By Staff
October 10th, 2020
The Burlington Dads drove to the Food Bank earlier this week at the end of their Food Drive in Kilbride with 167 pounds of donated food.

Heritage Firetruck used as a back drop for food collected in the Kilbride community by the volunteer fire fighters.
The Dads partnered up with the Kilbride Volunteer Firefighters Association to do a non-perishable food collection and stopped by numerous friendly local businesses that offered their offices as drop-off points along the way. One of the Dads (Jordan Bradburn) organized the event and drove an old 1937 Ford fire truck to lead the way, proudly flying the DADs flag.
Each year at this time the Burlington Dads host their annual Ride to Provide spin marathon as their own fundraiser. In lieu of the pandemic it was cancelled, however last year’s host’s – Cedar Springs Health Racquet & Sports Club squash members helped out by collecting 40 donated turkeys from their members for us to distribute to families this weekend!

Three unnamed young men dropped off a bin of food they had collected.
Being Squash Members, a few of them included squash as well.
One last thing –the photo is of three young men who just showed up last night and dropped off a full bin of food as a donation – anonymously! Two hockey players and a soccer player (that’s all we know). Amazing!
Are there some proud parents who want to identify these young men?