By Pepper Parr
March 8th, 2021
There was a great phrase I once saw many years ago on a button a woman was wearing.
It read: What part of No do you not understand?
That one stuck with me.
Today I am asking anyone who can respond: What part of the following do I not understand.
The province released updated Covid19 infection numbers – more than 1600 with ten new deaths.
On the same day we are told that Toronto and Peel have been moved to the grey zone and the malls will be opened – albeit at 25% of capacity and that they will be doing screening for everyone entering.
Did someone at the decision making level not understand the numbers? 1600 + – the highest since early February.
The virus is still hopping from person to person in the community. Clamp down until it is at the 100 a day and most of us are vaccinated.
Stay the course in Halton Please until the local decision makers make the booking for the Burlington residents better.( please remember not all 80+ Vulnerable seniors Living Independently use Computers or have a buddy), the accessibility of sites– 2 only Really! for 200,000. Other Regions have done much better. Of course, I wonder How do they get any info in this digital fixated world?
Needless to say, decisions are being made by Ford and his hopeless team based on … what? Politics, input from developers, lobbyists? Some regions are making their own decisions to be tougher than the Provincial guidance (they could not be allowed to be less strict, even if that would be logical too). Most regions, notably Halton, have taken matters into their own hands and rolled out vaccination programs and websites which, unfortunately may be hard to integrate later on but so be it. Meanwhile , Burlington is logging just 6 to 10 new cases per day. Not too bad, but it would be interesting to know how these cases are being discovered. There are nearly 200,000 people in the city, so are the new cases in one bunch due to contact tracing? Or discovered by random testing? Or individuals reporting symptoms? It would be good to know more about the nature of our enemy.
Agreed – it makes no sense to ease restrictions at this point. I don’t expect Ford to understand that.
To be more meaningful, the number of infections must be related to the number of tests performed.