New owners take possession of Lakeshire Coffee House July 1st.

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

June 29th, 2018



If you’ve been to Spencer Smith Park – you’ve been to the Lakeshore Coffee House.

Hofman scooping BEST

Sue Hofman – scooping ice cream at the Lakeshore Coffee House.

If you want to say goodbye to Sue Hofman, the owner for the past five years – drop in today. She has sold the operation and is leaving for a month long holiday in Greece and then tending her garden in Aldershot when she gets back.

“I’ve been running the coffee house for five years and five months” said Hofman. “It has been a great experience – something I have always wanted to do. One more thing on my bucket list that is done”

Hofman with key - closing

Sue Hofman with the key in her hand – she will lock the door to the Lakeshore Coffee House for the last time on Saturday.

What did she like best about being a small business owner? “It was my customers – they have all been great. We got to know each other, I watched their children grow and I heard their stories.”

What didn’t she like? “The lack of parking and the winter. Business was terrible in the winter. But my regulars showed up and that made my day.”

“Parking?, this is Burlington.”

New owners take possession July 1st – wish them well.

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1 comment to New owners take possession of Lakeshire Coffee House July 1st.

  • Stephen White

    Lack of parking! Now…where have we heard this before? Oh yes, right…during the discussion around the OP, and 421 Brant Street, and the development in Aldershot on the old Solid Gold site, etc., etc. etc.

    But let’s not bother asking business owners what they need in order to manage and sustain a successful enterprise. After all, the only thing that matters is what developers, politicians and Planning Department officials think.