Food Bank keeps on trucking - Rotary helping to deliver the food.

News 100 blueBy Staff

March 27th, 2020



The Food Bank was very busy this morning picking up donations from several grocery stores, assembling delivery food supply hampers and arranging deliveries.

Some brand new volunteers and some drivers from Burlington Rotary – thank you so much for helping us out right now.

Diane Gris Food Bank

Diane Gris talks about the Food Bank volunteers, the clients and about managing production.

Diane Gris manages the production – she makes sure that the families requesting food, not only get the food supply hamper but any special needs they may have as well.

We’re trying our very best to keep distance from each other as we work at the food bank and taking every precaution so that the food delivered is as safe as possible.

The short video gives you a look at the inside of a Food Bank – the unfortunate part is they are now a part of life in every community.


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