Community groups get funding from city hall

News 100 blueBy Staff

May 10th, 2018



Five community groups will be splitting $20,636 for community projects as part of this year’s Neighbourhood Community Matching Fund program.

The selected groups will receive up to 50 per cent of their project funding from the city, up to a maximum of $5,000. The community groups behind each project will then match this funding with an equal contribution made through any combination of volunteer hours, donated services, donated materials and supplies or other funds raised, such as cash donations.

Neighbourhood Community Matching Fund recipients:

Mindfulness in the Park:
• Organizing free mindfulness sessions in park settings in Aldershot and Elizabeth Gardens communities.
• Sessions will be open to all Burlington residents.

Community project - Norton_Park_Mural

The proposed mural.

Neurodiverse Universe – Art Mural Project:
• A neighbourhood art project to bring awareness, acceptance and appreciation to the greater community of the skills and talents of people with autism.
• Location for project to be determined.

Community project - Fencing

Fencing – why are residents being asked to pay for this fencing? Isn’t it something Parks and Recreation should be taking care ?

Live Out Loud – Outdoor Play Spaces
• Providing fencing to create safe outdoor play spaces (basketball court and play area) for all Burlington residents in the Guelph Line, Woodward and Prospect communities.

Burlington Food Bank Community Garden Expansion
• Community garden expansion in Maple Park Community Gardens will provide fresh produce to clients of the Burlington Food Bank.

Walk with a Doc – Hamilton Burlington Trails Association
The program will offer 12 community walks on Burlington community trails and in community parks. Walks are led by local doctors and health care providers, including a short health talk at the start of each walk.

These projects will be worked on over the next year. Neighbourhood or community groups interested in learning more about the Neighbourhood Community Matching Fund criteria and guidelines for funding can visit Information about 2019 application and submission deadlines will be available in Fall 2018.

This is the third year of the Neighbourhood Community Matching Fund. In 2016, $35,000 was provided to eight community groups and in 2017, $26,100 was provided to six community projects.


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