Quarry operating looking for partners on turning the property into public space once the aggregate extraction has been completed.

News 100 yellowBy Staff

September 15th, 2020



While the reviews of the many technical documents related to the application for an extraction license to expand the existing quarry and create a new one across #2 Side Road take place, the quarry operators are moving forward on their long term plans to turn all the land over to a public authority and create one of the largest parks the Region has ever seen.

Nelson Aggregates has put out a Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEI) seeking a partner to help with the detailed design, construction and operation of a nearly 1,000-acre park in North Burlington.

This RFEI is intended to gauge market interest before determining whether to proceed to a competitive bidding process.

16 Rendering of bowl Golf club or main quarry

Tonnes of aggregate were taken out of the quarry and used to build much of the Burlington we know today. In the future that hole in the ground could become a magnificent park.

“This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to assemble a large piece of land in prime real estate for a public park,” said Nelson President Quinn Moyer. “We are inviting applications from any interested and qualified parties, be it a government, government agency, not-for-profit, conservation or other organization committed to public recreation.”

Interested parties have been invited to respond to this RFEI by October 15 by submitting a letter to Nelson that includes a brief statement of the nature of their interest in the park and any qualifications.

Organizations that submit will be notified in the event of an RFP to determine the winning candidate.

CORE graphic of quarry site

The shaded area to the left and to the south are the properties that are the xx of an extraction license. The large gray area in the middle is the current quarry that is reaching the end of its life cycle. Combined the plan is to turn all of it over to the public to be used as parkland.

“This park is a truly exciting project,” said Moyer, “one that will help Burlington and Halton grow sustainably over the next generation, and then give future generations the environmental and health benefits of a large urban park.”

The proposed park would be 5.7 times larger than Burlington’s City View Park, and would be donated to the public in stages following approval of an application to extend Nelson’s Burlington Quarry. The size and scale of the park would allow for abundant recreational opportunities, from biking and swimming to rock climbing and soccer.

Interested parties are asked to review the RFEI at merx.com.

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1 comment to Quarry operating looking for partners on turning the property into public space once the aggregate extraction has been completed.

  • L

    How many more years of extraction are left in the original quarry before we see this potential park ?

    Editor’s note: The search tool would get you that information. Basically about 30 years.