Losing the race with grace and humility is the sign of a great candidate.

opiniongreen 100x100By Roland Tanner

October 27th, 2018



Thank you so much

On Monday night I didn’t get the result I and my team wanted to see, but I believe the results, in Ward 2 and across Burlington, were excellent ones for our city. I don’t have the slightest reservation in congratulating Lisa Kearns on an excellent campaign.

Burlington and Ward 2 voted for the things I entered the race to pursue.

A return to civility and respect for residents’ voices.

A council that doesn’t just listen, but sees engagement with citizens as the constant responsibility of every level of democratic government.

A council that will protect downtown from excessive intensification, and demand a creative approach to growth directed at creating complete communities on a human scale.

A transformational approach to better transit, walkable and cyclable communities, and infrastructure that gives us all transportation choices.

A focus on affordable and subsidized housing so our parents, children and grandchildren can afford to live and work here.

I want to thank everybody who took even the smallest role in this process for your support and your interest.

Tanner standing

Roland Tanner

Thank you for reading my emails and articles.
Thank you for taking lawn signs.
Thank you for your donations and incredible generosity.
Thank you to the volunteers, family and friends who worked harder and were more generous than I could possibly ever have expected, to reach so many doors with me, to speak to so many residents in every corner of Ward 2 and to make this campaign one I can be proud of, even though we didn’t win.

Working with you all was both a privilege and an absolute blast.

Next steps

I’m not going anywhere. A new and better council still needs residents to stay engaged. Council alone will not create a better Burlington. A large part of the responsibility still falls to us. I intend to stay involved and keep pushing for the things I care about, and the things the residents of Ward 2 and Burlington care about.

Burlington is coming of age. There is huge promise in our city as it grows and changes, while treasuring and protecting our history, heritage and special neighbourhoods. I can’t wait to be part of that future.


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4 comments to Losing the race with grace and humility is the sign of a great candidate.

  • Carie

    I have had the privilege of meeting and talking with Roland, and he is indeed a lovely, very articulate and knowledgeable gentleman. He would be a valuable representative in any Ward in the city.
    Unfortunately, had he run in Ward 5, he would have been subjected to too much criticism and narrow minded views from residents who feel a qualified candidate can only come from inside their own ward.
    I’m glad to hear Roland is continuing to stay in the forefront of municipal affairs. I hope more people will be encouraged by his fine example of respectful engagement and get involved with the future shaping of our city.

  • Mary Alice St. James

    Agreed and well said Roland.

  • Fred Crockett

    Roland, thank you for your gracious and thoughtful comments. Such language has been absent for too long in Burlington civic politics, particularly from at least 5 of the 7 members of Council, and at least 4 of the senior staff members. I understand that Merriam Webster is the reference of choice for many of the miscreants, so perhaps they may seek absolution in their research.

    You were a fine candidate, and remain an outstanding citizen. We look forward to your continuing municipal activity, and would expect nothing less from an excellent neighbour, who understands well-kept Yews….

    Cheers, FC

  • Terry

    indeed a ‘class act’.

    It is unfortunate that Roland did not run in Ward 5 where a change from the status quo was so DRAMATICALLY needed.

    Roland mentioned most of the issues that I too see as being VERY important for the future growth of Burlington but I would also add – “a council that will protect the green spaces in Burlington” – it is this greenery that seems to be consistently sucked up by big business and quarries to serve their ‘spread sheet’ profit driven mentality with little to no respect for the environment and the well-being of the community

    I hope that Roland does not lose his enthusiasm and will play an active role ‘overseeing’ council for the next 4 years until his next opportunity arises