Last tour before she gets hitched - Hayley Marie is bringing her flute to town

eventspink 100x100By Staff

May 10th, 2016


Hayley Marie Remple is on the road – last concert tour before I get hitched” was the way she put the trip that is going to bring her to Burlington for a two concert program and a Master Class for flute players.

Hayley Marie RempleHailey Marie mixes narrative with visual presentation and the smooth sound of her flute as she tells the story of the composers who basically shaped much of the classical music we have today.

A graduate of both McGill and Yale – she has played on the stage of Carnegie Hall on two occasions – no small feat. Speaking of feet – she apparently plays barefoot.

This artist is on a five province tour – returns to Winnipeg for her nuptials.

Hayley Marie is a romantic who sees music as a way to tell a story – the sound if of course critical – but this isn’t a lady who stands up – plays and then sits down.

She talks and will tell you far more than you ever thought you wanted to know about some of the great composers.

May 12th at the Performing Arts Centre. 7:30 pm

This artist will play the work of Debussy, Ravel, Saint Saens,Faure, Wido rand Satie who were composing during the period Hayley Marie focuses on.

She has researched both the time frame she has chosen to focus on and the lives of the composers and tells the people who follow her all kinds of delightful gossip that she calls her Two Minute Talks

A Hayley Marie Remple Two Minute Talk

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