By Pepper Parr
October 8th, 2020
Why is it that we read the numbers, we know how to prevent the disease from spreading but the numbers keep climbing ?
What is it we are not getting or is the problem with the people who are not getting it.
Here is a breakdown of the total cases in Ontario by gender and age:
27,096 people are male — an increase of 406 cases.
29,249 people are female — an increase of 393 cases.
5,033 people are 19 and under — an increase of 126 cases.
20,126 people are 20 to 39 — an increase of 331 cases.
16,069 people are 40 to 59 — an increase of 225 cases.
8,973 people are 60 to 79 — an increase of 90 cases.
6,529 people are 80 and over — an increase of 22 cases.
Here is the solution one male came up with on the issue of wearing a mask.
Funny, I suppose – but the issue is not a joke. We are in the process of losing this battle.
Here’s a solution to the back log of testing. If you don’t have symptoms don’t go for testing. Why?? Because you probably don’t have Covid!!
My Grade One son developed a fever, sore throat, and cough last Friday night. We had him tested on Saturday. It’s Friday. He seems healthy. We still don’t have results for him.
Grade Three son got similar symptoms on Monday. He was swabbed Wednesday. I got fever, coughing, aches, and cough Tuesday, was swabbed yesterday.
I’ve kept my kids home from school despite seeming better and the new school screening tool saying they could because what it it’s not a cold? However it’s been a week off school. My friends in the States are getting test results in under three days. The system would work if testing results came that fast, but a week off school for a cold is going to really mess with my kids, and their progress in the classroom. Their teachers are going to constantly have kids coming and going from the class, arriving back a week behind and needing to be caught up.
A friend who could have been exposed to the virus went online to book an appointment for a Covid-19 test. She did this on Tuesday, and her appointment is for Saturday (5 days for her appointment at Joseph Brant Hospital). How long will she have to wait for the results?
In the Hamilton Spectator today the headline on the front page – “EIGHT- DAY DELAY FOR COVID – 19 TEST RESULTS”. How many people will actually quarantine until they get their results?
Interestingly, on the news a few days ago when it was reported that some people were going to private clinics and paying $200.00 for a test and get the results within 24 hours, the health minister slammed this as a 2 tier system which was unacceptable.
WELL: Since Ontario reportedly cannot keep up with the backlog of Covid test results they are sending the swabs to CALIFORNIA ( where it is reported they have a backlog in getting their results out) for testing. WHY NOT PAY THE PRIVATE GROUPS IN CANADA TO DO THIS?
Thanksgiving is this weekend, how many people will follow the suggestion that people only celebrate with those LIVING IN THEIR HOME? I have asked a few people and this is not happening. They plan to celebrate with family that live elsewhere. People don’t seem to understand the ramifications.
Premier Ford has been derelict in tightening things up. I understand that closing down certain services is very detrimental but as indicated today One Spinning Class in Hamilton could potentially have exposed 100 people to the virus and 7 people have already tested positive.
How many of you are getting together with members of your family or close friends that don’t live in your home? It might be the last meal all of you get to eat together.
Ages 20 to 39 are also the ages of parents of young children. Don’t discount the possibility of asymptomatic spread from children to parents. We had low case counts in the summer. They have exploded just as kids returned to school. I haven’t seen a lot of parties. But looking at students, teachers, bus drivers and others, there are over 100,000 people in the province whose daily contacts went from a handful in the summer to 30+ every day.