Downtown merchants recognized for their festive season window displays.

News 100 blueBy Staff

January 4th, 2019



They have been doing it for a number of years and on a few occasions there have been some stunning window displays to add to the mood, tone and feel of the downtown streets during the festive season.

This year – there were a couple of clunkers – what were they thinking?

No need to call them out – fortunately for the judges, as esteemed as they were, their names were not published.

The Burlington Downtown Business Association announced the 2018 winning displays:

Candles for the stroll

The Candle Light Stroll gave people an opportunity to see many of the different window displays.


Best Window/Exterior (professional): Joelle’s
Honourable Mention: Scrivener’s Men’s Apparel

Best Window/Exterior (non-professional): Lola’s Choco Bar and Sweet House
Honourable Mention: Wendel Clark’s Classic Grill & Bar

Best Interior Design: Pearl & Pine Retirement
Honourable Mention: Stoner & Company, Family Law Associates

Best Restaurant/Eatery: Water Street Cooker
Honourable Mention: La Creme de la Creme Creamery Inc

Best Interior/Window Display (service provider): La Viva Hair Studio
Honourable Mention: Dollface Beauty Bar

Burlington Hydro Conservation Award: The Burlington Charcoal Pit
Honourable Mentions: Dollface Beauty Bar & Centro

BEST OVERALL: Centro Garden.  Centro seldom fails to outdo itself.



The winners and the Honourable mentions.

The response to the opportunity to decorate the store fronts along Brant and John street and some of the adjacent streets has been a bit sporadic. Some of the commercial establishments, especially those in hospitality have been really limp – a string of lights was it at some locations. Not all of them but enough to make the lack of participation evident.

With well decorated store fronts and innovative, creative ideas people want to get out on the streets – and if they are on the streets they can walk in.

Let’s see what they can do in 2020.

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