Operation Tag and Tow comes up with the same lousy numbers as last year - the lesson isn't getting through.

SwP thumbnail graphicBy Pepper Parr

May 6, 2015


It’s always close to the same number – something around the 35% plus number. That being the percentage of the trucks pulled over for safety inspection.

Small - click here whiteWhen more than a third of those pulled over fail the tests and 15 trucks are actually taken off the road – those roads are not safe.

Police are busy investigating and laying drug charges in the city.  Is there a serious drug problem and should there be a different approach to handling drug offences?  And who is buying the stuff?

Lots of paper work when a truck gets taken off the road – money well spent.  Get tougher.

Yesterday the Halton Regional Police Service in partnership with Peel Regional Police, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of the Environment and the Region of Halton conducted a Commercial Vehicle Safety Initiative.

The focus of the blitz was to identify vehicles that may not be properly maintained and could pose a danger on our roads.

In total 40 commercial vehicles were inspected resulting in:

• 70 provincial offence notices issued
• 15 vehicles removed from service
• 38% failure rate

Tougher crackdown on these people – raise the stakes – impound the trucks for a week. Let the carriers unload the products they are hauling and send a warning letter and a liability notice to the company that hired the truck – make it clear – this is not going to be tolerated.

The association of police chiefs are not shy when it comes to getting their message out. Get this message out – our roads are going to be safe.

car driver on the phone

When police catch this – take the car off the road and send the driver home in a cab.

Don’t get me going on the nut cases that drive with the cell phone in their hands. $2500 fine and they have to call a taxi to get home; impound the car and if there are children in it – call Child Services.

The police want anyone who kills a police officer in jail for life – that issue is important to them. Safe roads are important to the people who drive them.  Crack down

Day two of Operation Tag and Tow will take place in Oakville on May 7th, 2015.

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