January 28th, 2020
Senior public officials around the world are going public and doing their best to assure people that the coronavirus is under control when it isn’t but we do know that huge efforts are being made to get it under control.
Public confidence comes from public leaders – which appear to be in short supply at the Regional level.
The Gazette was in touch with one of the Regional communications advisers on the payroll arranging to interview the Medical Officer of Health (MOH) Dr. Meghani.
She was unavailable. We will come back to that.
We were asked what we wanted to talk to the good Dr. about (Huh!)
The communications adviser was typing most of what we said and sent us the following:
1. Is Halton Region Public Health working with the school board to issue communications to parents? What information will be shared with parents?
• Halton Region Public Health has been in communication with local school boards. We are continuing to work closely with superintendents to ensure that school administrators and families have up-to-date and accurate information.
2. Is coronavirus a public health concern in Halton?
• Halton Region Public Health is coordinating with local hospitals and communicating with key community partners such as physicians, long-term care homes and local school boards. We continue to work closely with provincial and local health counterparts to monitor the situation and assess potential health risk.
• While the risk to individuals in Ontario remains low, residents are encouraged to tell their health care provider if they have travelled to an affected area of China, and develop flu-like symptoms.
3. What should Halton residents know about coronavirus?
• Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that can cause symptoms similar to the common cold, but in some cases can cause severe respiratory illness.
• The best way to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, such as coronavirus is to:
• stay home if you are ill;
• cover coughs and sneezes with your sleeve;
• wash your hands with soap and water or with alcohol-based hand rub; and
• clean and disinfect objects and surfaces.
• Symptoms of 2019-nCoV infection include fever, cough and breathing difficulties. If anyone has these symptoms AND has travelled to Wuhan, China in the 14 days prior to illness onset, OR has had close contact with a person who is suspected or confirmed as having novel coronavirus infection, they should contact Halton Region Public Health immediately by calling 311, 905-825-6000 or toll free at 1-866-442-5866.
• While the risk to individuals in Ontario remains low, residents are encouraged to tell their health care provider if they have travelled to an affected area of China, and develop flu-like symptoms.
Confidence in the leadership is critical when there is concern, fear, edginess about an issue. One can’t but know that there is a serious problem. A large part of China is in lock-down and we know that this virus is spreading.
People want to know what is being done to protect them; a memo doesn’t really cut it. The MOH can do better.
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The MOH knew how to communicate in the past.
MOH also refused to meet with us to review city hall fall issues ….. hand deivered invite and no response….. yes Halton MOH can do better but will they in our next crisis….