric.

He should have walked out of the meeting and told the rest of NATO to call him when they had found their intestinal fortitude. If they won’t even supply defensive weapons to help Ukraine, a NATO partner (though not full member), what will they do for us when Canada needs to defend its arctic sovereignty from a Russian intrusion. And that day won’t be far away as we watch Russia preparing its arctic military bases.

Better we go it alone if all we are going to get from NATO is lip service. The resolutions coming out of the meeting in Wales were pathetic. New bases are to be established in eastern Europe, but without any troops to ‘man’ them. Another rapid-action force is being created to replace the one that has remained on paper for nearly two decades. And nothing was done to defend against actual Russian aggression, which everyone concedes is taking place to a sovereign European state – the raison d’être for NATO in the first place.

Harper and Obama

Are the Americans our friends or are they just an ally?

Brian Mulroney gave a rare but very frank interview to the CBC recently. He particularly impressed me with his candour, especially when characterizing the performance of the current PM. He spoke about how essential good relations with our neighbour to the south are if we are to influence their policies, and how Harper had failed in that regard (my words). Why else would Obama have volunteered Canada for this new role in Iraq, and maybe Syria, when it has so little to do with our national interest.

Canada is a strategic partner for the US but not a friend, which it was under Mulroney and Reagan, Chretien and Clinton, and Trudeau and Carter. Obama neither understands nor listens to us as a result. And the US president’s policy of global benign neglect has enabled situations like ISIS and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, rather than prevented them. He has no strategy for global leadership on these issues, as he recently, and unfortunately, admitted – nor any other ones either, it seems. The world has become a more scary place under his watch – perhaps it’s time for him to return that Nobel peace prize.

Canada is a strategic partner for the US but not a friend.It’s not that we have seen great insight on foreign policy from the Harper crowd either, though at least they are saying the right things about Ukraine. Still, our PM needs to recant his commitment to send troops to Iraq, at least until the rest of us Canadians have considered the potential consequences and agreed to that kind of mission. Last time I looked we were still a parliamentary democracy.

Rivers-direct-into-camera1-173x300Ray Rivers writes weekly on both federal and provincial politics, applying his more than 25 years as a federal bureaucrat to his thinking. Rivers was a candidate for provincial office in Burlington where he ran against Cam Jackson in 1995, the year Mike Harris and the Common Sense Revolution swept the province.

Background links:

US and ISIS    Canada and Ukraine     Canada and Iraq  

Mulroney Interview   ISIS as a Threat   Ukraine and Nato

Obama Wrong on Russia      Russia in the Arctic


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Will the Prime Minister take a walk in the snow? Will the Council of the Federation become what the Fathers of Confederation wanted?

Rivers 100x100By Ray Rivers

August 29, 2014

The Premiers of Ontario and Quebec have met and agreed to work together as never before, building their economies and reducing barriers to the movement of goods and services between them. Other parts of Canada, the west, through the New West Partnership, and the Atlantic provinces, are doing something similar. With a federal government mostly missing-in-action in so many ways, it is inevitable that provincial leaders would look to some kind of sub-national organization as a alternative.

Fathers of confederation

The Father`s of Confederation thought they got it right – but the Senate they wanted isn`t the Senate we have today.

Inadequate federal leadership was all too evident as the leaders of Canada’s provinces and territories got together for their annual summer meeting at the Council of the Federation in Charlottetown this week. The premiers hold two of these joint meetings a year in what is emerging as an evolving component of Canada’s political landscape. Though invited, this PM doesn’t attend, preferring to deal with the jurisdictions individually.

The agenda kicked off with discussion of the tragic systematic disappearance of aboriginal women. Stephen Harper’s misunderstanding and misrepresentation of that issue last week has been greeted with outrage and disgust. Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Ontario, as well as the first nations organizations, have called him on his insensitivity and his resistance to getting at the root causes.

Harper has also isolated himself on pensions, even though the provinces had demanded enhancement to CPP at their last meeting. According to recent polls. only 15 per cent of Canadians are “very confident” they will have enough money to retire “comfortably” and 69 per cent believe the federal government should take the lead. In fact 63% of Canadians believe that existing premiums should be increased and 55% say the provinces should move on their own if the federal government doesn’t. So Ontario’s premier Wynne is receiving a lot of attention for her plans to introduce a provincial pension plan to supplement the CPP.

Provincial leaders are also addressing the need to eliminate the barriers to trade among themselves, something the Harper government has been pushing. And provincial regulations are problematic since they can restrict the free movement of goods and services and impair cross border labour mobility. Saskatchewan’s Brad Wall no sooner finished grandstanding on the need for Ontario to become more open than he realized his New West Partnership may also be a culprit. And the good news for those of us who want to see B.C.’s excellent wines in the LCBO is that Premier Wynne has agreed to… consider it.

The Council of the Federation is becoming a significant force on the Canadian political scene, a scene where an ideologically constipated federal government is putting real meaning to the term ‘conservative’. As the Council wraps up its meetings it is no surprise to see the perennial demand for renewed federal finding for health care and infrastructure. Of course these demands will fall on deaf ears. Mr. Harper’s government has given its last word and closed the taps.

As the Council meeting was drawing to a close in lovely Charlottetown, the leaders posed as if in an 1864 remake of the Fathers (and Mothers) of Confederation. This was another successful Council meeting, again demonstrating how to mobilize consensus among so many Canadian leaders representing such diverse provincial and regional political perspectives. One has to wonder whether the Council of the Federation doesn’t really capture what the real Fathers of Confederation had originally been contemplating when they invented the Canadian Senate. And wouldn’t this body or something like it be a perfect replacement for our current chamber of lost souls?

Harper - fists

Prime Minister Stephen Harper – can put up a really good fight.

Given how out-of-touch the PM is on so many issues of national significance, it is little wonder that his numbers are dropping and people beginning to ask whether he’ll even be around for the next election in 2015. It wasn’t that long ago that Harper was considered invincible and destined to win another majority government. But the polls are telling a different story as we get closer to the election.

Atlantic Canada seems ready to give the new Liberal leader the vast majority of its seats, as Trudeau’s popularity in that part of the country climbs to a new high. And Ontario is once again turning to Liberals in numbers that bode for a potential ‘majority’. But it is always a long time in politics until the next election. Then there is the west, which will follow Harper, as night follows day, except possibly for Vancouver Island where marijuana is the leading agricultural cash crop.

Recent gerrymandering, politely called re-distribution, will hand Harper more than 20 potential new seats compared to a mere 2 for the Liberals. Finally, nobody knows where Mr. Mulcair’s hold on the vast majority of Quebec seats will end up.

Trudeau Justin with big hair

Will the Trudeau mystique holdÉ

Despite what everyone concedes is a good performance by Mulcair as opposition leader, he and Harper are downright boring, compared to the energetic Trudeau. And after nearly a decade of the same old tired face in your face, Canadians are ready for a change. Harper’s vision of a nation converted from pot smoking Libs to little obedient red necks has failed to materialize, or perhaps this is just a new generation rejecting the past, as they always do.

As the Canadian economy starts to sputter from the fallout of the international crisis in Europe next year, some folks might wonder if Harper will take his own ‘walk in the snow’ and allow a fresh new leader to replace him. There are a good many potential candidates including Peter MacKay, Joe Oliver, James Moore, Lisa Raitt and John Baird. With the exception of Baird, who has demonstrated strength in his foreign affairs ministry, these candidates also carry enough baggage to keep them from breaking out of Harper’s musty closet.

And it is unlikely that Mr. Harper will let go of the reins just yet. He is a strong-willed and confident individual who will, no doubt, expect to be there for his party, winning again – just as his favourite anti-Christ, Chretien, used to do.

So expect him to be there for an autumn vote if his numbers continue to fall and it smells like at least a minority Conservative government. And if he can manage to arrest that ‘Mr. out-of-touch’ look, he might well call a spring election in the hope that Mr. Trudeau’s magnetism will have come down from its high.

Background links:
Ontario- Quebec   Council of the Federation    Aboriginal Women   Wall on Aboriginals    Atlantic Polling   Ontario Polls

Harper’s Decision    Harper’s Succession   Replacing Harper   Harper will Resign   Gerrymandering 

Ray Rivers writRivers-direct-into-camera1-173x300es weekly on both federal and provincial politics, applying his more than 25 years as a federal bureaucrat to his thinking. Rivers was a candidate  for provincial office in Burlington where he ran against Cam Jackson in 1995, the year Mike Harris and the Common Sense Revolution swept the province. 

Editor`s note.  When ever Ray Rivers has a chance he will get in his view that the Senate should be abolished and that marijuana should be made legal.  He just can`t help himself.

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Ward 6 candidate Jim Curran can't seem to keep out of hot water; scews up Virtual Townhall meeting.

SwP thumbnail graphicBy Pepper Parr

August 21, 2014



James Curran, candidate for the ward 6 council seat, just can’t seem to keep out of trouble.

There have been more than 25 comments on his status as a real estate appraiser – with lots of back and forth and accusation and upgraded explanations.
What should have been a perfectly clear answer to a reasonable question got twisted and turned with people saying they just didn’t believe the man. At this point I’m not sure exactly what his status is as an appraiser.

Curran with candidate manual

Jim Curran complained to the city about the amount of time candidates were permitted to put up election signs. Says the rules were not clearly set out in the Candidates Manual.

We advised our readers that we were not taking any more comments on what his status is as an appraiser.

People in the community are bothered by the way that part of the Curran background played out but the issue seems to have ground down to he said – she said. At that point we stopped taking comments unless there was some really solid information.

Then – just when the heat was off the status issue – we get an email advising us that:

In light of recent events and concerns of citizens of Burlington, including the flooding, I have arranged to hold a town hall this evening at 7:00. I apologize for the short notice.

We got this at 6:30 – and complained to Curran that such short notice was unacceptable
Curran responded with: “I just received media codes less than an hour ago. The team informed me just hours ago that it was even taking place. I am as unprepared as you my friend.”

Is Curran telling us that he wasn’t fully aware that something this critical to his campaign was something he didn’t know that much about?
Setting up a Virtual Meeting takes time – someone has to make the arrangements with the company handling the calls – and someone has to have sent out notices to people advising them of the event.

Is Curran telling us that, if this was done he wasn’t aware of it – and if it was done by others – why wasn’t he on top of it.

Jim Curran has exceptional political contacts and connections and he would have people who knew how to set this kind of thing up. To screw it up the way he has – does not bode well for putting this guy at the horseshoe come October.


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Why do we treat immigrants as equals and our aboriginals as mis-guided children?

Rivers 100x100By Ray Rivers

August 15, 2015


When the UN adopted the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), enshrining their minimal standards for the survival, dignity and well-being, in 2007, only four nations opposed its passage. These were the former British colonies of Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the USA. Canada’s minister of Indian Affairs at the time Chuck Strahl, argued: “By signing on, you default to this document by saying that the only rights in play here are the rights of First Nations. And, of course, in Canada, that’s inconsistent with our Constitution.”

Aboriginals in native dress Rivers columnYet Canadian aboriginal and government officials had been engaged in the development of this declaration since the 1970’s. Amnesty International, condemned the Conservative government’s position as they argued that the UNDRIP outlined minimum human rights standards, complementing rather than overriding existing rights. In fact, over a hundred Canadian lawyers and legal experts prepared an open letter outlining why the Canadian government’s claims were misleading.

And it was only three years later that all four of the dissenting nations reversed themselves and ratified the Declaration, though their support could best be described as qualified. Canada and Australia, in particular, referred to the Declaration as some kind of aspirational document meanwhile insisting that their governments were already in compliance. It is said that if you don’t know that a problem exists, you will never come to a resolution.

Article 3 of UNDRIP includes the right to “to freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.” Now that is pretty meaty stuff and something very much at odds with the paternalism that has characterized aboriginal policy over the centuries. Canada’s approach has always been assimilation or directed isolation – you are one of us or you are on the reserve and will play according to our rules.

Yet, Canada is the nation of multiculturalism. We encourage new immigrants to share their history and lifestyles with the rest of us as we continue to build Canada. Why do we treat immigrants as equals and our aboriginals as mis-guided children? The purpose of the Indian Act, first enacted almost immediately after confederation, was to encourage aboriginals to discard their history and embrace ours; to give up their cultural heritage as if it were obviously inferior.

Of course it’s not just about attitude, though it is a great deal about attitude. There are these historical treaties, and the new ones in the works, that continue to drive that wedge between us and them, to perpetuate the divisions. The Indian ‘status’ is a virtual prison sentence for Canada’s original inhabitants, segregating them from the rest of us. Conferring special rights (e.g. tax free), ‘status’ has perpetuated the demand for a system which has failed to provide economic and social development, and the freedom it purports to offer.

Like a treadmill or vicious circle, aboriginals are trapped in a dependency on public largess and welfare. What, arguably, may have been well-intentioned aboriginal policy at one time in history has been shown to be demeaning and de-humanizing. And the courts have told us we can’t just tear up the treaties, and the Indian Act, and start again, despite the overwhelming logic which says that is exactly what we need to do.

Rivers Idle no morePierre Trudeau, in 1969, and Stephen Harper, more recently, learned that change is not something government can do on its own, it needs to engage all Canadians in a serious discussion. Boundaries and limits, as articulated in the old treaties, can both protect and imprison. Would the creation of aboriginal nations within the Canadian nation be a solution? Doesn’t that already exist with the system of reserves? Would that have served to prevent the conflicts at Caledonia, Ipperwash, Akwesasne and ‘Idle No More’?

The US government officially treats American tribes as ‘domestic dependent nations’ but has struggled in defining how these jurisdictions interact with federal, state, and tribal governments. It all sounds good until the rubber hits the road and everyone sees that this is nothing like the full sovereignty accorded foreign nations. The incident at Wounded Knee in 1973 exposed the limitations of the power of these Indian ‘nations’, when trying to exert some of the influence one would expect to have – as a nation. And that perhaps explains why those four former British colonies, unable to move beyond our 16th century First Nation’s policies, opposed the UN Declaration.

Mohawk land - Rivers columnThere are no elegant solutions it seems, but the status quo is unsustainable, and we are not even talking about the real issues – the longer term place of aboriginals and their culture in Canada and among the rest of Canadians. We dance about, dealing with symptoms like the land claims or improving the education and health services on the reserves, as the Kelowna Accord was intended to do – good things nonetheless. And we pretend to worry about offending native culture, such as when a celebrity dons a warrior headdress, though like the feathered bonnet, so much of all of this is clouded in symbolism.

Rivers-direct-into-camera1-173x300Ray Rivers writes weekly on both federal and provincial politics, applying his more than 25 years as a federal bureaucrat to his thinking. Rivers was a candidate for provincial office in Burlington where he ran against Cam Jackson in 1995, the year Mike Harris and the Common Sense Revolution swept the province.


UN Declaration     Aboriginals      Australia      New Zealand   USA

Indian Act   Land Claims      Indian Land Claims Conflict    Assimilation


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Cowboys and Indians

Rivers 100x100By Ray Rivers

August 9, 2014


My dad once gave me an Indian headdress he’d bought in northern Ontario. It was just a kid’s version, an imitation, and not very flowing – but he bought it at an Indian artifact shop and it was pretty special.  It became a favourite when playing ‘cowboys and Indians’ back then, though I’m a little uncertain about the political correctness of any of that today.

Harper in indian head deress

Prime Minister Stephen Harper wearing an Indian headdress. He has been a friend to the aboriginal community.

In Canada our aboriginals face a host of issues such that a celebrity donning a piece of traditional tribal costume might hardly be worth a footnote in the list of society’s grievances.  Life on the reserves is being challenged by recent changes the Harper government made to the environmental and fisheries habitat protection laws, in order to steamroll oil and gas pipelines over lands claimed by these first nations.  And life for so many, on a number of the reserves, is barely habitable by most standards.

In fact, Canada has been criticized by the UN for its aboriginal policies, and with some legitimacy. In fact, Canada has been criticized by the UN for its aboriginal policies, and with some legitimacy.  One needs to only look at incarceration rates in Saskatchewan and Manitoba to see that there are problems.  And, then there are all the other issues: inferior education, missing women from reserves, violence, alcohol and drug abuse, increasing obesity rates and racial discrimination that still occurs in parts of the country.

The root of all these problems lies with the Indian Act, Canada’s saddest piece of legislation.  Back in its day (1876) Sir John A. MacDonald heralded the Act and its goal of fully assimilating Canada’s aboriginals.  The purpose of the act was to administer Indian affairs in such a way that Indian people would feel compelled to renounce their Indian status, leave the reserves and join the rest of society as ordinary Canadians – a process called ‘enfranchisement’.

I don’t want to pick on Sir John A. or any of the other prime ministers.  The problems really started with all the treaties that the British signed as a well-meaning alternative to wars and the ultimate extermination of the natives.  King George III, yes, the mad English King who was also responsible for the loss of the thirteen American colonies, signed a well-meaning Royal Proclamation in 1763, promising all kinds of good things to aboriginals.  This may have been an over-reaction to his failures with the American colonialists or part of a plan to get Canada’s natives on-side for the oncoming US revolutionary war.

There have been numerous amendments to the Indian Act, which have brought a modicum of enlightenment to the legislation, and even an attempt (Trudeau) to abolish the Act.  But the courts have generally blocked these attempts, falling back on the legislation, the old treaties or the Bill and Charter of Rights.  Abolishing the Indian Act would likely require constitutional changes, much like the Canadian Senate, and out of the purview of the courts.

war bonnet - indian on horsebackSuffice it to say that there have been some positive amendments to the Act over the years, allowing status Indians the right to vote and eliminating discrimination against women who choose to marry outside their tribe.  The process of ‘enfranchisement’, or ‘civilizing’, which gave us the horrific experience of residential schools, has mostly been brought to an end.  In addition there has been progress on land claims.  This topic is a complex web of issues to unweave, so please stay tuned for another column.

In 2006 the Paul Martin minority government managed to get everybody, including the provinces, political parties and tribal organizations to achieve consensus on a program to improve the lives and standing of Canada’s aboriginals.  In fact even after Martin’s government fell, and Harper became PM, the Kelowna Accord became law; though the delivery ended up being curtailed by the less-than-enthusiastic new PM (after all it wasn’t his invention).   Still, Mr. Harper has come back to the spirit of Kelowna, more recently, introducing measures to improve aboriginal education.

Harper has also attempted, boldly, though unsuccessfully, to shift the ownership and full responsibility for the reserves from the Crown to the Indian tribes and their individual members.  The notion was to empower aboriginals by privatizing the reserves’ land holdings and transitioning from the communal way in which bands now operate their activities on reserves.  By ‘normalizing’ economic activities on reserves this might have been seen as just an alternate way of accomplishing the intent of the original Indian Act.

More recently however, the Harper government passed the ‘The First Nations Financial Transparency Act (FNFTA)’, requiring First Nations to disclose their financial statements and the salaries of band council officials.  The argument is that this would provide greater transparency and allow band members to hold their leaders more accountable.  Of course there were critics, as always, claiming that this was a higher standard than applied for most public officials.

But Harper had the angels on his side and scored an early win as the postings appeared on the government’s web site.  In the tiny First Nation of Kwikwetlem (Coquitlam B.C.), with a band membership of 81, it turns out the contracted Chief, Ron Giesbrecht, got almost a million dollars remuneration from the band council.  Apparently he was also the Director of Economic Development which earned him $80,000, plus ten percent of any business that came in.  And an eight million dollars land settlement fell into his lap, giving him close to a million big ones, and tax free since he is a status Indian.

Initially the band council supported Giesbrecht, but that is an awful lot of money.  The federal Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, Bernard Valcourt was outraged and other Canadians joined in the chorus of disapproval.  Apparently his new contract with the band now excludes any provision for commissions.  Nevertheless, Chief Giesbrecht would be a brave man should he decide to don a feathered bonnet at his band’s next festive occasion.  That is unless he decides to give the money back to the band or donate it to some worthy cause.  After all, as good a chief as he may be that is still a lot of money.

Rivers-direct-into-camera1-173x300Ray Rivers writes weekly on both federal and provincial politics, applying his more than 25 years as a federal bureaucrat to his thinking.  Rivers was a candidate for provincial office in Burlington where he ran against Cam Jackson in 1995, the year Mike Harris and the Common Sense Revolution swept the province.


 Headdress       More Headdress      Even More Headdress     War Bonnet

 Indian Act       Kelowna Accord     More Kelowna Accord       Harper’s Plan    Big Bonus

Transparency Act     More Transparency       Even More Transparency




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Are we getting it right? Candidate isn't too sure. Carol Gottlob speaks.

Comment 100By Carol Gottlob
August 7, 2014


So the flood waters have subsided, and the issues surface….
The Corporation of the City of Burlington has, since the last election, spent a phenomenal amount of money on two new features of the city; the doomed pier and the Performing Arts Centre. I admit I didn’t pay much attention to the pier, until the crane toppled over and the bills started to pile up. Next, was the Performing Arts Centre, which I questioned, because we are already surrounded by performing arts centres in Oakville, another in Mississauga, Brampton, Guelph and Hamilton. Don’t get me wrong – I endorse art and culture, but this seemed like a bit of overkill to me.
The fact of the matter is, these now exist, and we live with them.

Byj close to complete

Is Burlington more than its over priced pier?

Now, looking ahead, I feel it is time for “renewal”. It is time to look at what we already have, and where necessary, preserve, rebuild, enhance and protect it. The recent flood highlights exactly that need. Climate change is upon us. Floods, ice storms, hurricanes and tornados will become part of our existence on this planet and in this community. We will not be spared. So, let’s take a closer look at the infrastructure, and try to get ahead of the curve. We need to invest in fortifying our systems that we rely on, namely power, transportation and water. We need to protect the properties we call “home”. And this is where the story gets very real.

When the flood waters rose, I stood at the foot of my street and looked at the water rising on New St. I saw people wading through waist-high water carrying their belongings in green garbage bags. I offered help and saw many people doing likewise. Later, I walked over to my former neighbourhood, just south of New St. As I approached my old street, I could smell grilled meat on the bar-b-q. As I passed houses, I saw people inside eating, laughing and drinking wine. Meanwhile, a few steps further down the street toward Tuck Creek, lights were out, cars were floating, and people stood by looking on silently, exchanging almost whispered comments. It was surreal.

The next morning, I returned to pay a visit to former neighbours and dear friends, whose house was now a soggy shell, pumps gorging water back into the creek. Across the road, I saw an elder couple I’ve observed for years. They bought their house when it was built in the 60s and have kept it tidy and neat for all these years. Now they were standing outside, trying to understand how to put the pieces together again.

This is where we need to invest. In the properties that exist. The farmhouses that herald our rural traditions. The neighbourhoods that developers built, but people developed! The original telephone poles that adorn my street were installed in the 1950’s, when two wires were suspended – one for electricity, one for telephone. Now I look out, and I see 26 cables dangling from the equivalent of a toothpick! We need to fortify. We need to protect what we have. We need to help those who turned the houses into homes.

This recent event could aptly be called an emergency situation. Thankfully, no one was harmed, but the damage is severe and the long term impact is undeniable. And let us not be fooled; there will be more to contend with. It is imperative that the city and the council operate with a view to the near future and build reserves, provide contingencies and look after the needs of its citizens when disaster strikes.

Carol Gottlob is a candidate for the ward 4 council seat.

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Pensions Galore

Rivers 100x100By Ray Rivers

August 1, 2014


As a young man I couldn’t have cared less about pensions.  I thought I’d live forever and probably die before I’d get a chance to retire.  Many young people feel that way – planning for one’s old age is not a priority.   And I had reason to hope my future had already been taken care of, because Canada had introduced its national pension plan only a few years earlier.


Where does the reform have to take place? In the minds of the citizens who do not seem to have been able to take personal responsibility for their own pension needs or at the government level where new ideas and new financial formats can be created to result in funds going into pension plans. Is this really a “mind” issue”?

The plan was simple and the accounting straightforward.  You pay in today and get your pension tomorrow.  This was fine when so many were contributing and so few were receiving pensioners.  But as the baby boomers started approaching retirement age and the liability growing, the plan had to be changed before it ran out of money.

So it fell to another federal government and finance minister Paul Martin, in the mid ’90’s, to transform the CPP into more of an investment fund, and place it on a sound financial footing.  The long-term goal is to make CPP progressively more self-funding from contributions and investment earnings, rather than requiring one generation to pay for another’s pension.

The CPP is a mandatory pension scheme based on one’s lifetime earnings.  But there are a full suite of other income sources for seniors to potentially access.  The Old Age Security (OAS) program and the supplementary benefits provisions, originally introduce in 1952, is essentially a senior’s welfare fund which is means-tested to ensure the benefits go to those most in need.

There is the registered retirement savings plan (RRSP), a voluntary limited tax deferred system ; the relatively new voluntary interest tax-free saving accounts (TFSA); employer run private pension plans and, of course, one can always save for retirement from one’s after-tax income.  Finally, the family home is a capital tax exempt asset should the retiree sell it and seniors with homes can get a reverse mortgage.

So why does the Ontario government think we need another pension plan?  Well it is because so many seniors end up retiring and dying in poverty.  The CPP is currently paying an average of less than $7,000 a year.  It fails to provide even a decent minimal level of income for retirement.   And even with the OAS dollars thrown in, a pensioner would be living below the poverty line unless he/she had a company pension plan, RRSP, other savings or a house.

Bottom line is that the Ontario Retirement Pension Plan (ORPP) would level the playing field between those with an employer pension plan and those without, and that includes some expected three million Ontario workers.  The program will be phased in to minimize the pain to employers, and once in place, those working for the public sector (including teachers and health care workers), large industrial organizations (auto workers) and large institutions (banks) will no longer be the only ones with a comfortable pension plan.

A sustainable retirement income may also reduce the number of Ontario claimants requiring supplementary benefits from the OAS.  How ironic that a provincial pension program, heavily criticized by the federal government, ends up also reducing the federal deficit.


The first pension plan for people was created by German Chancellor Otto on Bismark.

Pearson pensions Time cover

Liberal Prime Minister Lester Pearson was behind the move to provide comprehensive pensions

Yet Ontario’s approach embraces a fundamental conservative philosophy, about people looking after themselves – paying their own way- rather than relying on government welfare to meet their living needs as seniors.  Pensions are long term arrangements, and the federal government, like that young man or woman, just doesn’t want to make that a priority today.


Background links:

ORPP        Canada Pension Plan

CPP and OAS        Pensions        Ontario Pension 

More Ontario       David Dodge

Rivers-direct-into-camera1-173x300Ray Rivers writes weekly on both federal and provincial politics, applying his more than 25 years as a federal bureaucrat to his thinking.  Rivers was a candidate for provincial office in Burlington where he ran against Cam Jackson in 1995, the year Mike Harris and the Common Sense Revolution swept the province.

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Burlington columnist opines on what is happening to the Ukraine – sees a new world order.

Rivers 100x100 By Ray Rivers

July 27, 2014


It sounds perverse perhaps, but this war against Russia may be the best thing for Ukraine.  It has already succeeded in uniting a broken and divided nation.  The western part wants to be part of the European Union (EU) community of nations and the eastern part, at least before the current occupation by terrorists, had wished they could back to the glorious old Soviet days.  But as the conflict continues east and west are finding one common cause – a growing disdain for Russia.

Ukraine naively gave up its nuclear arsenal, the third largest in the world, to Russia in exchange for a treaty guaranteeing its security.  Ukrainians must regret that decision now since Russia has broken its treaty commitment and invaded while the other signatories to the Budapest Memorandum washed their hands, as if their signatures meant nothing.

Putin - sinister look

There was a time when we saw Russian leader Putin as an ally – he is now being painted as a sinister and perhaps dangerous leader.

Ukraine has long sampled all that Russia has to offer its satellites.  Even after independence the country floated in the Russian orbit, putting off both EU and NATO memberships to avoid upsetting Mother Russia.  But the example of a blossoming Poland, whose economy had rocketed following its EU membership, was just too hard to ignore for Ukrainians watching their economy decline in relative terms, and becoming one of the most corrupt places on the planet – even worse than Russia.

For all the respect world leaders accord the Russian Federation, its economy is smaller than Italy’s.  Yet it punches above its weight on the global scene, given its historical place on the UN Security Council; its vast array of nuclear warheads, second only to the USA; and its huge land mass and natural resources therein.  And, of course, it has sucked the EU into dependency on its natural gas, now so vital for their economies.

But Russia’s days as a fledgling democracy are over.  Putin has jailed his political opponents.  He has converted a once independent media into a smooth propaganda machine that turns out the facts the way he wants them to appear.  No mistake about it, Putin has made the grade from elected President to virtual dictator.  And true to form the downing of Malaysian jet liner by Russian insurgents in eastern Ukraine, using a Russian surface to air missile, likely co-ordinated by the Russian military is someone else’s fault.

So the alternate reality recently emanating from Russian media included a number of alternate theories, such as that dead bodies had been placed in the plane, a kind of ‘zombie’ vessel, and set to explode over rebel occupied territory to embarrass them, or that the Ukrainian air force had actually shot down the plane thinking it was Putin returning from Brazil.

Of course the west is partly to blame for this conflict – at least by how is has responded.  NATO is in shambles, having been neglected for decades while member countries reducing their defense budgets every year.  The pleas for more NATO support in the Baltic and south eastern member states have fallen on deaf ears as leaders reflect on what NATO was actually trying to accomplish in Afghanistan.

And Ukraine’s future EU partners are sleep walking, reticent to make Putin pay for his  aggression and the disruption of a world order form which the Russian economy benefited so well – exports of natural gas for imported weapons to modernize Russia’s military.

Putin and Obama

Is the future of the western world in the hands of these two men?

It is not the west’s fault that the Ukrainian army was run into the ground over the last couple decades, nor that it has taken the nation this long to realize that a brighter future lies sleeping with the rest of Europe and not Russia.  And it isn’t the west’s fault that Ukraine is on the cusp of bankruptcy as a result of corruption and its treasury having been plundered by the former president.  But it is our fault that we have not reacted more quickly and more substantially.  Doing so might have caught this current conflict in the bud.

The world order has changed again, though it seems only a few years ago that Russia was a partner rather than an enemy.  Whether it is Putin’s unobtainable strategy, his ego or his disdain for the west, he has changed the way we will look at east-west relations for a long time.   And even if Putin pulled back his mercenaries in Ukraine and stopped shelling their common border, he’d still have to explain the Malaysian air tragedy for which he bears ultimate responsibility.  And after this is over Ukraine will have found its inner self and Russia, hopefully, found a new leader.

Corruption    Airliner Shot Down    Airliner Blame Game    Putin    The Nuclear Issue    Russia Gone Rogue    Propaganda    Ukraine Conflict

Russian alternate Reality      Canadian Support

Rivers-direct-into-camera1-173x300Ray Rivers writes weekly on both federal and provincial politics, applying his more than 25 years as a federal bureaucrat to his thinking.  Rivers was a candidate for provincial office in Burlington where he ran against Cam Jackson in 1995, the year Mike Harris and the Common Sense Revolution swept the province. He developed the current policy process for the Ontario Liberal Party.

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Columnist gets no response – takes a break.

Rivers 100x100By Staff

July 11, 2014


Ray Rivers, our lead columnist has done a column every week for the past 14 months.  In each column he adds extensive background links for those who want to delve in the subject in more detail.  Creating all those links is a chore but one we do willingly.

Rivers did a column on the new federal prostitution laws and expected more than the usual response he gets.  Was it the subject or the summer?  There is that wonderful British comedy: “No Sex please – we’re British” that just might apply to Burlington?

No sex pleaseThe British farce,  which premiered in London’s West End on 3 June 1971, was unanimously panned by critics, but played to full houses until 1987. It did not share the same success with American audiences, running for only 16 performances on Broadway in early 1973.  It did not run in Burlington.

Whatever – Rivers decided it was – we’ll let him tell his story in his own words: “I think I’ll just take a break for a couple weeks – I have had no responses to the last column – which I thought might have got some interest – It’s summertime and the readers are easy – the fish are jumping and the cotton is high….”

See you in a couple of week’s Ray.

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MacKay the Moralist: Legislating morality is a tricky business.

Rivers 100x100By Ray Rivers

July 9, 2014


As long as there are men and women – and money – prostitution, the world’s oldest profession, will be with us.  Prostitution is legal in Canada, though some supporting activities aren’t, such as soliciting, operating a bawdy house and living off the avails.  The Supreme Court last year determined these pesky laws could endanger prostitutes in the conduct of their business, violating their Charter rights, and so gave the government a year to fix them or they’d be history.

Canada’s justice minister, Peter MacKay, could have pulled a Kim Campbell and simply allowed the prostitution laws to fade away – as Campbell had done with abortion, thereby removing it from the criminal code.  These prostitution laws are archaic, originating before confederation and based on the dated puritan ethics of the time.  Aside from any question of morality there is no need to regulate the money for sex business at the federal level.  Municipalities are best equipped to deal with zoning, traffic issues, licensing, and public health as they do for other businesses.

Peter MacKay

Justice Minister Peter McKay

Nevertheless, Canada’s Justice Minister has decided what we need is more, not fewer laws.  He is proposing to make buying sex illegal, ban advertising, and restrict selling sex to places free of minors.  The only way sex workers will be able to conduct their trade is in back alleys, in customers’ cars and/or working through pimps.  Instead of meeting his stated goal of eliminating prostitution this will just make it more victimizing, dangerous and unhealthy.

Prostitution is loosely defined as trading sex for some kind of payment.  But defining payment and sex are problematic for an activity which comes in a variety of flavours, including males, females and everything in between.  Coitus or intercourse may be what most people think of, but sex can be anything from oral to anal, sexual touching, just touching or even just talking.

Some ‘pros’ may see themselves as semi-professional sex therapists helping their clients with sexual problems, though don’t expect OHIP to pay for that service.  And indeed, professional sex therapists do employ surrogates to provide sexual services.

And it really is about the money – money to live on.  And if MacKay and Harper really wanted to do something significant to reduce the size of the industry they might start by ensuing all Canadians receive an adequate annual income.  That way they wouldn’t have to resort to renting their bodies.  Lifting the poverty level would remove the very reason that so many people turn tricks in the first place.

Legislating morality is a tricky business, especially in a multicultural Canada endowed with various religions, ethnic origins and cultural values.  And societal values are constantly evolving as we shed the taboos of the past in favour of a broader enlightenment in this 21st century.  Today there are a host of match-making, dating and even spouse-cheating services on-line and yet nobody talks about outlawing these businesses, which are really only a stone’s throw from what we call pimping.

Peter Mackay  mouth open - shoutingMr. MacKay calls his new legal framework made-in-Canada, but it really just mimics the so-called Nordic model which most researchers on the topic admit is a hopeless failure at either eliminating prostitution or reducing potential violence.

Other jurisdictions, such as New Zealand, have effectively legalized (decriminalized) most aspects of prostitution making it safer for all parties involved in the business.  And despite such liberalization of the oldest profession, evidence is that prostitution levels have not increased, as many feared they would.  And they would know because sex workers there pay taxes on their earnings, unlike here.

If MacKay was really serious about what he calls victimization in the industry, the New Zealand model is what he should be looking at rather than that mixed bag he is bringing to the table – a mixed bag that the Supreme Court will once again rule against.  And the moralistic Harper government will have to go back to the drawing boards to re frame the oldest profession.

And speaking of professions isn’t it time MacKay changed his or, rather, that his boss moved him into some other line of work.  Almost every time this justice minister goes before the Supreme Court he loses his case – how on earth has he continued to hold his ministry with a record of incompetence like that.

If I were a PM that prides himself on being in control, I’d certainly want to change MacKay’s ministry if not his vocation.  Come to think of it, he wasn’t much better as Minister of Defence either.  Where is Kim Campbell when we need her?


Ray Rivers writes weekly on both federal and provincial politics, applying his more than 25 years as a federal bureaucrat to his thinking.  Rivers was a candidate for provincial office in Burlington where he ran against Cam Jackson in 1995, the year Mike Harris and the Common Sense Revolution swept the province. He developed the current policy process for the Ontario Liberal Party.


Background links:

Prostitution       Sex Workers    The Wrong Way   Flawed Information      Street Walkers

 International      Statistics     New Zealand Model     New Zealand    Harper’s Pitch    

 An Other View

 Sex Surrogates –  Nordic Model  

What Sex Workers Say

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Federal by-elections – Did we learn anything? Did anything change? Holding them on a holiday weekend; pure political cynicism.

Rivers 100x100By Ray Rivers

July 3, 2104


If his father had spent more time teaching the son to horseback ride instead of to paddle a canoe, would Albertans have taken more kindly to Justin’s Liberals in Alberta’s two federal by-elections?

Trudeau - Pierre and Justin

Pierre never taught the kid how to ride a horse. Tough to win in Alberta without that skill.

Provincial and federal politics are inextricably linked in Alberta.  Though AT ONE POINT governed by the Liberals, the province has chosen other parties since the 1920’s, eventually carving out a reputation as Canada’s most conservative province.

Even before the senior Trudeau’s National Energy Program, essentially a federal tax on oil, served to alienate them, Albertans had mostly decided on the Progressive Conservatives (PC) or Social Credit, a sort of pre-Tea Party political entity that can best be described as conflicted.   Edmonton, sometimes called ‘Redmonton’, has been known to have sent Liberals to Ottawa.

So, despite Liberal hopes for a break-through in oil-sand country, the Trudeau Liberals came up empty-handed, and Mr. Harper’s Conservatives won both Macleod (68.8%) and Fort McMurray- Athabasca (46.3%).  The NDP were barely visible in either race, though they clearly hurt the Liberals in the northern Alberta poll.  That contest between the two major parties would have been much less clear cut had a preferential ballot been used (see my last posting).

Cowboy - oil well

Oil and cowboys – two different demographics. But really low taxes in Alberta.

The oil boom in northern Alberta has created a different demographic than that of  cowboy country.  If there is to be a Liberal or NDP breakthrough, other than cosmopolitan Edmonton, this is the most likely place for that to happen. Otherwise, the Conservatives (in one form or another) will continue to dominate the province. One might be excused for confusing Alberta politics with those of Cuba or even China.  There too, the election results are forgone conclusions.

Ontario’s by-elections were a different story, with both wins going to the Trudeau Liberals, including  Trinity-Spadina, which Layton’s widow, Olivia Chow, had vacated to run for the mayoralty in Toronto.

Ironically former Toronto Councillor Adam Vaughan ended up replacing her.  This represents a significant loss for NDP leader Tom Mulcair, who was hoping to demonstrate national appeal beyond his powerful base in Quebec.

Liberal Arnold Chan cleaned up in Scarborough-Agincourt, in what had been promoted by the Tories as a test case of Trudeau’s marijuana legalization policy.  Despite the aggressive Tory campaign on that issue, it appears the dopers were in the majority – or the voters just didn’t care about that issue.  Will Mr. Harper finally get the message, one wonders?

Mulcair with NDP candidate in Spadina

NDP took a huge hit in Ontario by elections. will the same thing happen with their big base in Quebec?

By-elections are the best chance the public has to register discontent with a governing political party and its policies.  This time around, nothing really changed in terms of the governing party.  Liberals are playing well in Ontario but, despite their improved showing in Alberta, they have a long way to go before they can show results in the west.  The by-elections indicate that Canadians may be drifting back to a two-party system with the NDP, Green, Libertarian and other parties safely in the back seat.

Quebec is still predominantly represented by the NDP, but will Quebecers shift back to their traditional first choice, the Liberals, if a Liberal government seems in the cards?  Quebecers are perhaps the most strategic of Canadian voters, as they demonstrated in breaking tradition to help elect native son Brian Mulroney.   They may just be parking their votes with the NDP.

One has to be careful in reading too much into these by-elections given that the PM deliberately called them on a summer-time Monday, the week school holidays started and the day before Canada Day.  Why stick around to vote if you can head out to the cottage.

If Harper was hoping for low voter turnout to contain any damage, he got his wish.  The best turnout was in Toronto (Scarborough-Agincourt at 27%) and the lowest in the tar sands (15%).  In fact just 7% of eligible voters in Fort McMurray-Athabasca elected the MP there.


Ray Rivers writes weekly on both federal and provincial politics, applying his more than 25 years as a federal bureaucrat to his thinking.  Rivers was a candidate for provincial office in Burlington where he ran against Cam Jackson in 1995, the year Mike Harris and the Common Sense Revolution swept the province. He developed the current policy process for the Ontario Liberal Party.

 Background links:

Alberta General Elections       By-election Results    Chinese Politics     By-elections

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Legal defence fund needs transparency and accountability before it gets as much as a dime.

SwP thumbnail graphicBy Pepper Parr

June 30, 2014


The Rural Burlington Greenbelt Coalition (RBGC) has created a web site to raise funds for what they are calling the Burlington Airpark SLAPP Suit Defense Fund.

A SLAPP Suit (Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation) is a merit-less legal action brought to intimidate opponents, deplete their resources, reduce their ability to participate in public affairs, and deter others from participating in discussion on matters of public interest.

We, the Burlington Gazette and me, Pepper Parr seem to be a part of it – but until a colleague told us about this fund raising web site – we knew nothing about it other than there were plans to put up a web site to solicit funds to help with the legal costs to defend ourselves against the law suit that has been filed against us by the Burlington Executive Air Park Inc.

Support is certainly going to be needed but this is not the way to get it.

First, the web site focuses on what it calls a SLAPP suit, unfortunately in law there is no such thing at this point in time.  There should be such a thing but in a court of law what should be and what is – are two very, very different things.  Judges go on evidence and precedent.

There is no SLAPP suit; there are no such things as SLAPP suits.  The legal counsel representing Vanessa Warren and Monte Dennis have a vested interests in promoting legislation that would prevent SLAPP suits – and good on them.  What they are advocating is necessary; should have been done years ago.

David Donnelly of Donnelly Environmental Law, and Brian MacLeod Rogers, a leading libel lawyer and member of the Attorney General’s Anti-SLAPP Advisory Panel have been advocating for SLAPP legislation for some time.  Both will become specialists in this niche market and do some good work.  We assume some of the funds donated will go to Donnelly and Rogers.

Rogers represents both Warren and Dennis.  Parr and the Gazette have different legal counsel and a different legal strategy.  The word SLAPP will never leave our lips in our defence arguemts.

What the Gazette, Parr, Warren and Monte are facing is a libel suit where the plaintiff is seeking $100,000 in exemplary damages from the three of us.  It’s a significant case and only fools try to pretend the case is something other than what it is.

At some point there may be anti SLAPP legislation.  But we do not have that now.  What we do have now is a court case – and some financial support fighting that case would be welcome.  But from the Gazette’s point of view,  not under the terms and conditions the Rural Burlington Greenbelt Coalition is asking for donations.

The RBGC does not say what will be done with the funds; they do not say how any funds received will be distributed; they do not say they will be accountable to the donors and report on exactly where every nickel goes.

It is just a request for financial support – and I guess they are saying trust us.  Neither the Gazette nor Pepper Parr will be accepting any funds you may choose to donate until there are solid rules in place for the accounting of funds.

It looks as if the funds are going to the RBGC – but that isn’t clear.  Were it not for the fact that I know these people personally I would look upon this as one of the dozens of internet scams that show up in my email box every day.

I expect the highest possible level of transparency and accountability from the people mounting this fund raising campaign.  The web site they have up right now is the equivalent of what a couple of high school students might do because they didn’t know any better.

RBGC should know better – the candidate for public office should know better; if this is the way Vanessa Warren is going to conduct herself as a member of city council – she will be worse than the incumbent. The city Clerk has a form available for those who feel they want to withdraw from the election.

The fund raising web site does an excellent job of setting out the problem and what the issues are about – they just lost their focus and are talking about something that doesn’t exist – yet.

The Rural Burlington Greenbelt Coalition fund raising web site .


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Three policies for the Premier to Consider: improve democracy, make education truly public and look at the way we tax the public.

Rivers 100x100By Ray Rivers

June 29, 2014


 Premier Wynne made a number of commitments during the recent Ontario election.  Here are three more I think she needs to look at.

1: Improve Democracy

 Traditionally the candidate with the highest number of electoral votes wins the election.  This works well when there are only two political parties but not so well in our multiparty system.  The last provincial election provides an example, where Kathleen Wynne’s Liberals won a majority government with 58 seats but with less than 40% of the vote.  This vote splitting among the parties is pretty common place, as Stephen Harper and Jean Chretien also won majorities with less than 40% of the popular vote.


Is the way we count the ballots working for us?

Some jurisdictions have introduced proportional representation, a complicated system engineered to moderate the political advantage of vote splitting.  However, voters in referenda recently in B.C., as well as Ontario rejected a move to that system.

Another option involves use of a preferential ballot whereby voters rank their electoral choices in priority. If no candidate gets 51% of the total vote, then the second ballot choices are counted until someone wins, etc.  The federal Liberals passed a motion at one of their policy conventions to introduce this system should they form government.

With preferential balloting the winning candidate will always have the support of over half of the voters as their first or second priority choice.  There should be fewer minority governments as a result, since the impact of third parties in splitting votes will be diminished.  And policies may tend to become more moderate as parties opt to please a broad swath of the public rather than just their own partisan base.

The province also needs to consider implementing electronic voting via the internet to encourage greater voter participation. Less than 60% turnout in a general election is unhealthy for a nation and province that prides itself on government by the people.  Australia makes voting compulsory with legal penalties for failing to exercise your franchise.

Electronic voting should also reduce the the high cost of elections and facilitate quicker results.  Finally, government may find it useful to include referenda questions on delicate issues as guidance in policy setting, a practice rarely used in Canada.  And as for trust-worthy, well, we trust the internet for our banking, don’t we?.

2. Make Public Education Truly Public

 There is a condition in the Canadian constitution, originating from the British North America Act of 1867, which enables provinces to retain Catholic schools as part of their educational system.  That clause was added at the insistence of Quebec, which ironically has now eliminated its own Catholic schools, as indeed has Newfoundland.

Somehow when the political parties in the last election talked about cost cutting the elephant in the room was our redundant Catholic education system.  Duplication at the board level, under-utilized classrooms in older areas, four school buses when there could be two – these are just the most glaring examples of waste.

Classroom - young kids

Is a separate and a public education system something Ontario can afford? Doesn’t exist in most of the other provinces.

Public education is a great equalizer in our society.  We may not all be born equal but the class room is a wonderful place for children coming from income, ethnic and religiously diverse households to grow together, better understanding each other and each other’s point of view.  Hopefully that provides a formula for a more tolerant, understanding and competitive future for our youth.

3. Raise Taxes to Stem the Red

Ontario has the lowest cost-of-services delivery of any jurisdiction in Canada.  Yet we are still running a deficit and our debt is piling up.  It’s obvious we need to fix the revenue side of the balance sheet.  And that means taxes.

There has been lot of talk about carbon taxes.  B.C. and Quebec generate revenue in addition to encouraging energy conservation, though these taxes.  In the case of B.C. the tax is revenue-neutral, offset by reductions in other taxes.  And revenue neutral is not going to help us with the bottom line, is it?

Road tolls have also been bandied about and the 407, though being the greatest rip-off ever invented by man, is a system that works.  Applying that formula to all divided highways and charging a reasonable toll would bring in a lot of revenue, in addition to helping the motorist better understand the value of the time they spend commuting.

Inheritance tax

Are inheritance taxes something the government wants to bring back? Great cry from the wealthy if that ever happens.

Is it time to bring back inheritance taxes?  It’s not like the deceased will complain about paying death taxes.  Why is it that we don’t tax lottery and gaming winnings as income?


Ray Rivers writes weekly on both federal and provincial politics, applying his more than 25 years as a federal bureaucrat to his thinking.  Rivers was a candidate for provincial office in Burlington where he ran against Cam Jackson in 1995, the year Mike Harris and the Common Sense Revolution swept the province. He developed the current policy process for the Ontario Liberal Party.

 Background links:

Catholic Schools     More Schools       Even More Schools      Even More

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Liberals get to do a victory hoot and howl; public is watching the decisions they make very carefully.

SwP thumbnail graphicBy Pepper Parr

June 26, 2014


Now that she is sworn in as the Member of the provincial legislature for Burlington, Eleanor McMahon can open her constituency office, get staff in place and be open for business locally.  We look forward to hearing from her frequently and getting regular quarterly updates.

While getting the constituency office opened, Ms McMahon will also be getting her legislative agenda set up.  We look forward to the day she gives her maiden speech.

All that stuff is in a day’s work – this Friday there is an evening’s fun to be had, as the Liberals gather somewhere in the city to hoot and holler; let their hair down and just have fun.

Had the Premier decided to make McMahon a Parliamentary assistant, we just might have seen McMahon dancing on the table tops.

The Liberals do have their work cut out for them.  There is a public that remembers all too well, the profligate spending during the McGuinty era.  One of their fears going into the election was that this pattern might continue.

There was a recent report on the way Premier Wynne handled the handing out of food cards, during the December ice storm.  The process that was used proved to be less than effective.  City of Toronto staff advised the Premier of several alternative approaches that could have been taken – the advice was apparently dismissed – rather quickly.

One can appreciate Wynne wanting to ensure that people had funds to buy food – putting a program like that in place was good public policy and also very good politics.  That’s what the politicians are supposed to do – then they need to leave it to the bureaucrats to manage the program.

Premier Wynne needs to show the public that she is running a much more financially responsible government.  She needs to not only be accountable, but to be seen to be accountable – and when someone screws up – and someone will – she needs to be decisive and direct in rooting out the problem.

Economic growth in both Quebec and Ontario are slower than the rest of Canada.  Far more public money is spent in these two provinces than western Canada.  The public needs to see benefits from that spending – and they need to see something soon.

The people of Ontario are generous; they believe that we need to take care of each other, to be considerate and compassionate – but realize that there is a financial score card that needs to be paid attention to.


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“…those who claim to be good men must be willing to stand up and fight for what they know to be right.”

SwP thumbnail graphicBy Pepper Parr

June 22, 2014


When people hear what is happening it sounds like the kind of thing you hear about in some banana  republic where the roots of a democracy have yet to firmly plant themselves.

A community faces a major issue with a large piece of property where they believe the owner of the property is breaking all the rules.  They form an organization and take their case to city council.  They contact local media and the story begins to unfold.

The community group delegates to both city council and Regional Council and in both instances make a strong case.  The city does a little digging and quickly realizes there is a problem and begins to organize.

They find that the property owner is not cooperating and after a lot of huffing and puffing both sides end up in a court room.

Heavy equipment - View 2 from backyard June 15, 2013

Placing this large hulking piece of equipment less than 20 yards from a property line is outright harassment. The landfill had already been placed on the property. The physical harassment has now been taken to a judicial level.

The city wins its case.  Justice John Murray finds that the Burlington Air Park must comply with the city’s site plan by law.

The Burlington Air Park decides to appeal the Justice Murray decision.  The appeal court makes up its mind in less than half a day.  The air park must comply.

Prior to the appeal, the Burlington Air Park serves Notices of Libel on two citizens and the Burlington Gazette.  A Notice of Libel calls for the person that wrote something to retract what they wrote and apologize.  Neither the Gazette or the two citizens, Monte Dennis and Vanessa Warren felt there was anything to apologize for.

Prior to the appeal court hearing all three: the Gazette, Dennis and Warren were served with Statements of Claim asking for $100,000 in exemplary damages.

Readers of the Gazette will know what we wrote.  Key the words air park into the search engine on our web site and the more than 20 articles will appear.

Monte Dennis wrote a response to a Letter to the Editor that appeared in the Hamilton Spectator.  This was a citizen doing what every citizen has a right to do.  We note that the Burlington Air Park chose not to include the Hamilton Spectator in the claim for damages. Vanessa Warren wrote the following comment in the Gazette:

The Kovachik family opened the airpark in 1962, and for 44 years operated in harmony with its neighbours and its rural surroundings . You are not allowed to capitalize on that history. The history that you ‘re accountable for is amounting to an environmental disaster in our pristine protected countryside, and you may not manipulate that  truth unchallenged  anymore.

This is not an airpark improvement issue. This is a landfill issue, a water protection issue, a storm water management issue, a truck entrance and road use issue, and a property destruction and flooding issue.

Are we to celebrate that you ‘ve spent money to improve your for-profi t business? Who doesn ‘t do that? You say you ‘ve spent 4 million in improvements , but what about the income you ‘ve made from charging for untold hundreds of thousands of tons of unregulated  fill? What about the protected watercourse you ‘ve destroyed? What about the regionally significant woodlot you gutted? The cost to the environment, the community and the City for your ‘improvements ‘ has been too high to bear.

Ask your immediate neighbours – none of whom have “recently purchased their homes” – bow things have improved for them? Flooded fields are unfarmable. Backyards and septic beds are underwater from silted run off. Sight lines and property enjoyment are destroyed. Anxiety about well water safety is high, and you will not permit the MOE to release on-site testing data. Writing that you ‘ve “always respected your neighbours .. .” is more than untrue; it’s cruel.

There are no unsubstantiated claims. Terrapex Environmental found unacceptably high levels of contaminants like hydrocarbons and heavy metals in the paltry 52 soil reports you were able to provide. Off-site water testing may be fine to date (again, where’s the data?), but how long might it tale for those contaminants to leach into wells?

The City of Burlington legally won the right to impose it’s Site Alteration Bylaw on airpark property , and yet you still will not comply. The community would truly love to know that your property is NOT full of contaminated fill – why don’t you give us the verified, third-party data to prove it?

We are all so weary of your attempts to manipulate . Standing up to you and stopping the trucks was never political, it was ethical, and you have no ethical credibility left.

Vanessa Warren

Warren - strong H&S shot

Vanessa Warren, founder of the Rural Burlington Greenbelt Coalition chose to run for public office and represent ward 6 because she felt the community was not being well served by the incumbent. The owner of the land park is now uses the courts to silence her.

What makes the claim against Vanessa Warren so serious is that she is a nominated candidate for the ward 6 council seat where the air park is located.  One could take from the Burlington Air Park legal action that they do not want to see Vanessa Warren on city council.

In an Open Letter to city council the group that has been leading the fight against the air park, the Rural Burlington Greenbelt Coalition (RBGC) asked that the city “defend public engagement and public advocacy – the cornerstones of our democratic system – from the Burlington Airpark’s SLAPP suit, so that this type of legal coercion does not silence the citizens of Burlington.”

Prior to the provincial election there was a bill on the order paper calling for laws that would prevent what is being called Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation (SLAPP).  It was a private members bill brought forward by the New Democratic Party that got all party approval but that bill died on the order paper when the election was called.

The RBGC hopes it can persuade the provincial government to pick up the bill and make it a priority.  They would be delighted if the province moved real quick and then made any legislation retroactive.

The issue is serious, very serious.  When people with significant funding at their disposal decide to use the power of a law suit to silence people who care about their community and are prepared to speak out publicly the courts should not be the place where these public issues get worked through.

The Burlington Air Park has paid more than $62,000 in court ordered costs – so the judiciary is doing its part.

What is profoundly disappointing is that the public has yet to hear anything from the Mayor of Burlington or the Regional Chair Gary Carr.  These two men lead public opinion and they have in the past put their views forward on important issues.  When the Mayor saw for the first time the damage done to the Sheldon property on Appleby Line by the air park landfill  he was reported to have said he was appalled.

Disappointing too is the reaction from the private pilots who are seeing the airport they have used for years put at risk.  The Gazette has talked to a number of these pilots – not one is prepared to say a word publicly.  One exception is Andrew Forber who has commented on several occasions at some length.

Having people fear making public comments is a very unhealthy situation for any democratic society.

Much of the history of the struggle between good and evil is explained by philosopher Edmund Burke’s observation. Time and again those who profess to be good seem to clearly outnumber those who are evil, yet those who are evil seem to prevail far too often. Seldom is it the numbers that determine the outcome, but whether those who claim to be good men are willing to stand up and fight for what they know to be right.

City staff battle with the air park on an almost daily basis over the illegal use of gateways to the air park property and access to the site.  Staff are focused and well led and they persevere – but we are hearing nothing from the people who are in a position to mold public opinion.  Taking the position that they cannot comment on an ongoing court case is hiding behind skirts

The people of Burlington need to hear from the good people.

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Climate change and Canada’s new pipeline – will the Northern Gateway in BC ever get built? Should it be built?

Rivers 100x100By Ray Rivers

June 20, 2104


It has taken him six years to finally announce his first concrete action to combat global climate change and it’s still only a little – and a little late.  US President Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency has imposed a 30% carbon emission reduction limit on US coal-powered electricity plants by 2030.  That will mean scrapping some of the older plants and conversion of many others to natural gas.  In addition to the greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction benefits, this will also mean 6600 fewer premature deaths and 150,000 fewer asthma cases, they estimate.

By comparison, Ontario which historically burned coal for up to a quarter of its electrical needs, including at the largest coal-fired plant of its time, had completely shut down and banned coal burning earlier this year.  Ontario’s courageous action is Canada’s single most significant greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction ever.

coal burning energy plant

Smokes stacks like this one dotted the province of Ontario. The government put an end to coal fired electrical generation plants – and we all breath easier now.

The federal government had never really been supportive and had refused to help Ontario with costs of this shift away from coal.   Nevertheless, Mr. Harper was only too proud to point out that Canada was already ahead of the US in cleaning up its coal-burning emissions, when Obama challenged him to follow the US regulatory lead.  Canada’s share of emissions from coal burning are now only about a third of the equivalent in the US.  But unlike the US, our overall GHG emissions are heading skywards making a mockery of Canada’s official reduction targets.

In any case, Obama wasn’t talking about coal, when he challenged our PM, he was referring to our oil sands.  The oil industry claims they can now extract a barrel of oil from the sand without having to burn another full barrel in the process, but mining the tar sands is still the most inefficient and environmentally destructive resource extraction anywhere.

So Obama had the Keystone XL pipeline clearly in his sights.  Approving Keystone would just enable further expansion of the oil sands, something US environmentalists have been decrying.  And since American dependence on Canadian oil is declining thanks to horizontal hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in the US, that Keystone project is looking less and less likely everyday.

Harper and Obama are on different wavelengths.  That became clear as our leader joined with the new Australian PM, recently, promising to thwart carbon pricing and other global attempts to mitigate the effects of climate change, and to oppose efforts such as Obama’s press for climate change through forums like the G20.   Why should we expect dinosaurs to care about fossil fuels?

And Canada isn’t about to be lectured by a lame-duck president.  Mr. Harper has another plan to get the bitumen out of Alberta and into Chinese and other export markets – its called the Northern Gateway project.  Northern Gateway is a pipeline from the tar sands across fragile B.C. terrain, over a thousand kilometres, and to the environmentally sensitive Pacific coast at Kitimat B.C.  Northern Gateway was Harper’s baby form its inception, and just this week he employed the pretense of an energy board review before approving its construction, as everyone was fully predicting he would.

Many Canadians are still unsure about what this means, but not the opposition parties which are united in promising to stop this risky business.  Some pundits think this project could become the PM’s final undoing, since he may lose the crucial support of B.C. voters in next year’s federal election.

The B.C. aboriginal communities, over whose land the pipeline will cross and whose fisheries on the coast would be devastated by the inevitable oil spill, are also unified in their opposition.  And the B.C. government still has conditions and concerns ranging from its desire for compensation to better environmental safeguards, before it consents.  The province does not want to end up saddled with the clean-up costs of any spills.

B.C. residents take their environmental stewardship seriously.  For example, B.C. and Quebec are the only Canadian provinces with carbon taxes to reduce fossil fuel burning and GHG emissions.  And the B.C. economy depends heavily on tourism and its fisheries, both of which are threatened by this project. How is it fair that Alberta gets the royalties while B.C. gets the risk?

Oil pipeline being laid

All he costs related to the transportation of oil through a pipeline have to be taken into account – is that happening?

Early cost estimates of the project which would move the half-million or so barrels of diluted bitumen a day through the Northern Gateway and onto foreign tankers could easily approach twenty billion dollars.  Even if the proponent is in the private sector, there are always federal and provincial subsidies and all the ancillary costs attached to these kinds of mega projects.  One could buy a lot of renewable energy infrastructure for that kind of money.   And damage to the environment from a leak or shipping accident would be… well… just priceless.


Ray Rivers writes weekly on both federal and provincial politics, applying his more than 25 years as a federal bureaucrat to his thinking.  Rivers was a candidate for provincial office in Burlington where he ran against Cam Jackson in 1995, the year Mike Harris and the Common Sense Revolution swept the province. He developed the current policy process for the Ontario Liberal Party.

Background links:

Ontario Coal Phase-Out         Obama’s Plan       Implications for Canada        Canada’s Response       US Health Benefits      Northern Gateway

 Canada-Australia Coalition         Oil Sands Emissions –        B.C. Carbon Tax

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Email lists – Getting permission – and just when does no mean no?

JumarketingmoneymojoBne 20, 2014


James Burchill is not big on bureaucracy.  He doesn’t like getting tangled up on loose ends.  Define the target, aim, pull the trigger tends to be the Burchill modus operandi.   Here he gets on about having permission to email people.

 By James Burchill

Quick everyone … July 1st is fast approaching and we need to ask everyone we can think of whether we have permission to email them in the future.

Are you freaking kidding me?

Way to go genius … that’s going to cost you dearly.



Implied permission is still a legit way to connect via email UNTIL JULY 1st 2017 that’s 3 YEARS FROM NOW!

You’re basically going to burn your email list if you approach things this way. If you ask everyone in a frantic rush for permission you will get maybe 10% say yes. The rest WILL NOT.

This is not news … it’s typically been this way in the past. If you try and get a list to give you consent to sell them stuff – they usual say no … about 9 out of 10 people do anyway.

So stop with the knee-jerk reactions and think this through. Sure, the days of spamming people are over. Nope you can’t rent a list and sell stuff to them post July 1st without getting some grief … millions of it if you’re found wanting!

But, if you have a list and have been emailing it for a while and you have a pre-existing relationship with people that PRE-DATES July 1st then you have 3 MORE YEARS to move from IMPLIED CONSENT to EXPLICIT CONSENT.

And guess what … there are many wrinkles in the “law” that need ironing out before the REAL DROP DEAD DATE of JULY 1ST 2017.

You do not need to be scaring, spooking or generally giving your list the option to tell you to “go away!” … and if you keep asking them, well it serves you right because they will tell you to ***** off!

Stop being such a “fraidy-cat” and man-up. Email permission is getting a face lift for sure, and you should NOT SPAM PEOPLE but you certainly don’t need to commit email suicide either. Begin slowly converting the implied to the explicit by offering them a valuable report or “ethical bribe” that helps them solve a problem you’re in the market to remedy. Then you are totally on side with Bill C-28 and can email all you like.

Why the rant today? Well I’ve seen so many emails begging me for permission to stay connected … are you kidding me? Get real. This approach is wrong and frankly sends out the worst kind of desperate signals to people. So when I got yet another “whiny … please can we stay friends …” type email I lost it.

All ranting aside, seriously … stop shooting yourself in the foot. Work to convert (implied consent) people on your list by emailing them converting (explicit) offers … and USE THE NEXT 3 YEARS TO DO IT!

Again to be clear … you have 3 years to convert implicit to explicit permission and frankly if you can’t figure out a cool way to do that within your business sector … well I’d say maybe you don’t deserve an email list.

Burchill James C

James Burchill runs the Burlington Social Fusion Network that meets regularly at the Ivy Bar and Kitchen.

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