By Staff
May 9th, 2018
Not quite real summer weather yet – but time perhaps to think in terms of where you want to send the kids during the summer. – summer camp?
The Port Nelson United Church operates a three week summer camp program. They are now taking registration for their 2018 GLEE Camps.

Happy Campers
2018 DATES:
Week 1:
Monday, July 9 to Friday, July 13
Week 2:
Monday, July 23 to Friday, July 27
Week 3:
Tuesday, August 7 to Friday, August 10 (a 4-day camp)
All Camps run from 9am to 3pm, Monday to Friday (except week 3 which is Tuesday to Friday), with GLEE Concerts open to the public on the Thursdays at 3pm.
The major renovations at Port Nelson Church are well underway, and we look forward to welcoming GLEE into the renovated space in 2019. However, for this year – 2018 – all GLEE Camps will be held at Wellington Square United Church, 2121 Caroline Street, Burlington.
The Friday outdoor activities and movie day will be held at the Burlington Lions Club Hall, 471 Pearl Street, Burlington (just 2 blocks from Wellington Square Church). Note that, while the location is changing, GLEE Camp remains a program of Port Nelson United Church, including registrations, staffing, and all aspects of the programming.
Claire Sweeny will once again be our Camp Director for 2018! Application information for other senior staff and counsellors will be made available in the coming weeks.
The cost of the 2018 camps will remain the same as last year: $100 per week ($80 for Week 3).
Family Registration for Glee Camp Port Nelson United Church Family Registration Log In Page, Port Nelson United Church
Online Family Registration section is now open. Register your family and save your information. You will receive an email to confirm your Family registration.
On-line camp registration began in late February for all weeks of camp on a first-come, first served basis. Registration is limited to 80 children per camp. Last year, all three camps were full, so please plan accordingly.
Light Snacks provided. Campers bring their own lunch. Camper to Counsellor ratio is 10:1. Counsellors are high school students from Port Nelson Church and our local community, supported by the Camp Director, and staff from our church.