Ice show at the pond in Spencer Smith park - tonight!

News 100 blueBy Staff

December 11, 2014



Short notice!
1st Annual Christmas Collage Ice Show.

Mercedes-Benz is presenting a one hour, choreographed on ice performance showcasing local youth talent. The choreography encompasses 7 ice sports; figure skating, synchronized skating, speed skating, ringette, hockey, sledge hockey and curling. Free Hot Chocolate! Free Public Skate after the show! Free Giveaway for the first 200 families! Make this event your family’s new Christmas Tradition!

If you didn't get to strap on the blades this winter - you're out of luck.  Rink closes at 10:00 pm this evening.

It will be choreographed on ice performances showcasing local youth talent on the pond tonight.

Friday, December 12, 7 – 8 p.m. at the Rotary Centennial Pond (skating rink) in Spencer’s at the Waterfront, 1400 Lakeshore Road

General Admission: FREE – donations to Jumpstart at the event are appreciated!

VIP Balcony: Adults:$30.00, Children (under 12) $15.00, Family Pack (2 adults and up to 4 children) $75.00 (seating, blankets provided, overhead heating)

A portion of the proceeds generated by the event will be donated to Canadian Tire’s Jumpstart Charity.

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