By Pepper Parr
August 25th, 2020
Parents are concerned, somewhat confused and not at all certain what is going to happen when the schools are re-opened.
The Halton District School Board is holding a Town Hall meeting on Wednesday and will be doing everything they can to answer the questions parents have.

Trustee Chair Andrea Grebenc with Director of Education Stuart Miller
The Director of Education will have his team of Superintendents on hand to get into the specifics.
This team has been at it since March – learning that the system was being shut down meant these Superintendents didn’t just have to pivot – they had to do a 180 and make something happen with little in the way of resources or prep.
Director of Education MIller put it very well when he said: “They didn’t teach us this in principal school”.
Each of the Superintendents has been given an area of responsibility. They have taken their years of experience as classroom teachers and the lessons they have learned as Superintendents and a got teacher in front of students even if it was via the internet.
Parents were upset, students didn’t know what was going to happen each day.
It took a bit of time but the technology to reach out and communicate was found and implemented.

Superintendent Terri Blackwell running lead for the secondary students,
Superintendent Terri Blackwell was assigned to the Secondary school problems and the challenges.
Superintendent Scot Podrebarac took on the elementary students.
Both worked tirelessly with the school principals to help them deal with the students and the parents. There were challenges everywhere and few in the way of easy answers.

Julia Hunt Gibbons – crunched the numbers to determine what could and couldn’t be done.
Superintendent Julie Hunt Gibbons was the numbers person. What would work and what wouldn’t work. Hunt-Gibbons had to take the number of classes, the number of students and come up with options in terms of how the Board could create a schedule that would let the board create a class with 15 to 20 students. She didn’t do it with a slide rule.
When the province said that normal class sizes would prevail – Superintendents gave each other one of those Huh! looks and went back to the numbers.
How do you keep 30 grade 3 students six feet apart in a standard classroom size? Was that possible?

Colette Ruddock – the heath of every student is her mission.
Superintendent Colette Ruddock is overseeing the relationship between the Board of Education and the Public Health Unit.
How will the Public Health people work with the schools – one on one? Who in a school makes the decisions? We were told that the Director of Education believes he has the authority to close a school.
We will learn going forward what Ruddock is going to do – we know now that she is the contact person with the Health people.
There are nurses being brought in by the province but the school boards don’t see the nurses as part of their staffing compliment.
How long can parents and students get on with their lives under these conditions? No one knows – there are really more unknowns than there are knowns.
The Toronto District School Board has been setting the pace in terms of talk back to the government. With the exception of the stiff letter the Halton Trustee Chair sent the Minister of Education.

This is what it all comes down to – a student in the hands of a good teacher.
Will the school start be later – September 15 is a date being thrown around. Will the return on the part of the students be staggered? A couple of grades one day and a few days later other grades will be added with everyone being in place by the end of the first week.
Gearing up for the day students enter a school is work enough. Behind the scenes there are people across the province giving serious consideration and actually working on what a virtual education system would look like.
If there is the much expected second wave, which will be harsher than the first wave, and everything goes back into lock down – what then?