Doug Mays will demonstrate his watercolour techniques at Gallery [2]

eventspink 100x100By Staff

June 3, 2017


Doug Mays, award winning artist, will be demonstrating his watercolour techniques at Gallery [2] on June 8th from 7pm to 9pm.

Doug Mays - artThere will be a Q&A session.

Light refreshments will be served. Tickets: $15. Contact Gallery 2 on their website at

Dou Mays H&S

Doug Mays

Gallery 2 is one of a couple of galleries that have taken space yards away from the Royal Botanical Gardens on Spring Garden Road. They are almost a bit of an outpost –away from the downtown core – not part of the Village Square that was once the home, the equicentre for local artists, in Burlington

They are part of the Art in Action crowd, a group that found and felt that the Art Gallery of Burlington, formerly the Burlington Art Centre, was not meeting their needs.

The Seaton Gallery – stained glass – is right next door.

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