No sand castle contest during Children's Festival this year - expected to return in 2017

News 100 blueBy Staff

August 8th, 2016



In 2016, the city chose to discontinue the sand castles content event in the Beachway that they had been hosting since 2008.

Sand castle

Some of the sand castles done in 2015 were very complex.

The event, which had a following of its own, was initially created to bring both awareness and visitors to the Burlington beach. This highly successful, award-winning event has done just that. Now the city is looking for a new a host in the community.

The city has received an event application to host a similar event on the beach for 2017. The organizer noted that they did not feel that they had sufficient time to plan the event for 2016.

Has been

Clearly a labour of love.

So – it looks as if there will be a sand castle event on the Beachway in 2017.

Not having the event this year was perhaps a piece of good planning luck – with Lakeshore shut down completely while the road is being rebuilt and raised by about as much as a metre in some place – traffic could not have gotten to the Beachway very easily. The map below show how messy traffic is down there.


It would not have been easy to reach the Beachway Park this year if there had been a sand castle contest.

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