Long way to go to reach 5000 signatures on the petition to put Terry Fox on the new $5 bill

News 100 blueBy Staff

December 16th, 2020



There is really nothing that exciting about the statement that set out what a Legislature wants to do.

On this case – it is important.

Terry Fox has a relationship with Burlington that is unique.  He ran through hundreds of small communities – somehow his short trip through Burlington stuck. Citizens got behind the fund raising that was done each year. Burlington was always there in a big way.

A year or two ago a group of citizens got behind the creating of a marker that stands today in Spencer Smith Park for all to see.

Now there are Canadians who want to see the image of Terry Fox on the new $5 bill that is going to be created.

CLICK HERE to add your name to the petition.

Terry Fox five dollar billTony Gabriel, a Canadian Football Great liked the idea and told Craig Gardner what he would like to see done.

Gardner put Gabriel in touch with Oakville North Burlington MO Pam Damoff who arranged to have a petition created for people to sign.

The numbers have been a little on the disappointing side.  Just over 1000 signatures so far.

Burlington can do better than that.

Slip over to the petition and ask your friends and neighbours to sign with you.

Damoff and Gabriel at marker

Tony Gabriel and Pam Damoff beside the Terry Fox marker at Spencer Smith Park.

Here is the wording behind the petition.


Terry Fox has become a national symbol and is a true hero, universally admired for his ability to remind us of the power of hope and the possibility of dreams;

His example of grit, determination and selflessness have formed the embodiment of the modern Canadian identity;

After following extensive consultation, the Bank of Canada has submitted an eight-person short list to the Minister of Finance to select the next Canadian to be featured on the five dollars bank note; and

Terry Fox is one of the eight on the shortlist.

We, the undersigned, Citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to select Terry Fox as the finalist for the next great Canadian to be honoured and featured on the back of the newly proposed five dollars bank note.

Open for signature
December 3, 2020, at 4:06 p.m. (EDT)

Closed for signature
January 2, 2021, at 4:06 p.m. (EDT)

CLICK HERE to sign the petition

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