May 23, 2017
The Liona Boyd event, part of the Lowville Festival that runs Friday night and is heading towards a sellout.
There are still a few tickets for the two shows taking place in the tent in Lowville Park.
People can order online at Snapd Burlington or at Different Drummer, and through Bob Missen at 289-260-1109.
Show schedule:
Friday, May 26; 7:30 pm – St. George’s Parish Hall
To Canada with Love: Celebrating Canada 150, featuring Liona Boyd and the Lowville Festival Choir
Saturday, May 27; 1pm to 4pm – Lowville United Church
Free Event!
Sights and Sounds in the Escarpment in collaboration with the Art Gallery of Burlington
Sponsored by: Ontario Trillium Foundation
Saturday May 27th – 7:30pm; Lowville Park – Festival Tent
Second City Comedy Troupe: – Canada: The Thinking Man’s America
Sunday, May 28; 2pm – Lowville Park- Festival Tent
Motus O Dance Theatre’s Alice

Details on all the Lowville Festival Shows are available at our website!
Many thanks as always, for your stalwart support. Bob