February 13th, 2020
Time to take part and be engaged in the way your city works.
There are three distinct trails in Burlington that need a name. Below, you will see the three areas where the trails are located. The actual trail is shown by the red line.
You might want to consider the history of the area, location of the trail, important people in the city past or present. Use your imagination and suggest your three best ideas.

This trail is along the Hydro corridor north of the QEW, between the North Service Road at Roly Bird Park and Berwick Drive.

This trail is part of the downtown hydro corridor, east of Maple Avenue, between Ontario Street and Graham’s Lane.

This trail is east of Centennial Drive, between Upper Middle Road and Heathfield Drive (extending in the future to Mainway.)
Click here to get to the survey.

With tongue firmly planted in cheek, I suggest naming them after the three sides of the municipal policy development triangle – Facebook Path, Twitter Trail and Instagram Way.
Please not politicians or civ]]ty staff we are already surrounded by embarassments of parks and streets named for people who got rich on tax dollars doing their job. Should be historic or regular citizens association with hiking or conservation. We never seem to name things for regualr folks in this town.