Regional government is staffed and ready to go the minute vaccines arrive - the concern is that the Covid variants will get here first.

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

February 17th, 2021



During an in depth meeting at which Dr Hamidah Meghani and Halton Region CAO Jane McCaskill took Regional Council through where things were with the current Covid infection rate and the plans to begin immunizing residents, we learned that Dr. Meghani was concerned, she actually said “startled, when she saw an early version of a report that will be made public on Friday about the rate at which the COVID19 variants are growing out in the community.

Covid cases to date

The lock down we just came out of worked – the number of infections has been much lower – many think it should have been even lower before ending the lockdown.

She said on more than one occasion that she could see a possible third wave, using the word “likely”.

Regional Councillors got a solid briefing with Chair Gary Carr saying that the problem Halton is going to have is not enough in the way of supply to do the job that has to be done if we are to get ahead of the virus.

COVID org structure

A very sophisticated and well staffed Regional Vaccine Committee is in place – everyone is just waiting for the arrival of the vaccines.

Sometime in January Chair Carr and Burlington Mayor Meed Ward were on to the province demanding that they  deliver on what had been promised so that the Region could vaccinate the people in Long Term Care Centres.  Hot spots in Toronto got what was supposed to come to Halton.

Watching Gary Carr when he is angry is not a pretty picture.

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