By Staff
March 25th, 2018
Little did we know.
Our original headline on this story read: High tea at the AGB this afternoon.
We got our ears boxed when the CFUW advised us that – Please note that the phrase “high tea” refers to the evening meal of the working classes in Britton, sometimes even just referred to as “tea”. What University Women are holding is “afternoon tea”. The correct spelling for Britain is <
The Canadian Federation of University Women is holding a 40th anniversary March Hare fund raiser this afternoon at the Art Gallery from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
The CFUW is an organization that is dedicated to fellowship, advocacy and education. They have in the past sponsored debates during election campaigns and have a scholarship program.
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Art Gallery of Ontario 1333 Lakeshore Rd. Burlington ON
I don’t suppose any of the “University Women” edited their own poster which is an invitation to “Formal High Tea.”?
Please note that the phrase “high tea” refers to the evening meal of the working classes in Britton, sometimes even just referred to as “tea”. What University Women are holding is “afternoon tea”.