By Staff
February 6th, 2019
They are the largest swans in the world, native only to North America and they have made an amazing comeback from the brink of extinction. On Family Day, Monday, February 18th, come to LaSalle Park, in Burlington, to meet the Trumpeter Swans and hear their amazing story of conservation success.
The event will be held between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. when members of the Trumpeter Swan Restoration Group and the Trumpeter Swan Coalition will be on hand to introduce you to these magnificent birds that have fought their way back from extinction with the help of a group of dedicated volunteers. Hear the Trumpeter Swans’ amazing stories and learn more about them from the team of women who band and tag the birds.
The event will be held along the shoreline of Lasalle Park, 831 Lasalle Park Road. Booths will be set up near the boat launch. Banders and taggers will be working in the beach area. LaSalle Park is the largest over-wintering site for Trumpeter Swans in Ontario. Between 125 to 200 Trumpeters gather near the harbour from December to March.
The event is free. All ages welcome. Dogs make the Trumpeters nervous so please leave your pets at home.

They are there now?! How exciting! Who knew!?