September 13, 2015
The comments section of the Gazette usually has boisterous debate – several of them write far too long but those that participate in the comments return again and again.
This came in earlier today. A reader said:
Toronto Star, on September 5, published a Home of the Week. It is located in North York, 3,300 sq. ft, 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms. with a pool, and a toboggan hill. It sold for $1,729,000.
Taxes are $5,747. I have a small, frame, 1,509 sq ft bungalow in Burlington, assessed at $709,000 which pays $14,433 (including BIA and a commercial surcharge).
Even assuming that 1/3 of my tax is commercial, my Burlington property pays almost double the rate of a North York property valued at much more than double my valuation. This is crazy.
Why should it cost over 4 times as much here as in Toronto?
Interesting question. Our reader should pull the belt in another notch – you are likely to be taxed even more next time around,
Taxes are going to go higher because Burlington has become stagnant.
The price the house sold for in North York may be very different from the assessed value. If the home was residential and assessed at $1,729,000 the taxes at their current rate would be in excess of $12,000
If your home in Burlington is residential the taxes at the current rate would be approximately $6,300. At over $14,000 you appear to be paying commercial tax rates.
With a BIA charge you are almost certainly zoned commercial.
Your councilor should be able to clarify this for you.
Why is this person paying BIA surcharges? Is the home in Toronto also paying that surcharge as well? I live in Burlington and my house is 1500 sq ft, valued less mind you, at around 550,000, but I only pay $3500 in taxes.
Their tax rates have always been on the low side City wide.
If the reader wants to pay less, he can move to North York. Make sure you get flak jackets for all your family members