Eye in the sky - the pier on a holiday weekend.

News 100 redBy Staff

May 25, 2016


What did you do on the holiday weekend?

Some people took in the pier.

How many?  Not as many as one might have expected – but see for yourself.

There is an eye in the sky –

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3 comments to Eye in the sky – the pier on a holiday weekend.

  • JQ Public

    Unless something big is going on at Spencer Smith Park, the Pier has not turned out to be the attraction it was supposed to be to draw tourists to Burlington. Most successful piers have boats, have lots of benches and are located on an river or canal inlet. Ours has none of these.

  • Zaffi

    Seems the drone activity is certainly on the rise. Wrote to the Minister of Transport many months ago after viewing unsafe use, as per tc.ca safety guidelines, of a good sized one over moving cars on Lakeshore Rd. No response as yet.

  • Bryce Lee

    Obviously somebody with a drone; are they properly licensed by Transport Canada?

    And this device is being used for what may perhaps be determined
    as a commercial enterprise.

    Given the lack of people on the pier,
    perhaps this structure could be considered
    Burlington’s current pink elephant.