City of Burlington asking for feedback on playground structures.

News 100 yellowBy Staff

December 22nd, 2017



Not the best time of year to ask people to find a couple of minutes to respond to a city survey. Things are so busy that the supermarket in my part of town is going to be open until 11 pm tonight.

Nonetheless – know this: The City will be replacing 14 playgrounds over the next two years and is encouraging families who use the specific parks to complete a survey to say which kinds of playground features would be most wanted.

Beginning Dec. 28, 2017, city staff will be at nearby recreation centres asking for input.

The online survey is HERE and will be available until January, 31, 2018.

Park survey

Location of the 14 parks that will be upgraded in 2018

Playgrounds to be replaced in the next two years are:

1. Brada Woods Park, 5196 Brada Cr.
2. Breckon Park, 4471 Spruce Ave.
3. Brittany Park, 1370 Headon Rd.
4. Champlain Park, 2101 Mountain Grove Ave.
5. Cumberland Park, 562 Cumberland Ave.
6. DesJardines Park, 1811 Imperial Way
7. LaSalle Park, 50 North Shore Blvd.
8. Maple Community Park, 750 Maple Ave.
9. Maplehurst Public School, 481 Plains Rd. E.
10. Optimist Park, 2131 Prospect St.
11. Sheraton Park, 594 Sheraton Rd.
12. Spencer Smith Park, 1400 Lakeshore Rd.
13. Sycamore Park, 3157 Centennial Dr.
14. Tansley Woods Park, 4100 Kilmer Dr.

Chris Glenn, director of Parks and Recreation explains that: “The survey results will be used to create plans for the parks that will be specific to that park. Talk to your kids about what kinds of play structures they like. Ask them if they prefer straight or curving slides, monkey bars, poles, swings and other fun, interactive equipment.”

The survey questionnaire runs 17 pages – we will run it again in the New Year when you have more time for this kind of thing.

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1 comment to City of Burlington asking for feedback on playground structures.

  • Luke

    “Not the best time of year to ask people to find a couple of minutes to respond to a city survey.” About playground equipment no less. Classic understatement.

    I went to the Survey monkey, which Mr Dennison will no doubt discount or outright dismiss on basis of it’s lack of accuracy or the fact that, “fill in the blank with whatever you like.”

    When we moved into our area it was during the municipal election some 20 years ago and I asked the incumbent who knew nothing of what was being done or planned but assured something was in the works….

    The playground equipment was ripped out about 4 years later and they installed that “Little tikes” plastic trash that won’t last more than 5 years or challenge an 8 year old, forget invite an adult to make use of.

    The equipment has been ripped out and replaced now on an average of about once every 4 years. Each new installment is progressively less challenging than the last and situated to make even less use of the natural shade that the existing trees provide in order that they can buy the “Same” useless 4 square foot umbrella from Little tikes.

    I had occasion to participate in the “Visioning” exercise with the councillor and parks planner and about 8 other local residents where all of this was discussed. We were assured our suggestions would be addressed in their next iteration of the grand design which was presented and then promptly tossed into the trash bin when they built the Haber multi use facility some 2 miles north. That seemed helpful.

    The slides in these new sets have so much friction the children very nearly need to walk down.

    My suspicion is that, from the choices available in the survey monkey exercise, someone in parks must have a poor relative or friend who works at “Little Tikes” that requires the contract in order to ensure future employment.

    It is abundantly clear that the call for tender will point strongly to the little tike plastic so no others need apply.

    In travelling I have seen childrens climbing sets in parks in europe that go to a height of nearly 30 feet. It seems 6 feet is too much for our stomachs here.

    Merry Christmas and good success in the new year to you and yours.