Food Bank experineced some startling growth in the number of people needing help with basic food items.

News 100 blueBy Robin Bailey

July 2nd, 2020



The Burlington Food Bank is running at 70% over same time last year in terms of families served!

Domenique W Food Bank

Dominique joins those packing food hampers and does some of the longer term logistics thinking.

Sometimes as we go about serving families in Burlington we forget how well our volunteers are doing keeping up with the pace! We run our numbers monthly and having just now completed the 2nd quarter, we took some time to reflect. There has been an increase of 70% in the number of households served from March through June in comparison to the same period last year.

We don’t seem too stressed out about it because the volunteers are doing a great job meeting the needs and doing so calmly and efficiently.

If they were a private business developing a market – that would be a great number. It is a reflection on the number of people who need help.

Jane F Food Bank

Jane is a regular volunteer at the Food Bank

The community however is coming through Big Time.

And how about those Burlington Dads!

They came together online in a Canada Day challenge to raise $250 for us and ended up with a commitment of $2,825 so far – way over their expectations and much needed so thank you Burlington Dads!

If you are in need or know of someone who could use our help PLEASE have them email us at or call 905-637-2273 to make arrangements to have food dropped at their door or they can now PICK IT UP. If you live in Burlington, we are here to help.

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