BURLINGTON, ON September 13, 2012 Two Spencer’s Restaurant Chef’s will duel it out at the Farmer’s Market on Friday. Chris Hayworth and Andrew McLeod will shop from the different vendors at the market and then cook up a meal, using what they bought at the market – all organic, that visitors to the market can sample at the tables Barry Imber, the driving force behind the idea of an organic market in downtown Burlington, plans to set out for people to use.
The Farmer’s Market, located off John Street just north of James back in behind Centro Gardens, focuses on local organically grown produce, meat and dairy.
It started up during the early summer and while traffic has not been overwhelming, it is consistent with people drifting in and out during the noon to 2:00 pm window they are open.
Imber decided to give the location a bit of a promotional boost and challenged the two Spencer’s chef’s to duel it out over their stoves using just the produce available at the market.
Hayworth plans to play it by ear and see what is on sale- and then use his creative imagination to pull together a meal he is sure will win the day for him.
Hayworth is a full range chef but he tends to like to focus on the appetizer part of the menu – and where he can he goes local.
Could be fun – certainly will be tasty.
Chef Hayworth has a bit of an advantage – he has a supplier that wants him to win; that might tip the scales.
At press time we had not heard from Chef McLeod – maybe he has decided to concede and won’t show.
You be the judge – and see what they serve up.