Region dashboard with COVID19 data - updated daily.

News 100 redBy Staff

August 3, 2020



The Halton Public Health Unit has created a “dashboard” that gives you an instant look on what has taken place in terms of COVID19 infections.

You can access the dashboard board HERE.

Halton PHU dashboard

For a quick look at the COVID19 numbers for the Region – you can drill down to your community – the dashboard is a useful information source.

Halton’s new interactive COVID-19 dashboard provides a summary of the current local situation and incorporates core epidemiological indicators of COVID-19 activity in Halton to date. Dashboard users can explore Halton’s COVID-19 data on overall case counts, case demographics, institutional outbreaks and lab testing.

As of July 17, Halton Region Public Health is currently in the process of adopting a new provincial COVID-19 database. During this transitional period, all counts should be considered preliminary and are subject to change as information is reconciled.


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