Commercial locations heavily hit - Burlington Centre close to barren - and this is just day 1 of the pandemic for the city

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

March 16th, 2020



It was a quieter city today.
The malls and the locations where people gather are either closed or close to barren when it comes to people getting out of the house.

Some restaurants were open. Staff are not certain how long that will last – one staffer said he thought that restaurants would stagger their hours.

City hall was closed to the public.The closed sign is going to be seen in a lot of locations.

Large national retail chain operations have closed their stores.

The provincial Medical Officer of Health has said she is recommending that restaurants limit their service to take out only

The Burlington Centre looked like a wasteland.  Few cars in the parking lot and fewer in the hallways.

mall parking

Parking lot at Burlington Centre on Guelph Line

Fido stand

One of the aisles at the Burlington Centre


pappa zoom +

Retail operations were shuttered at the Burlington Centre

Fairweather closed

National chains decided to close.

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