Region issues a heat warning for Saturday - looking at at least 31 degrees Celsius - City outdoor pools shown as closed on the city web site.

Newsflash 100By Staff

September 22nd, 2017



This is truly amazing.

The Region has issued a Heat Warning for all of Halton.

As a result of extreme heat and humidity, Environment Canada has issued a Heat Warning for Halton Region starting Saturday, September 23. This warning is issued when forecast temperatures are expected to reach at least 31 degrees Celsius with overnight temperatures above 20 degrees Celsius for two days, or when a humidex of 40 or higher is expected for two days.

Will the outdoor city swimming pools be open this weekend? Notice on the city web site.

Nelson pool hours

Nelson pool

The Nelson swimming pool – looks cool – inviting too.

One would like to think that someone at city hall with some authority would be aware of the predicted hot weather and have the public outdoor pools kept open.No word from the city on that.

Call the Mayor.  Think he has a pool – invite yourself over.

Especially at risk

• older adults (over the age of 65), infants and young children, people who work and exercise in the heat, people without adequate housing and those without air conditioning

• people who have breathing difficulties, heart problems, kidney problems or take heat-sensitive medications.
Prevention tips

• stay cool

• avoid strenuous outdoor activities

• seek shade from the sun

• spend time in air-conditioned places, such as shopping malls and community centres

• drink plenty of cool liquids, especially water

• visit friends and neighbours who may be at risk and never leave people or pets in your care unattended in a car

If you or someone in your care experiences rapid breathing, headache, confusion, weakness or fainting, please seek medical attention right away.

Snow Jasper ABMeanwhile there was snow in Jasper Alberta yesterday.

This is not weather, this is climate change – something we are going to have to get used to.

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5 comments to Region issues a heat warning for Saturday – looking at at least 31 degrees Celsius – City outdoor pools shown as closed on the city web site.

  • Anna

    I’m sure closing those pools involves some time/manpower and it’s not simple to just reopen them. I can certainly understand why the city didn’t – plus even if they have lifeguards, swim lessons have started and the staff are I’m sure fully booked to administer the instructional programs.

    That said, the city should really have officially re-opened Burlington Beach! The signs about it being closed were being happily ignored by several hundred people down there today (PD day, so lots of kids splashing aroun), and the water was as nice as I’ve ever seen for Lake Ontario. Plus if anything the water level now seems somewhat lower than it was last year! Lots more beach space available for people enjoying the sun.

  • CMG

    If this climate trend continues, perhaps the city would consider keeping outdoor pools open on weekends until Thanksgiving, but my guess is staffing and insurance costs are prohibitive.

  • Sharon

    It never made much sense to me of why Mountainside and Nelson pools close on Labour Day weekend. I understand many of the lifeguards are college and university students that might go away for school but there are many that don’t (that is who staff the indoor pools) that could staff the outdoor pools until the end of September. Its a shame all the money that the City has spent on these 2 pools and all the public gets is 2 months of use.

  • Stu Parr

    Centeine – I think the Editor has a valid point. From leaf collection when the leaves are still on the trees and no collection when they are knee deep on the ground to closed pools when the abnormal (?) temps would merit that they be operational, the City bureaucracy has proven that it has difficulty dealing with conditions that are not thoroughly predictable but have, indeed, become the “new normal”. A modern Civil Service is not only proactive, it is adaptable, creative and responsive. We really are not getting the quality that we are paying for with our municipal staff – pity. Perhaps Mr. Ridge could allocate some of his $600 k. project management software allocation to track climate change or at least recognize that it requires something more than a scripted solution. Forgive me if I don’t join you in applauding reopening the “splash pads”.

    Disclaimer: I am no relation to Pepper Parr (got there before you Pepper).

  • centeine

    Obviously the Editor has no clue in how to operate a 50 meter pool. You just don’t flick a switch and Ouila instantly opened pool thats safe for the public to use.
    Even the Editor has to admit that this weather streak is abnormal for late September.
    Maybe he can focus on landlords that have to turn the heat on by September 15th instead.
    The City to its credit has reopened the splash pads and there’s always the indoor pools.