Freeman Station settles onto its foundation with a 2014 Loonie embeddeed in the sill plate.

News 100 blueBy Staff

June 24, 2014


Great day in Burlington history.

Step 1 Being lowred onto the concrete foundation June 24-14Step 2 Loonie that was put inAfter learning that the citizens of the city have paid for their pier twice, the good folks who remit their taxes on time, can take some pleasure in knowing that the Freeman Station is now sitting on its foundation and within day the construction crews will begin their work on the innards of the building.

Step 3 inches away from baseDuring the process of lowering the station onto the foundation, a 2014 Loonie was placed on top of the sill plate prior to the station being lowered.

James Smith, a candidate for the ward 5 council seat said “for some reason 2014 Loonies are hard to come by, but we did get one, and the people who move the station next can reclaim it.”

Step 4 In placeThat can happen when the railway station gets moved to its rightful location on the Beachway, where the railway track bed is now used as a walking path.



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1 comment to Freeman Station settles onto its foundation with a 2014 Loonie embeddeed in the sill plate.

  • Karen

    how many ugly buildings does this City have to look at? Now this will be by the waterfront with the ugly Waste Treatment facility. Brilliant!