Public Art on Traffic Control Signal Boxes

By Staff

August 4th, 2021



The public art program is continuing its annual Local Artist Program this year and has commissioned local artists who have created a variety of small to medium scale artworks throughout the community.

Hannah Brown, Have a Nice Day – Location: Walkers Line & Country Club Drive. “I decided to make my theme for this “Have a Nice Day” because years ago I would pass a bridge every day on my way to work, with some very amateur spray painted on it that said “Have a nice day”, and honestly, it made me happy to pass that every day. Living in a world with a lot of hate, fear, negativity and stress, it’s nice to find positivity in unexpected places. I want people to feel happy when they pass this, whether it’s just once, or every day during their daily routines.”

The City has just installed the designs of 12 local artists on traffic control signal boxes throughout the city.

Artists were encouraged to submit artwork that focused on inspiring and uplifting the community during these challenging times.

This artwork forms an urban art gallery that can be experienced by residents while still practicing appropriate social distancing.

Artwork Locations

Intersection of traffic control box Artist

Appleby Line & Longmoor/Pinedale Teresa Seaton

Brant Street & Baldwin/Victoria Ryan Snook

Brant Street & Ghent Avenue Clover / Akuoko-Dabankah

Drury Lane at YMCA – IPS / Heather Kuzyk

Guelph Line & Prospect Street / Nicole Clouston & Quintin Teszeri

Maple Avenue & Mapleview Centre / Holly Allerellie

Lakeshore Road & Pearl Street / Jason Diesbourg

Lakeshore Road at Lakeshore Public School / Hannah Doherty

Pinedale Avenue & Bridle Wood  / Janet Horne Cozens

Upper Middle Road & Duncaster Drive/Cavendish Drive  / Tamara Kwapich

Upper Middle Road at M.M.Robinson High School  / Cody Boucher

Walkers Line & Country Club Drive  / Hannah Brown

Cody Boucher – Location: Upper Middle Road at M.M.Robinson High School. ” My design is a collection of small fragments of my recent works, scattered together to form a single new piece. Over time I developed a prominent style I use in my hand drawn art which allows me to piece different drawings together in a “collage” style. Many of these drawings were completed during the COVID-19 pandemic as I have found myself with more downtime than usual. This has been the strange new reality we all share.”

Heather Kuzyk, Urban Life – Location: Drury Lane at YMCA – IPS “The concept of “Urban life” is a whimsical, anthropomorphic view of Burlington through the lens of indigenous fauna. Using bright, saturated pops of colour, and bold black and white subject matter, the concept is to convey four seasons in one day in a playful nod to Burlington’s diverse citizens as represented by the local wildlife population. Urban Life hopes to capture the lighter side of life in our fair city in a way that is relatable to both young and the young at heart with a gentle reminder that we are stewards of this beautiful land we call home.”

Ryan Snook – Location: Brant Street & Baldwin/Victoria. “The concept behind my work is to illustrate a vibrant, cartoon world showcasing some of best things our city has to offer. Great food, sports, The Sound of Music festival, our great libraries, and the RBG. All together on a landscape similar to our wonderful paths. The design responds to the diverse activities and people that enjoy our city and reflects them back using a cartoon world that brings out a playful nature.”

CLICK HERE to see all the installations.

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