February 19th, 2020
Adam van Koeverden, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Diversity and Inclusion and Youth and to the Minister of Canadian Heritage (Sport,) is the Member of Parliament for Milton, which includes a large part of northern Burlington.
He spoke yesterday in the Emergency Debate related to the Indigenous community protests taking place.
He said:
Madam Speaker, I sat in relative awe of a lot of people today listening to a variety of statements and perspectives. Like a lot of things, that is what makes the House great: a lot of different perspectives and opinions.
However, there is a degree to which this issue and the people involved in the project are being co-opted to reinforce multiple political narratives. One thing that is clear is that this issue severely lacks consensus. I have heard tonight conflicting reports of support from locals as disparate as the opinions in the House.

Protests across the country have impacted commercial operations and put in stark relief what the country is going to have to do to recognize and respect the rights of the Indigenous community.
We can certainly all agree, I hope, that a peaceful process and a resolution that results in no violence is in everyone’s best interests. However, the language that we have heard from the Leader of the Opposition is anything but peaceful, as he suggested that indigenous people “check their privilege”. The Leader of the Opposition doubled down on that statement today when he urged haste and force.
I am grateful that my colleagues on this side are able to learn from history and not repeat the mistakes of the past.
My question for my colleague refers to his prior role as parliamentary secretary and his important work on the Indigenous Languages Act. Could he elaborate on the value of listening, even to a small minority, to reach common ground, sometimes in the absence of consensus?

PerryB. Care to revamp your distorted interpretation about Sheers comments? He was clear and concise and our dopey Prime Minister just bought into the program.
Interesting comment from a party that has been completely tone deaf to the plights of our fellow Canadians who reside in Alberta.
What our Federal Government with regards to the blockade is a travesty. I have to wonder if Pierre Trudeau would handle this situation the way his son is.
This Liberal Government has in my opinion wasted time and money on “reconciliation” and has accomplished absolutely nothing. Mr. Trudeau has told everyone ad nauseam how sorry he his for things that happened hundreds of years ago, but that is where it begins and ends. I often wonder who is advising him. Not to include Andrew Scheer to be involved in a meeting last evening shows just what a child Justin Trudeau really is. In life you work with all people, not only those that agree with you. Where was Josy Wilson-Reybould, why was she not included in this meeting last night? I am certain she could have been an important asset in helping diffuse this situation – but once again she is not a Justin sycophant.
To hold a country hostage is not the way any Candians should be treating any other Canadians.
If Andrew Scheer has anything useful to contribute, he should do so. Sitting on the sidelines complaining, throwing partisan hand grenades and ad hominem attacks does his party no credit, nor Ms. Hersh’s.
Adam may be right on this, but a “peaceful” process that takes months to resolve will definitely not be in the best interests of people now laid off and companies hurting as a result of the blockades. The indigenous peoples are certainly special, they have special rights and receive different treatment than everybody else. The question is are so special that they can dictate what happens with the economy and decide who is out of work or not?